Saturday, January 27, 2024

Shloka 76- Sri Varadarajastava

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संवर्तजृम्भितविकर्तनदुर्निरीक्षं पश्यामि दक्षिणकरे तव चक्रराजम् ।
दैत्यौघ सिन्धुपतिमन्थमहाचलस्य बाहोः प्रतापघनमिद्धमिवोद्गतं ते ॥७६॥

T: The triumphant glow of the sun during the final dissolution is seen in the Cakra dazzling in Your right hand, and I see it to be the substantiation of the might of your arm that was deployed as the Mandara mountain to quell the evil Asuras during the churning of the Milky Ocean. 

Explanation: The scriptures state that the sun relentlessly scorches all the worlds during the final dissolution. Mortal eyes cannot bear to look at such a sun. The Cakra held aloft in the Lord's right hand is equally fiercely radiant. His hand becomes the Mandra mountain to bring down the Asura enemies during the churning of the Milky Ocean. The poet states that the Cakra has been created out of that mighty hand in his Utprekṣā.