Sunday, April 30, 2023

Arya Samaj

Samskrita Bharati Halasuru @AryaSamajIndira Indira nagar
Attended a fine celebration of Samskritam today at CMH Road Arya Samaj. After Havan, the students of Sambhashana Shibira presented many interesting programmes in Sanskrit.

The motto of Arya Samaj is
कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्

It is from the Rigveda 9.63.5

I give you the authentic translation (source:

kṛṇvanto < kṛṇvantaḥ < kṛ
[verb noun], nominative, plural

“make; perform; cause; produce; shape; construct; do; put; fill into; use; fuel; transform; bore; act; write; create; prepare; administer; dig; prepare; treat; take effect; add; trace; put on; process; treat; heed; hire; act; produce; assume; eat; ignite; chop; treat; obey; manufacture; appoint; evacuate; choose; understand; insert; happen; envelop; weigh; observe; practice; lend; bring; duplicate; plant; kṛ; concentrate; mix; knot; join; take; provide; utter; compose.”

viśvam < viśva
[noun], accusative, singular, neuter

“all(a); whole; complete; each(a); viśva [word]; completely; wholly.”

āryam < ārya
[noun], accusative, singular, neuter

“noble; noble; Indo-European; ārya [word]; honorable; noble.”

Srimad Bhagavatam X a.20 - 30 April 2023

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

30 April 2023, Sunday - X a.30 - The Gopis' anguish and impassioned plea to Sri Krishna after his disappearance.

श्रीशुक उवाच
अन्तर्हिते भगवति सहसैव व्रजाङ्गनाः । अतप्यंस्तमचक्षाणाः करिण्य इव यूथपम् ॥
गत्यानुरागस्मितविभ्रमेक्षितैर्मनोरमालापविहारविभ्रमैः ।
आक्षिप्तचित्ताः प्रमदा रमापतेस्तास्ता विचेष्टा जगृहुस्तदात्मिकाः ॥ 
Shuka's narration:
T: Like she-elephants when abandoned by their male tusker, the Gopis were distraught when their beloved Sri Krishna disappeared suddenly. Lost in his mesmerising love, they had become identified with the Lord of Sri Lakshmi and began behaving as if possessed by him.

गतिस्मितप्रेक्षणभाषणादिषु प्रियाः प्रियस्य प्रतिरूढमूर्तयः ।
असावहं त्वित्यबलास्तदात्मिकान्यवेदिषुः कृष्णविहारविभ्रमाः ॥ 
गायन्त्य उच्चैरमुमेव संहता विचिक्युरुन्मत्तकवद्वनाद्वनम् ।
पप्रच्छुराकाशवदन्तरं बहिर्भूतेषु सन्तं पुरुषं वनस्पतीन् ॥
T: In gait, glance, smile, speech, the Gopis became personifications of their beloved, and wandered from one section of the forest to another, desperately looking for him. Singing of Sri Krishna, looking intoxicated, they cried out for him, questioning every tree and creeper. The wonder of wonders! Bhagavan dwells inviolably in everyone's innermost being, but they search for him outside!

दृष्टो वः कच्चिदश्वत्थ प्लक्ष न्यग्रोध नो मनः । नन्दसूनुर्गतो हृत्वा प्रेमहासावलोकनैः ॥ 
कच्चित्कुरबकाशोकनागपुन्नागचम्पकाः । रामानुजो मानिनीनामितो दर्पहरस्मितः ॥
कच्चित्तुलसि कल्याणि गोविन्दचरणप्रिये । सह त्वालिकुलैर्बिभ्रद्दृष्टस्तेऽतिप्रियोऽच्युतः ॥ 
मालत्यदर्शि वः कच्चिन्मल्लिके जाति यूथिके । प्रीतिं वो जनयन् यातः करस्पर्शेन माधवः ॥ 
चूतप्रियालपनसासनकोविदारजम्ब्वर्कबिल्वबकुलाम्रकदम्बनीपाः ।
येऽन्ये परार्थभवका यमुनोपकूलाः शंसन्तु कृष्णपदवीं रहितात्मनां नः ॥ 
किं ते कृतं क्षिति तपो बत केशवाङ्घ्रिस्पर्शोत्सवोत्पुलकिताङ्गरुहैर्विभासि ।
अप्यङ्घ्रिसम्भव उरुक्रमविक्रमाद्वा आहो वराहवपुषः परिरम्भणेन ॥ 
T: One by one, they pleaded with each tree, naming her or him (eg Tulasi was female, Champak was male and so on), crying out, "Have you seen our beloved Skri Krishna, who has stolen our hearts, please!? Tulasi, people cherish you as you have been lovingly caressed by him! Oh Mother Earth, blessed by the touch of his feet, we can see your horripilation through these creepers and plants in joy. You must have done great Tapas for this blessing. He lifted you as Varaha, he measured you as Vamana! Pray, tell us, where did Krishna go?"

अप्येणपत्न्युपगतः प्रिययेह गात्रैस्तन्वन् दृशां सखि सुनिर्वृतिमच्युतो वः ।
कान्ताङ्गसङ्गकुचकुङ्कुमरञ्जितायाः कुन्दस्रजः कुलपतेरिह वाति गन्धः ॥ 
बाहुं प्रियांस उपधाय गृहीतपद्मो रामानुजस्तुलसिकालिकुलैर्मदान्धैः ।
अन्वीयमान इह वस्तरवः प्रणामं किं वाभिनन्दति चरन् प्रणयावलोकैः ॥ 
पृच्छतेमा लता बाहूनप्याश्लिष्टा वनस्पतेः । नूनं तत्करजस्पृष्टा बिभ्रत्युत्पुलकान्यहो ॥ 
T: 'Oh, dear tender grass, have you seen Krishna pass here? We can smell the fragrance of mallika flowers on Krishna's breast which was coloured with our vermilion marks from our embraces! Did you see him just now? Oh, bees, you are following him with his nectarine fragrance. Where is he gone?"

इत्युन्मत्तवचो गोप्यः कृष्णान्वेषणकातराः । लीला भगवतस्तास्ता ह्यनुचक्रुस्तदात्मिकाः ॥
T: Thus went on the Gopis, maddened in his love, and desperately searching for him, and began to play-act Krishna the beloved for one another.
कस्याश्चित्पूतनायन्त्याः कृष्णायन्त्यपिबत्स्तनम् । तोकायित्वा रुदत्यन्या पदाहन् शकटायतीम् ॥ 
दैत्यायित्वा जहारान्यामेका कृष्णार्भभावनाम् । रिङ्गयामास काप्यङ्घ्री कर्षन्ती घोषनिःस्वनैः ॥ 
कृष्णरामायिते द्वे तु गोपायन्त्यश्च काश्चन । वत्सायतीं हन्ति चान्या तत्रैका तु बकायतीम् ॥ 
आहूय दूरगा यद्वत्कृष्णस्तमनुकुर्वतीम् । वेणुं क्वणन्तीं क्रीडन्तीमन्याः शंसन्ति साध्विति ॥ 
कस्याञ्चित्स्वभुजं न्यस्य चलन्त्याहापरा ननु । कृष्णोऽहं पश्यत गतिं ललितामिति तन्मनाः ॥ 
मा भैष्ट वातवर्षाभ्यां तत्त्राणं विहितं मया । इत्युक्त्वैकेन हस्तेन यतन्त्युन्निदधेऽम्बरम् ॥ 
T: One became Putana as another suckled at her breast as baby Krishna, and one became the baby who kicked Shakata's cart. One broke down Trinavarta the whirlwind, and one played Yashoda chasing baby Krishna running away with tinkling anklets. One became Krishna playing the flute and tending the cows, and one vanquished Baka. Another dealt with Agha, a third became Krishna playfully carrying away a Gopi and running. One became Krishna who lifted the Govardhana, calming down all the Vraja citizens and asking them not to panic. 

आरुह्यैका पदाऽऽक्रम्य शिरस्याहापरां नृप । दुष्टाहे गच्छ जातोऽहं खलानां ननु दण्डधृक् ॥ 
तत्रैकोवाच हे गोपा दावाग्निं पश्यतोल्बणम् । चक्षूंष्याश्वपिदध्वं वो विधास्ये क्षेममञ्जसा ॥ 
(बद्धान्यया स्रजा काचित्तन्वी तत्र उलूखले ।) बध्नामि भाण्डभेत्तारं हैयङ्गवमुषं त्विति ।
भीता सुदृक् पिधायास्यं भेजे भीतिविडम्बनम् ॥ 
T: One became the deadly Kaliya as another trod on her and danced like Krishna, assuring all around the Yamuna of safety. One put out the forest fire, saving all the cowherds and cattle. One acted as the scared baby Krishna tied to the pestle stone by an angry mother.

एवं कृष्णं पृच्छमाना वृन्दावनलतास्तरून् । व्यचक्षत वनोद्देशे पदानि परमात्मनः ॥ 
पदानि व्यक्तमेतानि नन्दसूनोर्महात्मनः । लक्ष्यन्ते हि ध्वजाम्भोजवज्राङ्कुशयवादिभिः ॥
तैस्तैः पदैस्तत्पदवीमन्विच्छन्त्योऽग्रतोऽबलाः । वध्वाः पदैः सुपृक्तानि विलोक्यार्ताः समब्रुवन् ॥
कस्याः पदानि चैतानि याताया नन्दसूनुना । अंसन्यस्तप्रकोष्ठायाः करेणोः करिणा यथा ॥ 
अनयाऽऽराधितो नूनं भगवान् हरिरीश्वरः । यन्नो विहाय गोविन्दः प्रीतो यामनयद्रहः ॥ 
धन्या अहो अमी आल्यो गोविन्दाङ्घ्र्यब्जरेणवः । यान् ब्रह्मेशौ रमादेवी दधुर्मूर्ध्न्यघनुत्तये ॥ 
तस्या अमूनि नः क्षोभं कुर्वन्त्युच्चैः पदानि यत् । यैकापहृत्य गोपीनां रहो भुङ्क्तेऽच्युताधरम् ॥ 
T: The Gopis were constantly asking each tree and bush if they had seen Sri Krishna pass. Suddenly someone spotted Sri Krishna's footprint! "Oh, look, this is Sri Krishna's footprint, it has the insignia of Chakra, Shankha, Lotus and so on! But then what is this? We see another set of footprints - that of a Gopi, eloping with Sri Krishna! Oh, how lucky she must be, making her escapade as a happy she-elephant with the make-tusker! She must have been special in her love to win him over! Brahma and Shiva worship the dust of Sri Krishna's feet. And Sri Krishna is giving her the pleasure of his private company! Wow! We are now unbearably jealous of this Gopi!!! " 

न लक्ष्यन्ते पदान्यत्र तस्या नूनं तृणाङ्कुरैः । खिद्यत्सुजाताङ्घ्रितलामुन्निन्ये प्रेयसीं प्रियः ॥
इमान्यधिकमग्नानि पदानि वहतो वधूम् । गोप्यः पश्यत कृष्णस्य भाराक्रान्तस्य कामिनः ॥ 
अत्रावरोपिता कान्ता पुष्पहेतोर्महात्मना । अत्र प्रसूनावचयः प्रियार्थे प्रेयसा कृतः ।
प्रपदाक्रमणे एते पश्यतासकले पदे ॥ 
केशप्रसाधनं त्वत्र कामिन्याः कामिना कृतम् । तानि चूडयता कान्तामुपविष्टमिह ध्रुवम् ॥ 
रेमे तया चात्मरत आत्मारामोऽप्यखण्डितः । कामिनां दर्शयन् दैन्यं स्त्रीणां चैव दुरात्मताम् ॥ 
T: 'Ha Ha! See here... the Gopi's footprints are missing. She must have tired and Sri Krishna would have lifted her up on to his shoulders! See how deep are his footprints, bearing that extra weight! And here, see his tip toes has he has stopped to pluck lovely flowers to decorate his beloved's hair. We can see it all!"

इत्येवं दर्शयन्त्यस्ताश्चेरुर्गोप्यो विचेतसः । यां गोपीमनयत्कृष्णो विहायान्याः स्त्रियो वने ॥ 
सा च मेने तदाऽऽत्मानं वरिष्ठं सर्वयोषिताम् । हित्वा गोपीः कामयाना मामसौ भजते प्रियः ॥ 
ततो गत्वा वनोद्देशं दृप्ता केशवमब्रवीत् । न पारयेऽहं चलितुं नय मां यत्र ते मनः ॥ 
एवमुक्तः प्रियामाह स्कन्ध आरुह्यतामिति । ततश्चान्तर्दधे कृष्णः सा वधूरन्वतप्यत ॥ 
हा नाथ रमण प्रेष्ठ क्वासि क्वासि महाभुज । दास्यास्ते कृपणाया मे सखे दर्शय सन्निधिम् ॥
T: Shuka says: Yes. Indeed, there was this one, the luckiest of Gopis to have won Sri Krishna's private company,. She became so proud of her position! She even began to dictate to Sri Krishna what he should do to serve her -something even Brahma and Shiva had never attempted! She told Sri Krishna, "My Lord, sorry, I am so tired. Please lift me up! Carry me please!" As She was carried thus, suddenly Sri Krishna disappeared, and the Gopi fell down with a thud! Ayyo! She cried out, "Oh my dear! oh, my beloved! Where are you, the one with such mighty shoulders, my lord? Please be kind to me, I am your slave, dearest! Show yourself to me!"

अन्विच्छन्त्यो भगवतो मार्गं गोप्योऽविदूरितः । ददृशुः प्रियविश्लेषमोहितां दुःखितां सखीम् ॥ 
तया कथितमाकर्ण्य मानप्राप्तिं च माधवात् । अवमानं च दौरात्म्याद्विस्मयं परमं ययुः ॥ 
ततोऽविशन् वनं चन्द्रज्योत्स्ना यावद्विभाव्यते । तमः प्रविष्टमालक्ष्य ततो निववृतुः स्त्रियः ॥ 
तन्मनस्कास्तदालापास्तद्विचेष्टास्तदात्मिकाः । तद्गुणानेव गायन्त्यो नात्मागाराणि सस्मरुः ॥ 
पुनः पुलिनमागत्य कालिन्द्याः कृष्णभावनाः । समवेता जगुः कृष्णं तदागमनकाङ्क्षिताः ॥ 
T: The Gopis spotted this sobbing lover of Sri Krishna, left behind by him. They heard her story of his special love for her, how she became proud, and how she had now lost him. Oh, how sad she was! This whole phenomenon was most astonishing to the Gopis. 

The Gopis had wandered everywhere in the forest, looking in vain for their heartthrob. They had nothing else in their beings - mind and body, except the love and grief of losing Sri Krishna. They now came back to the sandy bank of the Yamuna and began to speak to one another. What followed was the Gopika Geeta, the songs of love sung by the Gopis.


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Srimad Bhagavatam X a. Raasa Leela - 29 April 2023

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

April 29, 2023 Saturday - Today let us just meditate on the Raasa Leela. 

I have shared here two videos. One is of the award-winning Phad style cloth painting done by Rajasthan master craftsmen depicting in intricate detail the magnitude and magnanimity of Bhagavan Sri Krishna's Raasa Leela. The video is made from our  wall with music takenfrom Radha Krishna serial promo. 

The second video embedded is from the remarkable dance presentation by students of Smt. Anita Guha. It is available on Youtube. 

We shall read the 30th Adhyaya tomorrow! 


Friday, April 28, 2023

Srimad Bhagavatam X a.29 Part 3 - 28 April 2023

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

28 April 2023Thursday X a.29 Part 3 Raasa Leela - The Gopis make an impassioned plea to Sri Krishna. Raasa Leela begins.
You can listen to the recitation and read along:

The recitation reflects the anxiety and intensity in the plea of Gopis as they responded to Bhagavan Sri Krishna's advice to them to go home. 

गोप्य ऊचुः
मैवं विभोऽर्हति भवान् गदितुं नृशंसं सन्त्यज्य सर्वविषयांस्तवपादमूलम् ।
भक्ता भजस्व दुरवग्रह मा त्यजास्मान्देवो यथाऽऽदिपुरुषो भजते मुमुक्षून् ॥
T: The Gopis spoke: "Come on, Krishna! You should not speak so hearshly to us, who have come to you casting aside our all! Don't be stubborn, please! Should you not have mercy on us, your loved ones, just as Bhagavan loves and cares for His devotees aspiring for liberation?"

यत्पत्यपत्यसुहृदामनुवृत्तिरङ्ग स्त्रीणां स्वधर्म इति धर्मविदा त्वयोक्तम् ।
अस्त्वेवमेतदुपदेशपदे त्वयीशे प्रेष्ठो भवांस्तनुभृतां किल बन्धुरात्मा ॥ 
T: "This advice you gave us that women should devote themselves to husbands, children and such, speaking like an expert in Dharma, keep it to yourself please! What we know is that Bhagavan is everything and all relationships and duties are subordinate to serving the Lord, because You are the innermost Self of all living beings!"

कुर्वन्ति हि त्वयि रतिं कुशलाः स्व आत्मन्नित्यप्रिये पतिसुतादिभिरार्तिदैः किम् ।
तन्नः प्रसीद परमेश्वर मा स्म छिन्द्या आशां धृतां त्वयि चिरादरविन्दनेत्र ॥
T: "Indeed, even the liberation-aspirants, who meditate, only devote themselves to You as their Self! As such, husbands and children etc.  are only sources of misery as they are worldly attachments. So dearest, Lord, Lotus-eyed one! Please don't tear down our lovelorn hopes long-cherished for You!"

चित्तं सुखेन भवतापहृतं गृहेषु यन्निर्विशत्युत करावपि गृह्यकृत्ये ।
पादौ पदं न चलतस्तव पादमूलाद्यामः कथं व्रजमथो करवाम किं वा ॥ 
T: "Till today, were we not engaged in our household duties!? It was You, oh Lord, who stole our hearts and tore us away from our homes! Now our feet won't move even one step away from Your lotus-feet, oh Lord! So how can we go away!?"

सिञ्चाङ्ग नस्त्वदधरामृतपूरकेण हासावलोककलगीतजहृच्छयाग्निम् ।
नो चेद्वयं विरहजाग्न्युपयुक्तदेहा ध्यानेन याम पदयोः पदवीं सखे ते ॥
T: "Dearest, with the nectar from Your lips, with Your smiling glances, with Your lovely flute songs, please quench the burning desire in your hearts. Otherwise, our option will be that with that same fire of desire, we immolate (give up) our bodies and merge with You in meditation."

यर्ह्यम्बुजाक्ष तव पादतलं रमाया दत्तक्षणं क्वचिदरण्यजनप्रियस्य ।
अस्प्राक्ष्म तत्प्रभृति नान्यसमक्षमङ्ग स्थातुं त्वयाभिरमिता बत पारयामः ॥ 
T: "Dear Lotus-eyed one! Even Sri Lakshmi gets only occasional opportunities to touch Your feet! But You have graced this forest and us dwellers of Vrindavan with the opportunity to serve You and touch Your feet! Do You then think we will go elsewhere or to other people!?"

श्रीर्यत्पदाम्बुजरजश्चकमे तुलस्या लब्ध्वापि वक्षसि पदं किल भृत्यजुष्टम् ।
यस्याः स्ववीक्षणकृतेऽन्यसुरप्रयासः तद्वद्वयं च तव पादरजः प्रपन्नाः ॥ 
T: "Consider this. Devi Lakshmi is enshrined as Srivasta in Your chest. But still she covets to serve the dust of Your feet, even if it means sharing it with Devi Tulasi (her rival) and other devotees. And this is the same Lakshmi whose very glance is craved for by even the gods, as it confers prosperity! So why not we seek Your feet, oh Lord!?"

तन्नः प्रसीद वृजिनार्दन तेऽङ्घ्रिमूलं प्राप्ता विसृज्य वसतीस्त्वदुपासनाशाः ।
त्वत्सुन्दरस्मितनिरीक्षणतीव्रकामतप्तात्मनां पुरुषभूषण देहि दास्यम् ॥
T: "Therefore, oh, dearest Lord with the reputation of wiping out Your devotees' distress, give us the pleasure of touching Your feet; we have given up everything else. Our burning love and hankering for Your love needs to be satisfied with Your bewitching glances, Oh Supreme among desirable men! make us Your slaves!"

वीक्ष्यालकावृतमुखं तव कुण्डलश्रीगण्डस्थलाधरसुधं हसितावलोकम् ।
दत्ताभयं च भुजदण्डयुगं विलोक्य वक्षःश्रियैकरमणं च भवाम दास्यः ॥
T: "All that we want is to be Your servants, glancing at Your lovely locks of hair covering Your face sometimes, Your ear-ornaments dancing on Your lovely cheeks, Your nectarine lips, Your loving glances, Your mighty arms that grant fearlessness to us, and the mark of Sri Lakshmi adroning Your chest!"

का स्त्र्यङ्ग ते कलपदायतमूर्च्छितेन सम्मोहिताऽऽर्यचरितान्न चलेत्त्रिलोक्याम् ।
त्रैलोक्यसौभगमिदं च निरीक्ष्य रूपं यद्गोद्विजद्रुममृगाः पुलकान्यबिभ्रन् ॥
T: "Dearest! Is there a woman who can resist the pull of the music from Your flute filled with Your betwitching tunes? Who can keep in mind the social norms of conduct when thus obsessed with Your mesmerising beauty!? Your form confers grace on all the three worlds, Bhagavan! Indeed, just notice how even the cows, birds, deer, and trees are evidently thrilled by You!"

व्यक्तं भवान् व्रजभयार्तिहरोऽभिजातो देवो यथाऽऽदिपुरुषः सुरलोकगोप्ता ।
तन्नो निधेहि करपङ्कजमार्तबन्धो तप्तस्तनेषु च शिरःसु च किङ्करीणाम् ॥
T: "Bhagavan! You, the Supreme Primeval Being taking care of even the gods, have incarnated here amidst us for dispelling the dangers faced by Vraja. Therefore, Dearest, place Your lotus hand on our love-inflamed bosoms, and our disconsolate heads, for we are Your abject servants!"

श्रीशुक उवाच
इति विक्लवितं तासां श्रुत्वा योगेश्वरेश्वरः । प्रहस्य सदयंगोपीरात्मारामोऽप्यरीरमत् ॥
ताभिः समेताभिरुदारचेष्टितः प्रियेक्षणोत्फुल्लमुखीभिरच्युतः ।
उदारहासद्विजकुन्ददीधतिर्व्यरोचतैणाङ्क इवोडुभिर्वृतः ॥ 
उपगीयमान उद्गायन् वनिताशतयूथपः । मालां बिभ्रद्वैजयन्तीं व्यचरन्मण्डयन् वनम् ॥
नद्याः पुलिनमाविश्य गोपीभिर्हिमवालुकम् । रेमे तत्तरलानन्दकुमुदामोदवायुना ॥
बाहुप्रसारपरिरम्भकरालकोरुनीवीस्तनालभननर्मनखाग्रपातैः ।
क्ष्वेल्यावलोकहसितैर्व्रजसुन्दरीणामुत्तम्भयन् रतिपतिं रमयाञ्चकार ॥
एवं भगवतः कृष्णाल्लब्धमाना महात्मनः । आत्मानं मेनिरे स्त्रीणां मानिन्योऽभ्यधिकं भुवि ॥ 
तासां तत्सौभगमदं वीक्ष्य मानं च केशवः । प्रशमाय प्रसादाय तत्रैवान्तरधीयत ॥ 
T: Sage Shuka said: "Smiling upon hearing these despondent words from the Gopis, Sri Krishna, the Supreme Lord of all masters of Yoga (those who have overcome the Gunas), most graciously sported with the Gopis, despite His being self-complete with no craving. Surrounded by the assembled Gopis, Sri Krishna, who could never fail in his mission, appeared just like the moon surrounded by stars. Sri Krishna, who embodied magnanimity, made their faces blossom with His affectionate glances, and His broad smiles revealed the effulgence of His jasmine-bud-like teeth. As the Gopis sang His praises, the one surrounded by hundreds of women sang resonantly in reply. He moved among them, wearing His Vaijayanti garland, beautifying the Vrindavan forest."
"Sri Krishna went with the Gopis to the bank of the Yamuna, where the sand was cool and the wind, enlivened by the river’s waves, bore the fragrance of lotuses. There, Sri Krishna threw His arms around the Gopis and embraced them. He aroused Cupid in the beautiful young ladies of Vraja by touching their hands, hair, thighs, waists and breasts; by playfully scratching them with His fingernails; and also by joking with them, glancing at them and laughing with them. In this way, the Lord enjoyed His pastimes."

"The Gopis now became proud of themselves for having received such special attention from Sri Krishna, Bhagavan Himself! Each of them thought of herself as the best woman on earth. Lord Keshava, seeing the Gopis too proud of their good fortune, wanted to relieve them of this pride and show them further compassion. Therefore He suddenly disappeared!"


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Srimad Bhagavatam X a.29 Part 2 - 27 April 2023

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

27 April 2023 Thursday X a.29 Part 2 Raasa Leela - Sri Krishna advises the Gopis to go home.


ता दृष्ट्वान्तिकमायाता भगवान् व्रजयोषितः । अवदद्वदतां श्रेष्ठो वाचः पेशैर्विमोहयन् ॥ 
T: Standing in the middle of the Vrindavan garden, Bhagavan saw all the Gopis of Vraja who had arrived there. Being a master of speech, Sri Krishna addressed them thus, as they were looking upon his captivating form.

स्वागतं वो महाभागाः प्रियं किं करवाणि वः । व्रजस्यानामयं कच्चिद्ब्रूतागमनकारणम् ॥ 
रजन्येषा घोररूपा घोरसत्त्वनिषेविता । प्रतियात व्रजं नेह स्थेयं स्त्रीभिः सुमध्यमाः ॥ 
मातरः पितरः पुत्रा भ्रातरः पतयश्च वः ।विचिन्वन्ति ह्यपश्यन्तो मा कृढ्वं बन्धुसाध्वसम् ॥ 
दृष्टं वनं कुसुमितं राकेशकररञ्जितम् । यमुनानिललीलैजत्तरुपल्लवशोभितम् ॥ 
तद्यात मा चिरं गोष्ठं शुश्रूषध्वं पतीन् सतीः । क्रन्दन्ति वत्सा बालाश्च तान्पाययत दुह्यत ॥ 
अथ वा मदभिस्नेहाद्भवत्यो यन्त्रिताशयाः । आगता ह्युपपन्नं वः प्रीयन्ते मयि जन्तवः ॥ 
भर्तुः शुश्रूषणं स्त्रीणां परो धर्मो ह्यमायया । तद्बन्धूनां च कल्याण्यः प्रजानां चानुपोषणम् ॥ 
दुःशीलो दुर्भगो वृद्धो जडो रोग्यधनोऽपि वा । पतिः स्त्रीभिर्न हातव्यो लोकेप्सुभिरपातकी ॥
अस्वर्ग्यमयशस्यं च फल्गु कृच्छ्रं भयावहम् । जुगुप्सितं च सर्वत्र औपपत्यं कुलस्त्रियाः ॥ 
श्रवणाद्दर्शनाद्ध्यानान्मयि भावोऽनुकीर्तनात् । न तथा सन्निकर्षेण प्रतियात ततो गृहान् ॥ 
T: Bhagavan said:
"Oh. great ladies, welcome. What can I do for you please? I do hope all is well back in Vraja, and no one has taken ill. So what brings you all here?

 By the way, at this time of the night, this dark forest, inhabited by wild animals, is unsafe for you all beautiful ladies. Please go back at once. Also, your mothers, fathers. sons, brothers, and husbands would be concerned about your disaapearance! Don't please make them frantic.

If, however, you have come to enjoy Vrindavan, you have now feasted your eyes on the flowery garden, lit by the reddish moon, and the cool breeze of the Yamuna that makes the trees with their lovely leaves and creepers sway in joy. That's fine and so you should leave at once for your homes. Take care of your cows and serve your husbands. Your children must be crying for milk, go feed them. 

However, if you have come seeking my company out of your great affection for me, I understand your natural feelings of affection towards me which are expressed by all beings! 

 On the other hand, consider this. Your foremost responsibility is to serve your husbands, without any falsity, taking care of your family's welfare, and nurturing your children. Other than a terrible sinner, no husband shall be deserted by his wife, even if he is a bad character, poor, unlucky, old, infirm, or sick! It is so because any woman of good social standing who has strayed to any man other than her husband gets only infamy, a hellish future, fear, adversity and condemnation everywhere.

Merely listening to my stories, seeing me even with your mind's eye. meditating on me, developing great love for me, singing my glories, all this will bring you closer to me better than seeking physical proximity. Kindly, therefore, all of you - go back to your homes!"

श्रीशुक उवाच
इति विप्रियमाकर्ण्य गोप्यो गोविन्दभाषितम् ।विषण्णा भग्नसङ्कल्पाश्चिन्तामापुर्दुरत्ययाम् ॥
T: Sage Shuka continued: After hearing these most unpleasant words from Sri Krishna, the Gopis grew pale. Their desire to be with him seemed dashed. They were plunged into intractable despondency.

कृत्वा मुखान्यव शुचः श्वसनेन शुष्यद्बिम्बाधराणि चरणेन भुवं लिखन्त्यः ।
अस्रैरुपात्तमषिभिः कुचकुङ्कुमानि तस्थुर्मृजन्त्य उरुदुःखभराः स्म तूष्णीम् ॥ 
प्रेष्ठं प्रियेतरमिव प्रतिभाषमाणं कृष्णं तदर्थविनिवर्तितसर्वकामाः ।
नेत्रे विमृज्य रुदितोपहते स्म किञ्चित् संरम्भगद्गदगिरोऽब्रुवतानुरक्ताः ॥
T: Casting their faces down,  desperately exhaling hot air that dried up their luscious lips, scratching the earth listlessly with their toenails,  with tears streaming from their eyes bringing the smudge of collyrium to their vermilion-smeared bosoms, they stood silently. What they had heard was so different from what they wanted to hear from Sri Krishna, it was so unpleasant. They pondered their lot, having forsaken their all to be here with him. With difficulty, they wiped their eyes and found the strength somewhat to reply to Sri Krishna, their beloved, in words full of hesitancy.


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Srimad Bhagavatam X a.29 Part 1 - 26 April 2023

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

26 April 2023 Wednesday X a.29 Part 1- Raasa Leela - the beginning.

We are entering the most passionate and stirring portion of Sri Krishna Leela. The Paramatman, Ishwara, Bhagavan, has taken birth in a human form of divine power and beauty. He is accessible to everyone equally. He is showering his love on the fortunate residents of Vraja. He has a very very special relationship with the Gopis!

In Sanatana Dharma, what is stressed is that the summum bonum of life is Union with the Supreme Reality. In the Gita, Bhagavan makes it clear that one can do this by meditation on the formless Brahman also, but that it is fraught with difficulties as one is in a human body and therefore subject to bodily tendencies. The decidedly better path according to the Gita is Bhakti. We have already read about the various fragrances of Bhakti in the words of the foremost Bhakta, Prahlada: 
श्रीप्रह्राद उवाच
श्रवणं कीर्तनं विष्णो: स्मरणं पादसेवनम् । अर्चनं वन्दनं दास्यं सख्यमात्मनिवेदनम् ॥
इति पुंसार्पिता विष्णौ भक्तिश्चेन्नवलक्षणा । क्रियेत भगवत्यद्धा तन्मन्येऽधीतमुत्तमम् ॥ 

The ultimate expression of Bhakti, building up through various levels of contact with Bhagavan, is Atma Nivedanam = the total offering of one's entire being to the Lord through devotion.

The highest expression of offering one's self is love. Man-woman love is called Sringara. In our Sanatana Dharma, this is called the highest Rasa (emotion) among all the Rasas. The greatest illustration of how one unites with Bhagavan through Sringara Rasa is here in Sri Krishna and the Gopis playing Raasa Leela. 

Swami Tapasyananda, one of the well-known monks of Ramakrishna Mission, who has commentated on the Srimad Bhagavatam, says in his introduction to the Skandha X:

In worldly life, the ego is totally body-entred, and one's worldly situation is what activates one's self-regarding instrinct. To the extent that this ceases and is replaced by the sense of a Divine relationship, like "l am the servant of God",  or "l am the child of the Lord"' or "l am a  play-mate of the Lord" or "I am His sweetheart" - to that extent, devotion may be said to have passed on to its higher phases. Atma-samarpanam, or Atma Nivedanam as Prahlada says,  meaning total dedication IS the summit of devotion. It is present to some extent in all forms of these attitudes. It is, however, in the  uncalculated and absolutely unselfish dedication of the Gopikas to Sri Krishna in utter passionate love and their total immersion in his service, that this attitude reaches its highest expression, and the Indian devotional tradition has therefore found in them the  highest ideal of Bhakti fulfilled. The tenth  Skandha of the Srimad Bhagavatam depicts their  devotional fervour in all its vividness,  and this Skandha is therefore looked upon  as the inmost core of the Srimad Bhagavatam.

The concept of bridal mysticism is present in Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism and elsewhere too. My surmise is that it is taken from Sri Krishna Leela!  Kalidasa describes this eloquently in Kumarasambhavam through the love of Parvati towards Shiva. We have historical figures like Meera, Chaitanya, Akka Mahadevi, Andal and many other exemplars of Shringara Bhakti in our history. Let us, therefore, approach these chapters with devotion!

I shall cover the 29th Chapter  in 3 parts. Today is the Part 1.


श्रीशुक उवाच
भगवानपि ता रात्रीः शरदोत्फुल्लमल्लिकाः । वीक्ष्य रन्तुं मनश्चक्रे योगमायामुपाश्रितः ॥
तदोडुराजः ककुभः करैर्मुखं प्राच्या विलिम्पन्नरुणेन शन्तमैः ।
स चर्षणीनामुदगाच्छुचो मृजन्प्रि यः प्रियाया इव दीर्घदर्शनः ॥
दृष्ट्वा कुमुद्वन्तमखण्डमण्डलं रमाननाभं नवकुङ्कुमारुणं
वनं च तत्कोमलगोभिरञ्जितं जगौ कलं वामदृशां मनोहरम् ॥
T: Sage Shuka narrated: Bhagavan Sri Krishna saw the amazing autumnal night decorated with lovely jasmine blossoms. He took recourse to his own Yoga Maya and surrendered himself to the mood of love. Just as the loving husband on coming home to his beloved wife adorns her forehead with Kumkum, the moon arose to adorn his beloved eastern sky in Vrindavan with a lovely reddish hue, and all birds and animals felt cool and enlivened after the wearisome hot day. Sri Krishna, in the same mood as Bhagavan Maha Vishnu when He sports with His beloved Lakshmi with her lovely vermilion mark, began to play his flute bewitchingly. 

निशम्य गीतं तदनङ्गवर्धनं व्रजस्त्रियः कृष्णगृहीतमानसाः ।
आजग्मुरन्योन्यमलक्षितोद्यमाः स यत्र कान्तो जवलोलकुण्डलाः ॥ 
दुहन्त्योऽभिययुः काश्चिद्दोहं हित्वा समुत्सुकाः । पयोऽधिश्रित्य संयावमनुद्वास्यापरा ययुः ॥ परिवेषयन्त्यस्तद्धित्वा पाययन्त्यः शिशून् पयः । शुश्रूषन्त्यः पतीन् काश्चिदश्नन्त्योऽपास्य भोजनम् ॥ 
लिम्पन्त्यः प्रमृजन्त्योऽन्या अञ्जन्त्यः काश्च लोचने । व्यत्यस्तवस्त्राभरणाः काश्चित्कृष्णान्तिकं ययुः ॥
ता वार्यमाणाः पतिभिः पितृभिर्भ्रातृबन्धुभिः । गोविन्दापहृतात्मानो न न्यवर्तन्त मोहिताः ॥
अन्तर्गृहगताः काश्चिद्गोप्योऽलब्धविनिर्गमाः । कृष्णं तद्भावनायुक्ता दध्युर्मीलितलोचनाः ॥ दुःसहप्रेष्ठविरहतीव्रतापधुताशुभाः । ध्यानप्राप्ताच्युताश्लेषनिर्वृत्या क्षीणमङ्गलाः ॥
तमेव परमात्मानं जारबुद्ध्यापि सङ्गताः । जहुर्गुणमयं देहं सद्यः प्रक्षीणबन्धनाः ॥ 

T: Hearing Bhagavan's flute which was inflaming their passion, the women of Vraja, their minds totally captivated by Bhagavan, started rushing to Vrindavan, individually, not caring about any other Gopi, as there awaited their beloved! They rushed making tinkling noises with their ear-drops. 

The women forgot whatever they were doing - milking the cow, watching milk on the boil, the pot of rice being cooked, engaged in serving food to others, while feeding their babies, engaged in serving their husbands, or even eating their own dinners - all these activities were dropped at once and the ladies rushed to Vrindavan. Some decorated themselves, but others didn't care. Some even wore their clothes and ornaments upside down/amiss!

The menfolk tried to stop the Gopis. But no one could be stopped. The Bhagavan who had become the world-bewitching Sri Krishna of ultimate attractiveness as a lover was calling to the Gopis! A few Gopis, housebound beyond their control, at once evoked Sri Krishna in their hearts and embraced him with infinite love. Their torment of physical separation was so intense towards the Lord that they were at once released from the bondage of worldly existence and the ties of this physical body, regardless that their passion was physically intense towards the Lord who was not their husband and thus in defiance of the social norms of fidelity.

कृष्णं विदुः परं कान्तं न तु ब्रह्मतया मुने । 
गुणप्रवाहोपरमस्तासां गुणधियां कथम् ॥ 
T: Parikshit asked, somewhat surprised by this sudden turn of unbridled passion: "Oh, Sage! No doubt the Gopis saw Parabrahman as the man of love, Sri Krishna. But this was, after all, physical. How then could they be liberated at once from the bondage of existence as you just stated?"

 श्रीशुक उवाच
उक्तं पुरस्तादेतत्ते चैद्यः सिद्धिं यथा गतः । द्विषन्नपि हृषीकेशं किमुताधोक्षजप्रियाः ॥
 नृणां निःश्रेयसार्थाय व्यक्तिर्भगवतो नृप । अव्ययस्याप्रमेयस्य निर्गुणस्य गुणात्मनः ॥ 
 कामं क्रोधं भयं स्नेहमैक्यं सौहृदमेव च । नित्यं हरौ विदधतो यान्ति तन्मयतां हि ते ॥ 
 न चैवं विस्मयः कार्यो भवता भगवत्यजे । योगेश्वरेश्वरे कृष्णे यत एतद्विमुच्यते ॥ 
 ता दृष्ट्वान्तिकमायाता भगवान् व्रजयोषितः । अवदद्वदतां श्रेष्ठो वाचः पेशैर्विमोहयन् ॥
T: Sage Shuka replied: "Do you remember, Parikshit, my mentioning how the King of Chedi, Shishupala, harboured intense material hatred towards Sri Krishna and was decapitated by the Lord, who yet granted him liberation by allowing Shishupala's spirit to join His assembly of attendants? When material hatred gave rise to liberation, why not the most intense physical love of Gopis?"

"Indeed Bhagavan is Parabrahman, free from the limitations of Gunas, and dualities, and never diminishes by either action or sentiment. He is always Supreme and Perfect. He does, however, out of His infinite compassion, take a material form as an Avatara. This is to grant happiness even in this world to His devotees. Thus, whether through passionate love, hate, fear, friendship, or affection, resulting in total immersion in the Lord, the devotees become one with Him. Therefore it is no surprise that the Supreme Being, Ishwara, with total mastery over Yoga and Maya, can play this sport. His very thought of granting liberation acts instantly! You should know this already, as you are one of his great devotees."

When Bhagavan saw the Gopis coming individually, but adding up to large numbers as he saw them all coming towards him, he decided to engage with them in affectionate, joking/mocking, banter. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Srimad Bhagavatam - Shankara Jayanti - 25 April 2023

Sri Krishna Temple at Kaladi

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

25 April 2023 Tuesday - Today is the auspicious Jayanti of Adi Shankara. He was one of the greatest devotees of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. The photo above is of the Sri Krishna temple in Kaladi, Adi Shankara's birthplace, the deity being the same Krishna whom Shankara worshipped. 

Adi Shankara is the incarnation of Bhagavan Shiva Himself, who is called Parama Bhagavata. So we should celebrate this Jayanti as a part of our Srimad Bhagavatam worship.

Adi Shankara has summarised the Srimad Bhagavatam in his great work, Govindashtakam. Each episode we have read is beautifully embedded in this Stotram. You can enjoy this being sung by Bharata Ratna MSS

You can study this beautiful Stotram here:

We are about to cover the wonderful Rasa Leela. Tomorrow I shall cover the 29th Adhyaya. Before that, we should savour this shloka from Govindasktakam:

गोपीमण्डलगोष्ठिभेदं भेदावस्थमभेदाभं शश्वद्गोखुरनिर्घूतोद्धतधूलीधूसरसौभाग्यम् ।
श्रद्धाभक्तिगृहीतानन्दमचिन्त्यं चिन्तितसद्भावं चिन्तामणिमहिमानं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥
T: Bhagavan Sri Krishna as Gopala sported with the Gopis in different groups, appearing as a different individual lover to each of them while being the one Paramatman without a second! This Eternal One was constantly covered by the dust of the hooves of cows, and calves. How blessed were they and how belssed was the dust too! The bliss of Bhagavan is available through Shraddha = total dedication and Bhakti= pure devotion of total immersion. Bhagavan is beyond intellectual debates about Nirguna Saguna etc. He can be attained only through love. Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the divine gem Chintamani who grants everything to His devotees. Oh, devotees, all of you, bow down to that Govinda, embodiment of Supreme Bliss!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Srimad Bhagavatam X a.28 - 24 April 2023

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

Monday, 24 April 2023 - X a.28-  Bhagavan Sri Krishna saves his father Nanda from the clutches of Varuna Loka. He also gives the Darshan of Paramdhama to all the Gopas at their request.
There is an endless stream of godly events in every chapter of the Dashama Skandha. This time it involves King Nanda himself. 

श्रीशुक उवाच
एकादश्यां निराहारः समभ्यर्च्य जनार्दनम् । स्नातुं नन्दस्तु कालिन्द्या द्वादश्यां जलमाविशत् ॥
तं गृहीत्वानयद्भृत्यो वरुणस्यासुरोऽन्तिकम् । अविज्ञायासुरीं वेलां प्रविष्टमुदकं निशि ॥
भगवांस्तदुपश्रुत्य पितरं वरुणाहृतम् । तदन्तिकं गतो राजन् स्वानामभयदो विभुः ॥
T: On Karttika Ekadashi, King Nanda performed Upavasa (prayer and fast), and then, next morning, very early, he went and bathed in the Yamuna. Unfortunately, that time chosen for his bath, unbeknownst to him, was inauspicious as Asuras are on the prowl at that time. By the way, Asuras dwell in the netherworld under the sea and are ruled by Varuna who is a godly kind of person! So at that moment, when Nanda entered the waters, he was abducted by an Asura who took him and hid him away deep in the ocean, in Varuna Loka. 

The residents of Vraja became most concerned at the disappearance of their chief while he was bathing in the Yamuna. Naturally, they escalated the matter to Balarama and Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna knew what had happened. He calmly told them not to panic and went directly to Varuna's world.

नमस्तुभ्यं भगवते ब्रह्मणे परमात्मने । न यत्र श्रूयते माया लोकसृष्टिविकल्पना ॥
अजानता मामकेन मूढेनाकार्यवेदिना । आनीतोऽयं तव पिता तद्भवान् क्षन्तुमर्हति ॥ 
ममाप्यनुग्रहं कृष्ण कर्तुमर्हस्यशेषदृक् । गोविन्द नीयतामेष पिता ते पितृवत्सल ॥
T: Varuna was most delighted to receive Bhagavan in his own den. He was quite apologetic. He said, " Oh, Supreme Brahman, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, my obeisances. You alone are indeed beyond the forces of Maya and this creation's bondages!  An ignorant Asura among my crew has committed this indiscreet abduction of your dear father. He shall be released forthwith. Lord, bless me and grace me, for You are the Master of all. Oh, Govinda, kindly take your father back to Vraja!"

ते त्वौत्सुक्यधियो राजन् मत्वा गोपास्तमीश्वरम् । अपि नः स्वगतिं सूक्ष्मामुपाधास्यदधीश्वरः ॥ 
इति स्वानां स भगवान् विज्ञायाखिलदृक् स्वयम् । सङ्कल्पसिद्धये तेषां कृपयैतदचिन्तयत् ॥
T: When they returned, Nanda described to his people his amazing experience of being abducted to the world of Varuna with its spectacular riches, then being rescued by Sri Krishna from Varuna Loka, and how all the people in that Loka had bowed down to Sri Krishna as Bhagavan Himself!  Listening to this, The Vraja Gopas realised that they were in the presence of Ishwara, Bhagavan, who appeared as Sri Krishna. They became extremely eager to visit the Paramdhama of Bhagavan, the abode that only the most fortunate devotees can experience. Even as they were shaping their own words to make this request to Bhagavan, Sri Krishna smiled. He decided to fulfil their desire. 

जनो वै लोक एतस्मिन्नविद्याकामकर्मभिः । उच्चावचासु गतिषु न वेद स्वां गतिं भ्रमन् ॥
इति सञ्चिन्त्य भगवान् महाकारुणिको हरिः । दर्शयामास लोकं स्वं गोपानां तमसः परम् ॥ 
T: Alas, people are stuck in this world of birth and death, full of desires, taking the forms of man-beast-bird-insect and so on because of their Karma. They are rooted in the body and never realise their Atma! So now, only on account of His infinite compassion for His devotees in Vraja, Bhagavan Sri Hari revealed His own abode to them all, and they experienced something beyond this world of bondage and Karma-driven species and birth cycles. It was a place of bliss and light. 

सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं यद्ब्रह्म ज्योतिः सनातनम् । यद्धि पश्यन्ति मुनयो गुणापाये समाहिताः ॥ 
ते तु ब्रह्मह्रदं नीता मग्नाः कृष्णेन चोद्धृताः । ददृशुर्ब्रह्मणो लोकं यत्राक्रूरोऽध्यगात्पुरा ॥ 
T: That Eternal Truth-Knowledge-Bliss combined, which is Para Brahman, All Light, Eternal, that experience that only the greatest ascetics attain to in Samadhi , after going beyond Gunas - that was experienced now by the Gopas of Vraja. Bhagavan immersed all of them in the lake of Brahman Bliss. He revealed to them His Loka, or Vaikuntha, before bringing them back to Vraja. This act of grace He performed for Akrura also at another time.

नन्दादयस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा परमानन्दनिर्वृताः । कृष्णं च तत्र छन्दोभिः स्तूयमानं सुविस्मिताः ॥
T: The residents of Vraja were simply flooded with the bliss of Brahman, an experience they could not understand but only cherish, thanks to Bhagavan who is the One worshipped in the Vedas. 