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युक्त्यागमेन च भवाञ्शशिवर्ण एव निष्कृष्टसत्त्वगुणमात्रविवर्तमूर्तिः ।
धत्ते कृपाम्बुभरतस्त्विषमैन्द्रनीलीं शुभ्रोऽपि साम्बुरसितः खलु दृश्यतेऽब्दः ॥
T: Oh, Lord Śrī Varadarāja, You are in the form materialised only out of the pure Sattva Guṇa. Thus, according to Your intention, and also in conformity with the declarations of the Purāṇas, Your form is white like the moon. But the water called Karuṇā (compassion) has filled up Your form, and thus Your form appears to have a bluish glow. Indeed, does not the cloud, albeit purely white in its essence, appear dark when filled with water!?
Explanation: The essential nature of Bhagavān MahāViṣṇu is the pure Sattva Guṇa described as white in colour. This is supported by the statements in some Purāṇas. We can recall here the Śloka, शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्वभुजम् ... (Mahā Viṣṇu, wearing white garments, and appearing white like the moon, sporting four hands...). But then, how come Lord Viṣṇu is well known as नील-मेघ-श्याम (dark like the blue raincloud)? The reason is that He is filled with the water-like quality of compassion कारुण्यम्, explains the poet here. The cloud by itself is white as seen in its pure form. But when it is laden with rainwater, it appears dark. This comparison explains the appearance of the Lord Śrī Varadarāja! This figure of speech is दृष्टालङ्कार Dṛṣṭālaṅkāra.