Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Shloka 3 - Sri Varadarajastava

Shloka 3 - Sri Varadarajastava 
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मन्ये निजस्खलनदोषमवर्जनीयमन्यस्य मूर्ध्नि विनिवेश्य बहिर्बुभूषुः।
आविश्य देव रसनानि महाकवीनां देवी गिरामपि तव स्तवमातनोति ॥ ३॥
T: (Oh, Lord,) I think thus: Goddess Saraswati, known as the Deity of Speech and Learning, while attempting to sing Your prayer, realised that some mistakes were inevitable even for her. So, in order to pass off any mistakes as not her doing, she decided to place the blame on others' heads and save herself from blame. Thus, she now resides on the tongues of great poets, and, through their works, sings Your praises!

Explanation: The glory of the Lord is beyond all words and validations. So anyone's attempt at describing the Lord's glories would inevitably fall short or contain mistakes. So, Goddess Saraswati, not wishing to be held responsible for such deficiencies, put the blame on the heads of others! She decided not to directly offer her prayers to the Lord. Instead, she resides on the tongues of great poets and through their speech and poetry, sings the Lord's praises. Then whatever mistakes occur in their poetry would be blamed on those poets, not being ascribed to Saraswati! 

The subtle import here is that whenever poets sing the Lord's praises, verily, Goddess Saraswati, the giver of speech and learning, is herself engaged in this and dances on their tongues. That makes their endeavour indeed sacred and praiseworthy. The real reason is therefore not any desire on Saraswati's part to divert any blame for errors. This figure of speech is called कारणोत्प्रेक्षालङ्कारः (exaggeration of the reasons ascribed).

मन्ये निजस्खलनदोषमवर्जनीयमन्यस्य मूर्ध्नि विनिवेश्य बहिर्बुभूषुः।
आविश्य देव रसनानि महाकवीनां देवी गिरामपि तव स्तवमातनोति ॥ ३॥
मन्ये,निज-स्खलन-दोषम्,अवर्जनीयम्, अन्यस्य, मूर्ध्नि, विनिवेश्य, बहिः, बुभूषुः, आविश्य, देव, रसनानि, महाकवीनाम्, देवी, गिराम्, अपि, तव, स्तवम्, आतनोति
बहिस् बुभूषुः - ससजुषो रुः
बुभूषुः - ससजुषो रुः, खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः
महाकवीनाम् - मोऽनुस्वारः
(हे देव) गिरां देवी अपि निजस्खलनदोषम् अवर्जनीयं (इति मत्वा), बहिः बुभूषुः, अन्यस्य मूर्ध्नि (दोषं) विनिवेश्य, महाकवीनां रसनानि आविश्य, तव स्तवम् आतनोति (इति) मन्ये!
Oh, Lord, I surmise that even Devi Saraswati, the goddess of speech and learning, considering that committing mistakes and drawbacks would be natural and inevitable (in your prayers), and desiring to save herself by placing the blame on others' heads, resides on the tongues of great poets and renders her praises of Your glory!
देव, अ पुं १.१ सम्, सुँ, ऍण्घ्रस्वात् सम्बुद्धेः
तव - युष्मद्, ६.१, ङस्, युष्मदस्मद्भ्यां ङसोऽश्, तवममौ ङसि, अतो गुणे, शेषे लोपः
निजस्खलनदोषम्, अवर्जनीयम्, स्तवम्, अ पुं २.१, अम्, अमि पूर्वः
अपि, बहिः - अव्ययः
गिराम् - गिर्, रकार स्त्री ६.३, आम् - गिर्+आम्=गिराम्
देवी - ई स्त्री, १.१, सुँ, हल्ङ्याब्भ्यो दीर्घात् सुतिस्यपृक्तं हल्
अन्यस्य - अ पुं ६.१, ङस्, टाङसिङसामिनात्स्याः
मूर्ध्नि - मूर्धन्, न पुं, ७.१ - ङि, अल्लोपोऽनः
महाकवीनाम् - इ पुं, ६.३, आम्, ह्रस्वनद्यापो नुट्, नामि
रसनानि - रसन, अ नपुं, १.३, जस्, जश्शसोः शिः, नपुंसकस्य झलचः, सर्वनामस्थाने चासम्बुद्धौ
बुभूषुः - उ, स्त्री, १.१, सुँ, ससजुषो रुः, खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः
मन्ये - मन्, उत्तमपुरुष, एवकवचन, मन्ये
समासाः, तद्धिताः, कृदन्ताः
निजं स्खलनम् तस्य दोषः - कर्मधारय, षष्ठीतत्पुरुसषः
भूषितुं इच्छुः - बुभूषुः
वि-नि-वेश्य - ल्यबन्त, णिजन्त विश् धातुः
आ-विश्य - आङ् + विश्, ल्यबन्त