Friday, January 31, 2025

Sri Krishna Karnamritam 1.06, 1.07, 1.08


॥ वन्देऽहं रासकेलीरतमतिसुभगं वश्यगोपालकृष्णम् ॥

Hare Krishna! 

मुकुलायमाननयनाम्बुजं विभोर्मुरलीनिनादमकरन्दनिर्भरम् ।
मुकुरायमाणमृदुगण्डमण्डलं मुखपङ्कजं मनसि मे विजृम्भताम् ॥ १.०६॥

कमनीयकिशोरमुग्धमूर्तेः कलवेणुक्वणितादृताननेन्दोः ।
मम वाचि विजृम्भतां मुरारेर्मधुरिम्णः कणिकापि कापि कापि ॥ १.०७॥

मदशिखण्डिशिखण्डविभूषणं मदनमन्थरमुग्धमुखांबुजम् ।
व्रजवधूनयनाञ्जनरञ्जितं विजयतां मम वाङ्मयजीवितम् ॥ १.०८॥
May the lotus face of Bhagavān Śrīkṛṣṇa be forever growing in splendour in my mind, with His face blossoming like a lotus bud, constantly flowing with the nectarine sweet strains of His flute, and His tender cheeks shining like mirrors!
How I wish that even a little drop of the honeyed sweetness of Bhagavān Śrīkṛṣṇa's (Murārī) most innocent visage, with the resonant melodies of His flute emanating from His moon-like face, come and sweeten my own words!

May the glory of Bhagavān Śrīkṛṣṇa who wears a crown of feathers of proud peacocks, whose innocent lotus-like face invokes amorous love, as it is besmeared with collyrium of the Vraja ladies' eyes, take over my literary vocal outpouring!

I am travelling and will complete this after a few days.

॥ हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ॥