Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Viveka Chudamani Shloka No.481


In my daily reading, today, I read this beautiful shloka in Vivekachudamani.

वाचा वक्तुमशक्यमेव मनसा मन्तुं न वा शक्यते स्वानन्दामृतपूरपूरितपरब्रह्माम्बुधेर्वैभवम् ।
अम्भोराशिविशीर्णवार्षिकशिलाभावं भजन्मे मनो यस्यांशांशलवे विलीनमधुनाऽऽनन्दात्मना निर्वृतम् ॥

स्व-आनन्द-अमृत-पूरपूरित-परब्रह्मअम्बुधेः वैभवम् The utter magnificence of the ocean of Parabrahman which is completely filled with the ambrosia of Self-Bliss
वाचा वक्तुम्  शक्यम् एव मनसा मन्तुं न वा शक्यते - is impossible to describe in words or to conceptualise in my mind!

भजत् मे मनः - my mind is experiencing 

अम्भस्-राशि-विशीर्ण-वार्षिक-शिला-भावम् the condition like that of a hail stone fallen in the rain into the waters of the ocean and consequently fully dissolved

यस्य अंशांशलवे विलीनम् - whose dissolution has occured into smallest molecules

अधुना आनन्दात्मना निर्वृतम् -  as it is now delighted (also liberated) by the Blissful Self!

The student, having attained the supreme goal by following his Guru's instruction, by following the practices ordained in our scriptures, and having practised Samadhi, makes this statement about his condition of Brahman ecstasy, of Self-bliss or Parabrahman, which is beyond words and thoughts which are feeble faculties of the mind. So a negative statement of the most positive experience, giving such a beautiful simile too, saying his being is like a hailstone dissolved in the ocean!

॥ हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ॥

I share below a scan from Swami Chinmayananda: