Thursday, March 2, 2023

वेणु Ode to the Flute

नादवेदसखा त्वमसि वेणुवाद्य वन्दित।
प्राणभरण ओष्ठरमण सम्मोहक वादित॥
दूरादपि रसवाहक जनगणबहुतोषण।
आबालकमनहरण कृष्णकरसुभूषण ॥

नादवेदसखा Oh beloved of Om! 
 त्वमसि You are
 वेणुवाद्य वन्दित hailed as Venu Vadya (Flute)! 
प्राणभरण Nourisher of Prana, full of wind, 
ओष्ठरमण darling of the lip
 सम्मोहक enchanter
 वादित when you are played. 
दूरादपि even from far away
 रसवाहक you bring so much emotion 
जनगणबहुतोषण - you give much joy to people 
आबालकमनहरण - you captivate the minds of even children 
 कृष्णकरसुभूषण - you adorn beautifully the hands of Sri Krishna!