Friday, October 29, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 29

October 29 :  Sargas 30 and 31 of Sundara Kanda.

Valmiki shifts his attention to another heroic character - Hanuman! Hanuman has heard and digested much, hiding in the tree. He now considers what should be his course of action. And proceeds accordingly, to great success.


ततो बहुविधां चिन्तां चिन्तयामास वानरः - "Hanuman thought through many aspects after seeing and hearing all that had transpired in Ashoka Vana."

Hanuman thought: "So, at last! This is Sita, whom thousands of vanaras have been searching for in all four directions. Incognito, I have seen everything - the rakshasas, their citadel, Lanka, Ravana's pomp and glory, and his behaviour. There is no better time than now for me to comfort this jewel among women pining for her husband.

"I cannot return to Kishkindha without meeting and reassuring Sita. Sita is on the verge of committing suicide. I also need to reassure Sri Rama who is desperately pining for news of Sita's well-being. But how do I meet Sita when she is surrounded by all these rakshasis? It is urgent that I reassure Sita, otherwise she is going to end her life tonight itself.

"If Sri Rama asks, "what did Sita say!?", what answer can I give him? If I have nothing to tell, Sri Rama will burn me down with his looks. What would be the use thereafter even if all the vanara army arrives here to rescue Sita when she has already ended her life?

"I have to choose a moment when these rakshasis are asleep and then speak comfortingly to Sita. I am now in the form of a diminutive monkey. But I can speak in a variety of Sanskrit dialects उदाहरिष्यामि मानुषीमिह संस्कृताम्, which these rakshasis won’t understand. But I dare not speak in the Brahminical high falutin Sanskrit, because then Sita will think I am Ravana in disguise यदि वाचं प्रदास्यामि द्विजातिरिव संस्कृताम्। रावणं मन्यमाना मां सीता भीता भविष्यति! So I will have to speak to Sita in a commoner's version of Sanskrit.

"But then, Sita is in such a precarious mental frame. After all the torment by rakshasis, she can be easily alarmed seeing a monkey speaking thus. Sita will then let out a scream and wake up all the rakshasis. She will almost surely think I am Ravana.

"The rakshasis will attack me with their terrific weapons and try to kill me. But they will see me holding branches and whole trees and hurling them about. This will terrify them! They will alert the guards that a huge monkey has invaded Ashoka Vana. I will be stuck fighting with them all and will not be able to make my escape to leap back across the ocean.

"The rakshasas will catch me and bind me up. I can be caught before I give my message to Sita! These rakshasas can also then harm Sita grievously and make all the efforts of Sri Rama and Sugriva futile.

"It is also vital that I make my escape. Otherwise, Sita, hidden away in this secret garden in a remote island, will never be discovered by anyone from Sri Rama's side."

"If I engage in a mighty battle, I will be able to kill thousands of rakshasas. But thereafter, I may be too exhausted to leap across the ocean again and return to Sri Rama.

"Oh! What a dilemma! If I try to speak to Vaidehi, it could well misfire. If I do not speak with her, it will surely be a terrible mistake.

भूताश्चार्था विरुध्यन्ति देशकालविरोधिताः   ।
विक्लवं दूतमासाद्य तमः सूर्योदये यथा       ॥

"An indscreet and incompetent messenger or spy can bring to nought the best-laid strategies of even great generals, by doing the wrong thing or acting at the wrong time. Their mission will fail like darkness is dispelled in an instant at sunrise."

Hanuman says that the worst danger is that of messengers who act foolishly thinking they are wise पण्डितमानिनः .

Hanuman repeatedly goes over his options, लङ्घनं च समुद्रस्य कथं न नु वृथा भवेत् "How do I ensure that my crossing the ocean and coming here is not rendered futile?"

क्ष्वाकूणां वरिष्ठस्य रामस्य विदितात्मनः शुभानि धर्मयुक्तानि चवनानि समर्पयन् ।
श्रावयिष्यामि सर्वाणि मधुरां प्रब्रुवन् गिरम् श्रद्धास्यति यथा सीता तथा सर्वं समादधे ॥

"I shall say in sweet words the story of the glorious chief of Ikshwakus, Sri Rama, who is self-realised. I shall present it in such a way that Sita will develop confidence and trust in me.  "


राजा दशरथो नाम .... thus began Hanuman, in a soft and melodious voice.
'There was the emperor of Ikshwakus, Dasharatha, who ruled well, with might equalling Indra's, and full of compassion and charity and truthfulness. His first-born son, whose countenance was moon-like, was Sri Rama. He was well-versed in all branches of knowledge and was also supreme among archers of the world.
रक्षिता जीवलोकस्य धर्मस्य च परन्तपः - Sri Rama is the great protector of all beings, upholder of Dharma, and the slayer of enemies."

Hanuman continues to narrate how Sri Rama upheld the word of his aged father and proceeded to the forest with his worthy queen Sita and his brother Lakshmana. How he cleared the Janasthana of the scourge of rakshasas and killed Khara and Dushana. How Ravana was thus alerted. Ravana tricked the brothers and abducted Sita. How Sri Rama searched heaven and earth for Sita and forged an alliance with the vanara king Sugriva. Sri Rama killed Vali and gave the kingdom to Sugriva. Sugriva's vanaras are searching in all four directions for the divine lady Sita, wife of Sri Rama, abducted by Ravana. 

अहं सम्पातिवचनाच्छतयोजनमायतम्              ।
तस्या हेतोर्विशालाक्ष्याः समुद्रं वेगवान् प्लुतः।   ॥  

यथारूपां यथावर्णां यथालक्ष्मवतीं च ताम्         ।
अश्रौषं राघवस्याहं सेयमासादिता मया             ॥ 

"I then heard the words of the mighty bird Sampati, who indicated where Sita is, and crossed over this hundred-yojana wide ocean. Indeed, occasioned by my search for Sita, the wide-eyed queen, I leapt across this ocean with great speed. I feel blessed to have now seen her as described in her form, in her true appearance, the embodiment of auspiciousness as I had been told by Sri Rama himself, my being his messenger. How glad am I that I have seen Sita!"

Hanuman stopped at this opportune moment. Sita had heard everything, with ever-widening eyes, in utter astonishment. With her curly forelocks and long tresses, Sita looked up into the Shimshupa tree. She was drenched in happy thoughts of Sri Rama, as she beheld the vanara Hanuman, whom Valmiki describes as 
अचिन्त्यबुद्धिम् "one of unimaginable brilliance of mind", "the minister of the vanara king Sugriva, son of the Wind-god, and who was looking like the rising sun."


॥          श्रीरामजयम्         ॥

Postscript: That photo of Hanuman was taken in 2010 on Hanuman Hill in Chtrakoota. This is purported to be Hanuman's global headquarters where he operates from, even now.