Monday, December 27, 2021

Vakmiki Ramayana - December 27

December 27 - Sargas 57 and 58 (only shlokas 1-25) of Yuddha Kanda.

The death of Akampana plunges Ravana into a momentary, dismayed,  introspection. He pulls himself together and proceeds next morning early to view from the high ramparts the status of Lanka's defences. What greets him is the deployment of rakshasa soldiers fiercely guarding Lanka's four gates. At the same time, the sight of the oceanic vanara army surrounding Lanka  is unmissable.

Ravana calls Prahasta to his side. "Look, oh chief! Lanka has been besieged by the enemy.  The city and its people cannot rest until we get rid of them. That task is impossible except for me, Kumbhakarna, and, of course, yourself. The others are Indrajit and Nikumbha. I suggest you now take your entire forces and lead from the front."

नर्दतां राक्षसेन्द्राणां श्रुत्वा नादं द्रविष्यति -"Just hearing the earsplitting cries of the army under your command will drive the enemy to melt away."

"Prahasta, once the vanara army melts away, Sri Rama and Lakshmana will come within your easy grasp.  After all, in war, the outcome, death or life, is not certain. But dying a hero's death is infinitely superior to living on since death is anyway going to come to everyone. Apply your wise and militarily strategic mind and come up with a plan."

Prahasta replies, "Oh, lord! This matter was discussed at length among your advisors and ministers in the council. Many debates took place but nothing was conclusive or unanimous. But let me tell you what I think."

प्रदानेन तु सीतायाः श्रेयो व्यवसितं मया ।
अप्रदाने पुनर्युद्धं दृष्टमेव तथैव नः          ॥

"As I see it, the most favourable outcome will come from restoring Sita to Sri Rama with due ceremony. Otherwise, there will be war again and we have seen its impact on our heroes already."

"Oh, lord! You have many times rewarded me and honoured me generously. I am beholden to you and wish you well always. I don't care much for my life, my people, or my wealth. See how I will now go and fight the battle to end all battles and sacrifice my life."

Saying this, Prahasta orders that all their forces are marshalled quickly. In a couple of hours, the huge rakshasa army assembles around the palace.

The rakshasa warriors propitiate their deities, get blessings from Brahmins, and ready themselves with deadly weapons and shining armours. 


Prahasta mounted on a glorious chariot that was splendid, was well-stocked with weapons, was clad in shining armour, and was driven expertly. The chariot made a thunderous sound as it hurtled forward. The accompanying noises of the military band deafened ears and covered all directions.

Prahasta was accompanied by four lieutenants- Narantaka, Kumbhahanu, Mahanada, and Samunnata.

Prahasta led the march triumphantly like Yama himself at the eastern gate. The tumult of the army advancement shook the denizens of Lanka. There were ill-omens as carrion birds circled overhead in unholy directions. An ugly wind blew hard. The charioteer's whip slipped repeatedly from his hand. The horses stumbled and bit the dust. But all these starting troubles did not deter Prahasta.


Prahasta's formidable army met an equally strong vanara contingent with their own weapons - rocks, boulders, huge trees, and more than anything else, bubbling enthusiasm.

Valmiki says Prahasta entered the battlefield much like moths rush to a blazing flame of death.


Sri Rama noticed Prahasta on the march. Smilingly, he enquired from Vibhishana who this warrior, huge in size and well-armed, might be and what were his strengths and weaknesses.

"Oh, lord Sri Rama, this is Prahasta, Ravana's chief of the armed forces. He is accompanied by one-third of Lanka's total army. He is fierce in battle and has a formidable reputation. "

As he was saying this, the vanara army saw the enemy, and roaring with great confidence, met the rakshasas on the march. A terrific battle ensued. There were countless fatalities on either side. Whereas the rakshasas killed with swords, maces, and arrows, the vanaras relied on their missiles of trees and rocks and many were able to strike fatal blows with their diamantine open palms.


Prahasta's lieutenants attacked with considerable success. Then Dvivida picked up a piece of a mountain and smashed Narantaka to death. The vanara chief Durmuka resorted to a huge tree and killed the dextrous Samunnata. Jambavan struck a fatal blow with a huge rock on the chest of Mahanada. Kumbhahanu did not survive the blow from the vanara chief Tara who struck him with a huge tree.

Prahasta did not take kindly to these acts of the vanara chiefs in killing his lieutenants. He roared as he picked up his bow and started killing the vanaras recklessly with his arrows. The battle was so fierce. valmiki describes that the rakshasa army and the vanara army were both moving in vortex-like movements.


॥         श्रीरामजयम्        ॥