Monday, December 13, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - December 13

December 13 - Sargas 31 and 32 of Yuddha Kanda.

If at all we had any doubt about the malevolence and subterfuge that personified Ravana, we have more proof now.

ततस्तमक्षोभ्यबलं सुवेले निविष्टं श्रुत्वा प्राप्तं रामं महाबलम् - "Thus was Ravana briefed fully about the unmitigated immensity of the vanara army that had arrived and encamped at Suvela. And that the great warrior Sri Rama, contrary to all expectations, had arrived in Lanka."

What was Ravana's reaction!? There is a Subhashita (aphorism of wisdom) in Sanskrit:

क्वचिद्रुष्टः क्वचित्तुष्टो रुष्टस्तुष्टः क्षणेक्षणे।  |
अव्यवस्थित चित्तस्य प्रसादोऽपि भयंकरः    ||

"Sometimes enraged, sometimes glad, with his moods swinging every moment, beware of the man of a disorganized mind, for even his benevolence spells danger."


Ravana called at once an emergency council of all his ministers. They all rushed into his audience. The agenda was "what next?" Valmiki does not disclose details but only says that soon the ministers were all dismissed. Ravana then marched into his inner chambers.  He then sent for the mighty rakshasa adept in magic and illusionism, Vidyujjihva. Taking him along, Ravana went to Ashoka Vana where Sita was held.

"Look, Vidyujjihva, you create a fake head of Rama, Also create his bow and arrows. Bring them to me when I am with Sita." Vidyutjjihva was glad to oblige and display his illusionist expertise. Ravana rewarded him generously.

Ravana now approached Sita in Ashoka Vana where she was sitting in the most wretched state, something she never deserved. Her head was cast down, her mind only filled with Sri Rama's thoughts. She was surrounded by grotesque rakshasis.

Ravana triumphantly announced himself to Sita. 

सान्त्व्य माना मया भद्रे यमाश्रित्य विमन्यसे ।
खरहन्ता स ते भर्ता राघवः समरे हतः         ॥

"Look, lady! Despite all my cajoling and reasoning with you, you did not acquiesce (to marry me), pinning your hopes on him. That Rama, who killed Khara, has now been killed in battle!"

"Your very roots have been cut, your pride has been destroyed by me! In your predicament, you have no choice but to become mine. Give up this attitude, oh fool! After all, what can you do with your dead man!?"

"Your meagre stock of luck has run out. You have considered yourself wise but you have been foolish. Your husband is dead. Now you will become mine, and will happily rule over my entire harem of many queens and concubines! For Rama was killed just like Vrittra was once killed by Indra."

"That Rama is believed to have come to the shore intent on war with me. He also had a big army that belonged to the king of vanaras. Rama was waiting at the northern shore to cross over. The sun was setting. When Rama and his army were sleeping, based on intelligence inputs, my military chief Prahasta mounted an attack on the vanaras, in the dead of the night, with a big rakshasa army (which becomes even more powerful at night). They annihilated Rama, Lakshmana, and the entire vanara army. 

"The rakshasas carried deadly weapons like pattisha, parigha, tridents, danda, and many other big weapons like kutamudgara, arrays of arrows, tomara, musala, and so on. Their attack was fatal to the enemy. Then Prahasta, the vanquisher of enemies, lifted his big sword and decapitated Rama. He then jumped and caught hold of Vibhishana and made him a prisoner. The vanaras and Lakshmana were driven to flee in all directions. The rakshasas cut off Sugriva's neck, pulverized Hanuman's chin, and killed them both. They smashed Jambavan's legs as he tried to leap up and he fell flat with broken legs. Mainda and Dvivida were wriggling and bloody and were killed."

Ravana goes on to list all the other vanara chiefs killed. Angada was shot at with so many arrows that he lay on the ground bleeding copiously. Basically the vanaras were totally unable to face the decisive attack of the mighty rakshasas. As they fled, many arrows pierced their backs. Many leapt into the ocean helplessly. Those who fled were all pursued and killed. 

"That is how Rama and his army were decimated. That is how you will now be seeing his decapitated head with blood dripping." Ravana called to a rakshasi, 'Go and call Vidyujjihva and ask him to bring Rama's head as well as his bow."

Vidyujjihva came promptly. 'Show this poor lady Rama's head. Let her see the condition of her husband."

Vidyujjihva came, presented that beautiful head of Sri Rama (supposed) to Sita, and vanished at once. Maybe he did not want to be burnt down by her look. Then Ravana presented the purported bow of Sri Rama, which he said was retrieved by Prahasta in the night after the killing. 

ततोऽब्रवीत्तां भव मे वशानुगा "Sita, well, now you become mine!"


Sita beheld that decapitated head, and the bow, and recalled Hanuman's account of how Sri Rama had forged an alliance with Sugriva. She examined the eyes, colour of skin, shape of the face, hair, the forehead, and the ornament worn (apparently even men wore an ornament called Choodamani). She was able to identify her husband. She started weeping uncontrollably, screeching like a distressed osprey (water bird). 

सकामा भव कैकेयि " Oh, Kaikeyi, be pleased now that your desire to destroy the Raghu clan has succeeded!" 
आर्येण किं नु कैकेय्याः कृतं रामेण विप्रियम् "What misdeed was done by my noble lord Sri Rama to Kaikeyi that she banished him to the forest in bark garments? "

Shaking uncontrollably, Sita swooned to the ground. She then regained her mind, and clasped that head to herself. "Oh brave lord! You have died a hero's death in battle and made me a widow. How I wish I had witnessed your heroism! It is said that for the husband to predecease his wife is inauspicious.  I am deeply distressed that despite my vows of chastity and duty to you, I had to see this. What is my condition now? The one who could have saved me from these enemies is now gone! Your mother Kausalya will grieve like a cow separated from her calf. That pure and noble lady had to lose such a son as you!

"The astrologers had said you would live long. That seems to be falsified now. Your wonderful intellect seems to have failed. That is how you were killed in sleep. It seems Fate has had the last laugh. Fate alone drives everyone's conduct it seems. 

"You were always adept at finding the best and just path in any situation, you always had a way to get out of bad situations. Then how did this death come to you? This seems to be rare even for most other men. It seems cruel Fate has embraced you in the dread of the night and bereaved me.  It seems you have given me up despite my truthfulness and chastity and decided to embrace this lady earth."

मत्प्रियं वीर धनुः काञ्चनभूषितम् - "This gold-encrusted bow is the same one which I was fond of decorating with flower garlands every day."

"Oh blemishless lord, you would now perhaps meet my father-in-law, King Dasharatha, and other ancestors. You were so true in following your father's order, and relinquished the kingdom. Now you have gone to shine in all your glory in the next world, for as long as stars shine in the sky, forsaking this life.

"Oh lord, you married me when I was still very young, and made me your equal as a consort in all ways. I always moved with you. How come you are now not looking at me or responding to my words? Remember your marital vows, oh Kakutstha!? You had promised to uphold Dharma always with me by your side. So you please now take me with you at once. You brought me into the forest too. Why forsake me now and go to the other world? 

"I so often embraced your beautiful person, adorned with such auspicious things. Now I hold a piece of flesh meant for birds of prey! Alas! You had performed so many holy sacrificial fire rites. How come now you are denied by the Fire-god a proper cremation? We three had come to the forest together. Now Mother Kausalya will find only Lakshmana returning to Ayodhya! Alas! Lakshmana will have to disclose to her how you were murdered at night along with your friends. How will she deal with that? How will she deal with the fact that I was abducted by a rakshasa and held captive? Is there any doubt her heart will shatter in distress? 

"Oh what a miserable and unlucky one I am! The glorious Sri Rama was even building a bridge over the ocean, but now has been drowned in a small puddle made by cow's hooves (गोष्पदे हतः)! - (ie. killed trivially, not heroically). 

"It seems Sri Rama married a most misortune-bringing woman when he married me. Fie on me! I have caused his death! When so many used to come and enjoy my hospitality, my present condition is so deplorable. Indeed I must have sinned and slipped from righteous gifts and acts in my past life."

"Oh, Ravana! Please place me next to Sri Rama's body and kill me. At least uniting the wife with her husband will bring your good punya (कल्याणमुत्तमम्)!"

शिरसा मे शिरश्चास्य कायं कायेन योजय ।
रावणानुगमिष्यामि गतिं भर्तुर्महात्मनः      ॥

"Ravana, place my head alongside my husband's head, and my body next to his body. I shall follow my husband, and be the companion in this journey with my glorious husband Sri Rama!"

Thus went on the wailings of King Janaka's daughter Sita, as she beheld the purported head and bow of Sri Rama. 


Then a soldier came and reported to Ravana that Commander Prahasta had come to see him. He was waiting with all the ministers and had sent word to Ravana. It seemed something of utmost importance needed Ravana's immediate attention. Ravana left immediately.

Ravana went and convinced his ministers that his conduct had been right (among other things, of confronting Sita with a fake head and bow). He also took cognizance of Sri Rama's prowess. 


As soon as Ravana left, that head and bow disappeared into thin air! 


Ravana, after due discussions, decided that the time had come to prepare for war. He ordered that an announcement be made at once to enlist all rakshasas, which was duly carried out at express speed. Of course the rakshasas were not informed why they had been asked to report. 


॥          श्रीरामजयम्           ॥