Friday, December 17, 2021

The essence of Bhagavadgita in one shloka

Ekashloki composed on Gita Jayanti

Thr essence of Srimad Bhagavdgita in one shloka.
Each part is taken from one of the famous shlokas of Gita.

The essence covers Sri Krishna's exhortation on
1. Self-management, 
2. Moderation, 
3. Universal affection, 
4. Detached (selfless) efficient action, 
5. The easy access to Ishwara within everyone, 
6. Ishwara's promise that devotion brings liberation.

उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं युक्ताहारोऽथ विहारः
अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मुक्तसङ्गः समाचर ।
उपद्रष्टानुमन्ता च भर्त भोक्ता महेश्वरः
अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः ॥