Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Hail Panini!

Hats off to Panini for getting the job done! Imagine a master architect at his drawing board with a bunch of eager assistants telling him why not a cornice here, pillar there, and move this wall, please and so on. Would he ever be able to complete a superstructure? All creation has an element of subjectivity projected on to an objective world of "shared understanding." Thank God we have SK ma'am (my teacher) as well as keen brains like Viji (my classmate) ! But more than anyone else Panini!

Here is a line for you, Panini! 

Nip pi na ai
 Pan in anni*
In an in** 
Pin inan***



Panini had no AI to process the endless variety of language that resembles the endless π. 

But he managed to scan the entire language by the grace of Shiva. 

He helped us understand objects in an instant with the help of words (पदार्थ) 
And breathed melody into inanimate objects through speech! 
Glory to Panini! 

* grace of creation in Latin.
** instant abbreviated. 
*** inanimate things that are pointed by words
**** inipa (melodiously)