Monday, May 31, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - May 31

May 31 - Sargas 5 and 6 of Ayodhya Kanda.

These two sargas describe the fervent anticipation by every single citizen of Ayodhya of the coronation. And also Rama's and Sita's own austerities in preparation for the ceremony on the morrow.
The master story-teller leads us up the garden path and what comes later plunges us into a different sea of sentiment.

Once Sir Rama has taken his leave, king Dasharatha, in a display of nervousness, again sends sage Vasishtha to Rama to make sure he spends the night in ritualistic preparation. Sage Vasishtha proceeds in his chariot to Sri Rama's palace, and sees it shining like a white cloud. Valmiki narrates how Rama hastens to receive his preceptor:

अभ्येत्य त्वरमाणश्च रथाभ्याशं मनीषिणः।
ततोऽवतरयामास परिगृह्य रथात् स्वयम्  ॥

Sri Rama goes with quick strides to sage Vasishtha's chariot, and respectfully holds the sage's hand and helps him alight from the chariot.

Sage Vasishtha lovingly comes into the palace and instructs Rama on how to do the upavasa (austere ritual) along with Sita through the night preparatory to the coronation. Afterwards, as he proceeds back to the king's palace, he witnesses the upsurge of excitement and joy all around in the city. 

जनवृन्दोर्मि संघर्ष हर्षस्वनवृतस्तदा  ।
बभूव राजमार्गस्य सागरस्यैव निस्वनः ॥
तदा ह्ययोध्यानिलयः सस्त्रीबालाकुलो जनः। 
रामाभिषेकमाकाङ्क्षन्नाकाङ्क्षन्नुदयं रवेः  ॥

The sea of people in a jostle of excitement and joy all through the royal highway resembled a sea with its high noisy waves. 

Every citizen of Ayodhya, child woman and man, moved around in groups. They were full of excited anticipation of Sri Rama's coronation and equally impatient for the sun to rise quickly. 


Sage Vasishtha reports to the king that he has given detailed instructions and Rama and Sita will do the needful. King Dasharatha retires to his inner chambers. 

Here Sri Rama is in prayer. 

शेषं च हविषस्तस्य प्राश्याशास्यात्मनः प्रियम् । 
ध्यायन्नारायणं देवं स्वास्तीर्णे कुशसंकुरे         ॥

वाग्यतः सह वैदेह्या भूत्वा नियतमानसः       । 
श्रीमत्यायतने विष्णोः शिश्ये नरवरात्मजः     ॥

Sri Rama, son of the king Dasharatha, completed the homa and partook of its prasada along with Sita, praying for their welfare. He proceeded to pray to Lord Narayana in his shrine. Withholding speech, with controlled mind, he lay down along with Sita on the well-spread kusha grass on the floor of Vishnu's shrine and they both slept. 


How was the scene in the streets? There was a huge excitement as they got updates that Rama had done his prayers and had now gone to sleep. They were restless in anticipation of the morning. 

सभासु चैव सर्वासु वृक्षेष्वालक्षितेषु च। 
ध्वजाः समुच्छ्रिताश्चित्राः पताकाश्चाभवंस्तदा  ॥

नटनर्तकसंघानां गायकानां च गायताम् ।
मनःकर्णसुखा वाचः शुश्राव जनता ततः   ॥

Every house and building, shops, markets, street squares, every tree and structure seen on every side, was festooned with flags, banners, and buntings. 

Dancers danced in groups, musicians sang and played instruments, people were simply thrilled, listening and watching and taking part in these impromptu celebrations. 


The city of Ayodhya resembled Indra's Amaravati. The entire city was in an upsurge. Valmiki compares it an ocean in high tide full of all kinds of aquatic creatures. 

Anyone who has seen dolphins, and even whales, dancing around in the sea, can relate to the imagery. 

I see the whole narrative as about a true democracy where citizens are celebrating their favourite, great, leader's impending coronation. This is how Ayodhya was 5000 years ago on that night! 

॥      श्रीरामजयम्       ॥