Sunday, May 9, 2021

Corona: Now hear MY story.

Look, I don't have too much time. I am rushing from Netflix to Amazon Prime in my stretch limo for negotiations. Then I have Disney and Sony too.

They all are pouring millions to get my exclusive story. They say it is  sure to reach a pandemic status in popularity - what with horror, crime and violence all thrown in. I agree and am not bringing down my price.

I am THE VIRUS. You call me Corona. This is MY story.

I was born in an American Univ. A US passport, a comfy life in a university campus, and a great lifestyle. I could not have asked for more. 

Then by some ugly quirk, I was sent away to Wuhan to live with miserable me-too viruses from ugh wild animals being eaten live and hot.

I will never forgive mankind for this act. I decided to escape. 

Now I am making the world dance on each of my little antennae. And they don't know what I am!

I laugh when they think they have a vaccine. I giggle when people wear miserable masks and think they are protected. I smile when doctors and nurses peer at me and think I will come under their control.

That people die, I don't care. That governments and businesses are having a field day, I don't even want to know. That everyone is misleading and exploiting one another, I very much knew it would happen and I say, "I told you so".

This is a macabre story.

Wait for my next post.