Sunday, October 5, 2014

What force beats in my heart?

I got this lovely photo from friend, Kiran. He travels often, and this time was at this temple of Tarakeshwara at Hangal, built several hundred years ago in late Chalukyan style.

That triggered the muse in me:

What force beats in my heart?
What makes me ask this?

The same force that made man
Wonder about that force, long ago.

That made the Chalukyan king say,  let's build a temple.
That worked in people to break rocks and bring boulders. Wielded the chisel and hammer in an incessant cycle. Sawed, levelled, shaped, carved, and joined wood.
Made priests sing a sonorous hymn. Made the drum beat and pipe sing, to fill every fibre with a vibrancy.

That made anklets dance in joy. Colourful costumes swirl and flutter. Made children laugh and elephants trumpet.

That force. That goes on forever. That beats within me.