Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Srimad Bhagavatam X b.60 Part A - 31 May 2023

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

31 May 2023, Wednesday - Srimad Bhagavatam X b.60 Part A-  A most interesting dialogue between Devi Rukmini and Sri Krishna covering a gamut of lessons for us! Done in two parts. This is Part A.
श्रीशुक उवाच
कर्हिचित्सुखमासीनं स्वतल्पस्थं जगद्गुरुम् । पतिं पर्यचरद्भैष्मी व्यजनेन सखीजनैः ॥
यस्त्वेतल्लीलया विश्वं सृजत्यत्त्यवतीश्वरः । स हि जातः स्वसेतूनां गोपीथाय यदुष्वजः ॥

T: Sage Shuka narrated: On one occasion, Queen Rukmini was seated on her inner chamber couch with Bhagavan Sri Krishna, surrounded by servants. Rukmini was lovingly fanning her beloved husband, who is indeed by His Leela the creator, devourer and protector at the same time of this universe! He had incarnated as Sri Krishna to protect the Yadus.  

Sage Shuka describes the most evocative scene of connubial bliss enjoyed by Rukmini and Sri Krishna. 

Rukmini's palace was magnificent, boasting a canopy hung with brilliant strings of pearls, as well as effulgent jewels shining like lamps. Garlands of jasmine and other flowers hung here and there, attracting swarms of humming bees, and the spotless rays of the moon shone through the holes carried the mood of a Parijata garden into the room. There the Queen served her husband, the Supreme Lord of all the worlds, as He reclined upon an opulent pillow on her bed, which was as soft and white as the foam of milk. Rukmini took the Yak-hair fan from her maid's hand and fanned her beloved Sri Krishna holding its bejewelled handle. Her bracelets tinkled from her effort, and she looked resplendent as she stood fanning her lord. Her jewelled ankle-bells tinkled occasionally, and her necklace glittered, reddened by the vermilion smeared on her breasts, which were covered by the end of her sari. On her waist, she wore a priceless belt.

Sri Krishna was delighted that Devi Lakshmi had taken the form of Rukmini and was with him. Her charming face was adorned with curling hair, earrings, and a locket on her neck, and poured out the nectar of her bright, happy smile. 

The Lord then spoke to her as follows.
"My dear princess, you were sought after by many kings powerful like the guardians of the quarters. They had abundant political influence, wealth, beauty, generosity and physical strength. Your brother and father wanted you to choose from them. Why did you reject the King of Cedi and all those other suitors, who stood before you, hopelessly in love with you? Why, instead, did you choose us, who are not at all your equal?"

"My dear Rukmini, you know how we built our safe haven in the sea as we were afraid of their attacks. We even gave up Mathura's royal throne. "

"You well know how it is. Women who choose men of unpredictable nature defying society's norms are known to suffer much.  We have no material possessions, and we are dear to only those similarly impoverished. Indeed, Oh slender one, the wealthy hardly ever worship me."

ययोरात्मसमं वित्तं जन्मैश्वर्याकृतिर्भवः । तयोर्विवाहो मैत्री च नोत्तमाधमयोः क्वचित् ॥ 
T: "Marriage and friendship are proper between two people who are equals in terms of their wealth, birth, influence, physical appearance and capacity for good progeny, but never between a superior and an inferior. Oh, Princess of Vidarbha, I am afraid that not being farsighted, you didn’t realise this, and therefore you chose me as your husband, even though we have no good qualities, simply by listening to glowing storuies about us narrated by deluded beggars!"

 "The prudent thing for you, therefore, is to take a more suitable husband, a first-class man of the royal order who can help you achieve everything you want, both in this life and the next. Shishupala, Dantavaktra, Jarasandha, Rukmi, all hate me."

तेषां वीर्यमदान्धानां दृप्तानां स्मयनुत्तये ।आनीतासि मया भद्रे तेजोऽपहरतासताम् ॥ 
T: "I must tell you that I came and carried you away only to dispel the arrogance of those kings. My good woman, they were blinded by the intoxication of power. My purpose was to curb the strength of the wicked."

उदासीना वयं नूनं न स्त्र्यपत्यार्थकामुकाः । आत्मलब्ध्याऽऽस्महे पूर्णा गेहयोर्ज्योतिरक्रियाः ॥  
T: The important thing to know is that our nature is such that we care nothing for wives, children and wealth and the pleasures of a comfortable life with family and fortune. On the other hand, we are alwayscontented within ourselves, and do not work for enriching the physical body and material home. We are akin to light, that gets attached to nothing, and stays a witness always!"


Rukmini's apple cart seemed to topple instantly. her sangfroid was shattered by the Lord's uncaring words and advice that she go and take a new and better husband! Her fan slipped down, she also fainted and collapsed in utter dismay. Sri Krishna knew she had not understood his humour. He knew how much she loved him. He lifted her and embraced her most lovingly now. "My dearest, Rukmini, don't take my words seriously! I only joked!" Wiping her tears, caressing her lovely face, Sri Krishna continued, 'My dearest, I only wanted to push you to respond to these words, and looked forward to what you would say!" " Please, please, don't be cross, Rukmini! You know we householders like to joke like this at home with our near and dear ones!"

Rukmini quickly composed herself, and smiling, she responded. That is so wonderful we should wait till tomorrow to read it!
