Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Srimad Bhagavatam IV.15 - 8 November 2022

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥

Tuesday, 8 November 2022 IV.15 - The birth of King Prithu.

The pitfalls of flattery:
Peace, peace, and give experience tongue.
They do abuse the king that flatter him:
For flattery is the bellows blows up sin;
The thing which is flatter'd, but a spark,
To which that blast gives heat and stronger glowing;
Whereas reproof, obedient and in order,
Fits kings, as they are men, for they may err.
- William Shakespeare.
The sages were determined to create a suitable successor out of Vena's body. They now churned the dead body's two arms with incantations. As a result, a male and female couple came out of Vena's arms.

Using their spiritual insight and Vedic knowledge, the sages could at once see that this couple had been created by Bhagavan Maha Vishnu Himself in answer to their prayers.

The male child was an amshavatara (partial incarnation) of Bhagavan Vishnu, the sustainer of the universe, and the female child was His consort, Sri Lakshmi's partial incarnation. They named the two Prithu and Archi. Indeed, King Prithu would be the first among kings. The female child would be his consort, and would beautify everything she would touch or wear.


There was a great celebration in the universe as the sages sang fervent praises of King Prithu, the celestials sang and danced and showered flowers in blessing. Conches, bugles, drums and kettledrums resonated in outer space. Great sages, forefathers and celestials came to earth from various planetary systems.

Lord Brahma himself came and saw that Prithu had Lord Vishnu's own lines in his right palm, signs of the lotus on his feet, a clear sign of Lord Vishnu's Chakra in his palm. All this confirmed that Prithu was indeed Bhagavan's incarnation!

Since it was a divine incarnation, the sages did not have to wait long. Prithu was soon big enough and ready to be anointed as the king. People from all directions collected all the different paraphernalia for the ceremony. 

Sage Vyasa, the greatest poet and storyteller that ever was, says that all the rivers, seas, hills, mountains, serpents, cows, birds, animals, heavenly planets, the earth and all living entities collected various presents, according to their ability, to offer King Prithu.


Thus the great King Pṛthu, exquisitely attired and adorned with ornaments, was crowned and seated on the royal throne. The King and his wife, Archi, who was also exquisitely ornamented,  delightfully blazed in their radiance.

Kubera presented King Prithu with a golden throne. Varuna presented him with an umbrella that shone like the moon and sprinkled cool drops. Vayu gave two whisk fans. Dharma gave him a garland. Indra gave him a diadem crown. Yama gave him the royal sceptre.

Lord Brahma presented King Prithu with a garment conferring spiritual knowledge. Bharati (Saraswati) gave him a  divine necklace. Lord Vishnu presented him a Sudarshana Chakra, and Sri Lakshmi gave him imperishable articles of wealth.

Lord Shiva presented Prithu with a sword within a sheath marked with ten moons, and Durga Parvathi presented him with a shield marked with one hundred moons.  Chandra gave him horses fed with nectar, and Vishwakarma the celestial architect gave him a beautiful chariot. Agni and Surya gave him a divine bow and arrows. 

Celestials adept in fine arts conferred those arts and magical instruments on Prithu. The sages showered their blessings. Finally, the ocean brought him a great conch. The seas, mountains and rivers gave Prithu unhindered passage at will.


Vandis and Magadhas, the ceremonial eulogisers who are in the court to sing a king's praises constantly, now sang endless praises of the new King Prithu.

It is fascinating to read how King Prithu now responded! In a voice as deep as the rumble of the majestic ocean, he said:

भो: सूत हे मागध सौम्य वन्दिँल्लोकेऽधुनास्पष्टगुणस्य मे स्यात् ।
किमाश्रयो मे स्तव एष योज्यतां मा मय्यभूवन्वितथा गिरो व: ॥ 
तस्मात्परोक्षेऽस्मदुपश्रुतान्यलं करिष्यथ स्तोत्रमपीच्यवाच: ।
सत्युत्तमश्लोकगुणानुवादे जुगुप्सितं न स्तवयन्ति सभ्या: ॥
T: With a gentle smile and a tone of mild dissent, King Prithu said, "Oh, Sutas, Vandis and Magadhas, all those virtues and merits you have imputed to me are yet to be manifested by me! Of course, I wish they all come true, but right now, only someone else may be deserving of these praises. Let such qualities manifest over time and then maybe you can sing those praises of me. Indeed, such praise should be offered only to Bhagavan Mahavishnu and courtiers with decorum would not sing such praises of a human being who is unworthy of them."

"How could any intelligent man allow such praises to intoxicate him and let his head turn in pride? Indeed it is a sign of true power and accomplishment when someone disallows such eulogies. Such praises are as avoidable as allowing someone to harp on one's misdeeds! Both are most inopportune and childish."


॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥