Sunday, October 4, 2020

Food = 4L +ABCDEF

I was thinking today about the best formula to eat right. Here is my idea. 

Eat Right = 4L +ABCDEF

L = Eat what you like
L = Eat what is local
L = Eat less than you would like to.
L = Leverage food for your life needs. 

Leverage depends on your life needs. 
A = Age
B = Body type (metabolism) 
C = Calorie Plan 
D = Dietary restrictions (diabetes, BP)
E = Exercise 
F = Fatness (BMI) 

So when you Leverage your food, you optimise your intake based on ABCDEF. 

I came to know the hard way that a diet of great south Indian vegetarian food, combined with the usual intake of dairy (curd, ghee, butter, milk with coffee, ice cream etc.) and frequent eating out on Punjabi dishes rich in dairy, drove my weight way beyond what my body would take. 

I am now on the mend, fully vegan, and very careful about diet. 

It is way too easy to lose one's health and VERY difficult to recover it.