Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28, 2017: Durgashtami

|| śrīmahiṣāsuramardinistotram ||

ayi girinandini nanditamedini viśvavinodini nandinute
girivaravindhyaśiro'dhinivāsini viṣṇuvilāsini jiṣṇunute  |
bhagavati he śitikaṇṭhakutumbini bhūrikutumbini bhūrikṛte
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute  ||

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

ayi girinandini - Hail the Daughter of the Mountain!
nanditamedini - the One who thrills the everyone on earth,
viśvavinodini - who delights in the world as its shakti, 
nandinute - who is bowed down to by Nandi,
adhinivāsini śiras vindhya girivara  - who dwells on the peak of Vindya, the great mountain, 
viṣṇuvilāsini jiṣṇunute - who delights Vishnu ( as his Mayashakti) and is bowed down to by India, the chief of gods.

jaya jaya he bhagavati - Glory, glory to You, Oh Mother Goddess, 
he śiti kaṇṭha kutumbini - Oh consort of Shiva with the blue neck, 
bhūrikutumbini bhūrikṛte - Who is the Universal Mother, the Creator of all, 
mahiṣāsuramardini - the One who killed Mahishasura!
ramya kapardini - the One with lovely plaited hair, 
śailasute  - Oh, Daughter of the mountain!

This shloka is the first one in Mahishasuramardini stotra, attributed to Adi Shankara, and taught to us as kids in Mysore and Bangalore 🙂