Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22, 2017 : Vishnu Shatpadi

ādiśaṅkara-viracita   śri viṣṇu-ṣaṭpadī  (continued)

satyapi bhedāpagame nātha 
tavāhaṃ na māmakīnastvaṃ |   
sāmudro hi taraṅgaḥ kvacana
samudro na tāraṅgaḥ   ||

uddhṛtanaga nagabhidanuja
danujakulāmitra mitraśaśidṛṣṭe  |
dṛṣṭe bhavati prabhavati na
bhavati kiṃ bhava tiraskāraḥ     ||

Re-ordered Word-by-word meaning

nātha - oh Lord! satyapi - indeed, if it were to come about that bhedāpagame - the difference between you and me were removed, tavāhaṃ - I would become yours,
tvaṃ na māmakīna  - (but) not that you become mine. 
taraṅgaḥ sāmudro hi - It is just like that the waves are a part of the ocean.  kvacana na - But never
samudro  tāraṅgaḥ - does the sea become a part of the waves.

uddhṛtanaga - Oh Lord who lifted the (Govardhana) mountain! nagabhidanuja - And are (as Vamana) the younger brother of Indra who cleft the mountain,
danujakulāmitra - You are the enemy of the race of demons, 
mitraśaśidṛṣṭe - and Your eyes are the sun and the moon,
dṛṣṭe bhavati*- when You are seen (i.e. I have Your vision)- , prabhavati na bhavati kiṃ* - won't the cycle of births cease,
bhava tiraskāraḥ  - and I transcend/renounce this world?

*this is sati saptami prayoga

Will be further continued....😊