Saturday, May 14, 2016

A few favourite things

A Few Favourites

Waking up to a cool morning, fragrant
After an overnight cool shower,

Not to rabid mosquito bites
Aided by a cruel power cut.

Taking a walk on my favourite path,
Untroubled by potholes and smoke.

Listening to my favourite music or radio,
Unfazed by stupid ads and interruptions.

Browsing on my beautiful phone,
Untrammelled by the much-touted 4G.

Watching some beautiful videos,
Unencumbered by ads.

Applauding some great cricket,
Unworried by match fixing.

Eating my favourite dosa,
Unconcerned about transfat and stuff.

Putting up my feet and saying, "Thank You
Oh Lord, these are a few
Of my favourite things."
And being heard.