Friday, November 11, 2011

Spielberg's Tintin!

Imagine an experience more fascinating than any action hero film thus far, characters as lovable as Dickens', period scenes straight from the '20s and '30s, action that would put Bond to shame, 3D effects that would give Avatar a complex, a story line that makes you a boy once more, characters so real that you can touch them and feel their spirited breath, and the comfort of a familiar adorable boy hero and his cute dog and swearing sailor of a friend, and you have Spielberg's Tintin. For me Tintin= 1000 x (Harry Potter+Bond+Avatar+Indiana Jones). The 3D effects make you duck flying coins, hide from surging seas, raging fires and sword fights and motorcycle chases that are simply simply edge of the seat for over a couple of hours. No movie makes such an impact before the interval, and carries on merrily afterwards too.
Spielberg's genius is he makes 3D characters come to life, and then assume a doll-like texture so you can play with them almost! Toy Story was toys come to life. Tintin is life made into toys.

Go see it NOW.