Thursday, July 15, 2010

Symbolism of the Rupee

Saw The Symbol an hour ago. Hmm. It has come a full circle.. The Indus civilization started having coinage, and now the Indian Rupee is only the fifth currency after $, £, ¥,  and €. Of course each of these currencies has a wealth an order of magnitude bigger than the Rupee, and in fact Obama has spent MORE THAN INDIA'S GNP on just the stimulus package.

But so what. We have our own Currency Symbol. Symbolism... that set me thinking. What does this symbol make me think of?

  1. The king, or Raja...Doesn't it look like an elaborate princely headgear? We are still feudalistic.

  2. RUpya, in Sanskrit, was the original word. It meant a silver or gold mint coin with the king's insignia.

  3. Did you see how top heavy the symbol is? So is our economy.

  4. India has lofty ideas of equality. Look at the equal sign on top.

  5. But it remains a concept. The money is all sandwiched by the richest.

  6. There is an aspiring middle class, upwardly mobile, but soon those blokes will hit a ceiling.. a barrier to the top.

  7. The symbol looks like a plough. No wonder, since the humble yokeman represents the vast majority.

  8. The poor in India are stuck in the mud... no move upwards. Only a slide down.

  9. India is shamelessly enamoured of the west.. see the way we stare at the west and ape the Euro.

  10. But all is not lost. India is producing the largest pool of graduates..did you see the convocation headgear?

  11. All other currency symbols have a roundness and modesty to them, but India seems to be flying a kite!

  12. The symbol does not stand on itself. It needs a stronger base... as does the Indian minimum wage need some bolstering.
I am sure you can think of more. Come on!