Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Srimad Bhagavatam - 23 Aug.2022

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥
Tuesday,  23 August 2022 - Chapter 5 of the Bhagavata Mahatmyam and Part 5 of the Introduction.

At the outset, apologies for not making something clear. The first six blog posts starting on 19 August under Srimad Bhagavatam cover the six chapters of Bhagavatamahatmyam. This is the tradition to be followed  for the Bhagavata Parayanam.

On the other hand, I wish to cover in these six entries ALSO the introduction to Srimad Bhagavatam in the four-volume translation by Swami Tapasyananda. This is because the introduction is an essential, different, dimension of the work, which cannot be covered later once we begin the actual text from the first Skandha.

I should make it amply clear that the two portions have no connect, since Swami Tapasyananda's book does not cover Bhagavatamahatmyam. 

I intend to synchronize the original text and the translation from the first Skandha which will begin on the seventh day. 

Bhagavata Mahatmyam - Chapter 5

The sordid story of Dundhukari finds a logical end by showing the indubitable relevance of Srimad  Bhagavatam.

पितर्युपरते तेन जननी ताडिता भृशम्। क्व वित्तं तिष्ठति ब्रूहि हनिष्ये लत्तया न चेत्॥ 
T: Once his father had departed to the forest, the evil Dundhukari turned his attention to his mother (who ironically had originally set in motion all these degrading events by not accepting the blessing from the Sannyasi.) He beat her,  saying, "Beware! Tell me where all the wealth in our home is hidden; otherwise I shall beat you to death with burning firewood."

The woman was so badly shaken she jumped that night itself into a well and killed herself.

Dundhukari now had no one to question his ways. Gokarna had gone away on a long pilgrimage so Dundhukari's actions were unbridled. Gokarna himself was an embodiment of sagely detachment (remember he was born of the fruit of blessing given by the Sannyasi).

Five prostitutes were invited by Dundhukari to stay at his home and Dundhukari went on looting others to bring home the money for his lavish lifestyle. 

One day the five prostitutes pestered Dundhukari for a lot of expensive gifts and ornaments. He went unabashedly and looted people and brought home the wealth needed. The evil women were astonished. They sat down and discussed among themselves that Dundhukari was soon going to be apprehended for all his theft and they too would be caught by the king. Therefore it would be better for them then and there to kill Dundhukari and scoot with all the gold! 

The women bound him hand and foot and secured from him the necessary information where all the wealth lay. Then they killed Dundhukari by stuffing his mouth with burning firewood. They then buried him in a huge vessel so that no one would discover the body.

Dundhukari became a ghost. A preta प्रेत is a ghost who comes into existence when someone has an untimely death by suicide or as a victim of homicide. The soul has now become a preta and will not find liberation from its state of suspension and torment. It will hover around the place of murder/death. 

This is what happened. The prostitutes went away telling everyone that Dundhukari had gone on a long business trip. 

The town realized after the passage of time that Dundhukari was perhaps dead. When Gokarna came to know about this news, he felt very bad. In accordance with the Hindu Shastras, he performed Dundhukari's sanctifying rites (श्राद्धा) at the holy place of Gaya on the bank of the Ganga to secure a better journey for the departed soul of Dundhukari.

At last, Gokarna arrived back at their home. He entered the home at night. It was deserted. As he lay down to sleep, Dundhukari came as the preta ghost and tormented him in weird shapes and terrifying forms. Gokarna was non-plussed. He used his powers to exhume the ghost and discovered that it was Dundhukari. Dundhukari broke down in his ghostly apparition and disclosed what had happened to him. A hundred Shraddhas at Gaya would not absolve his soul of all the sins he had committed. He begged Gokarna to find a way to release him.


Gokarna is deeply distressed that he is unable to help his brother Dundhukari. He uses his spiritual power and invokes Lord Surya Bhagavan himself. He arrests the sun in his trajectory and implores him to give a remedy.


तुभ्यं नमो जगत्साक्षिन् ब्रूहि मे मुक्तिहेतुकम् । तच्छ्रुुत्वा दूरतः सूर्यः स्फुटमित्यभ्यभाषत॥
श्रीमद्भागवतान्मुक्तिः सप्ताहं वाचनं कुरु। इति सूर्यवचः सर्वैर्धर्मरूपं तु विश्रुतम् ॥   

T: Gokarna cried out aloud, 'Oh Lord who witnesseth all creation and life, please accept my obeisances. I implore you to disclose to me the solution to secure liberation for Dundhukari's ghost." Surya at once spoke and the oracle resounded in all directions: "Srimad Bhagavatam will give him release. Read the Bhagavatam over a full week for this auspicious end." This oracle was heard by one and all.

Gokarna was delighted. He arranged for this seven-day reading, and a huge gathering of townsfolk and villagers gathered at the spot. As Gokarna began the reading, seated in front of his Vyasapeetha, Dundhukari's ghost came and hid close at hand in a bamboo staff set up to support a flower plant, with a rope tied around in seven knots. 

Dundhukari immersed himself thoroughly in the Bhagavatam, and every day, one knot of the rope on the bamboo would burst, signifying a lessening of his entrapment. Soon the twelve skandhas were completed within the week, and Gokarna was astonished to witness the bamboo burst, and Dundhukari's form in divine arraignment ascend to heaven, exclaiming, 'Oh brother Gokarna, your kind act and spiritual effort to chant Bhagavatam cannot be acknowledged enough! I found that evil forces run away when the Bhagavatam is recited. All sins are burnt to ashes!" Dundhukari ascended in a special vehicle sent from Vaikuntha. Gods and sages exclaimed that there was no doubt Srimad Bhagavatam would have such a sanctifying and purifying effect every time on any faithful and devoted listener.

Gokarna himself was non-plussed. So many worthy listeners had assembled and heard the recitation, but an absolute sinner like Dundhukari had ascended to Vaikuntha before anyone else!? The sages from Vaikuntha explained, "Dundhukari heard the recitation with unwavering devotion and attention that excelled all others' listening. He dwelt in his mind day and night on the truths enshrined therein. If others did not win this release from the bondage of life on earth, it shows they lacked either dedication or faith. And Gokarna, you yourself will now directly proceed to Goloka, the abode of Sri Krishna, and he will personally escort you."

Sri Krishna arrived, in blazing glory and bewitching grace. He blew the conch Panchajanya, and embraced Gokarna. He took not only Gokarna, but all those living in that town. This was reminiscent of how Sri Rama at the end of his sojourn on earth took all Ayodhyavasis to Vaikuntha!

Swami Tapasyananda's Introduction - Part 5

Swamiji maps the scope and depth of creation from Brahma downwards. Prakriti - Ahankara (sense of individuality) and the interplay of the cosmic elements with the mental framework of man and his organs of action and perception demonstrate how the whole cosmos is connected within the human being. 

All the technical terms are shown in great detail. 

In other words, mind, matter, and energy are interlinked. They all function because of the Divine consciousness that suffuses all creation.  

More details are provided in the scan shown above.

॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥