Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Kshemam Kuru Gopaala - Raagamaalika

This morning over the radio, I heard this wonderful rendition of the song, "Kshemam Kuru Gopala", played by Flute Shashank. It is such an evocative song. I have heard it so many times sung by the one and only "Mahavidwan KVN". 

I was almost certain this song, with saahityam composed by Sri.Narayana Tirtha, would have been tuned by Sri.KVN himself. I later verified it with Sri. K. N. Vishwanathan, Sri.KVN's son that my surmise was correct. 

The raagamaalika in Mohanam, Kaapi, Behag and Sindu Bhairavi has so many signature phrases and jells so well with the saahityam. I give below the audio as well as the saahityam, copied from Sangeethasudha.org