Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Yoga Pill

The Yoga Pill

With 177+ nations and millions and millions of people embracing Yoga,  it is becoming as big as IPL. Lots of brands, lots of stars, and lots of millionaires are just round the corner.

There are many who think Yoga is a secret Hindu conversion strategy.  There are many other equally stupid people who are trying very hard to prove that yoga works no better than hard physical exercises or physiotherapy.

They don't understand that the true power of yoga comes from the mind. It unites the mind, breath and posture for countless benefits over the long term. It helps anyone of any religion, as long as he or she is human.

But the biggest problem in yoga is YOU HAVE TO DO IT. It is not for lazy slouches.
Wait. That's till now. Let me tell you how everything is going to change very fast, soon.

Let's welcome Yogi Raj Gurubrahma. I will find it easier to type YRG. YRG lives in the upper reaches of the Himalayas higher than 15000 feet. He lives by eating very sparingly - just once a month a rare root he plucks from within the ground. During the eight months of snow, he eats only twice. He is around 150 years of age. He doesn't need WiFi or cellphone or TV. He is a clairvoyant and teleporting expert.

YRG has decided to give the world the Yoga Pill. This consists of extracts of his secret root and some berries. It will be mass-produced after a global patent by the world's largest pharma companies. The Yoga Pill gives ALL THE BENEFITS of all asanas, bandhas, mudras and pranayama. You take it once a day at bed time. It works in the deeper layers of your consciousness between 2 AM and 3 AM.  It generates powerful subconscious energies to confer all the benefits of yoga, WITHOUT ANY EFFORT.

Soon,  yoga studios and yoga gurus will all close shop. Just one Yoga Pill will replace all the nonsense.

And someone will sell spurious substitutes. Some devil advocates will argue it is no better than hard exercise and physiotherapy. Someone will insinuate a Swiss connection for YRG.

And so on.

Note: I hope you won't stop doing yoga. Because I was simply tempting you about something that's not true and making fun of the credulous. Until YRG comes round, you had better do yoga!