Wednesday, October 9, 2024

शारदे करुणानिधे

शारदे करुणानिधे Oh Devi Sharada, Treasure-house of Grace

सकलान् अव अम्ब सदा जनान्, Mother, protect all people always

चारणादि महित – You are praised by all panegyrists

वैभव पूरित अखिल दिक्तटे Your fame fills the world in all the directions


भर्म भूषण भूषिते – You are adorned with gold ornaments

वर रत्न मौलि विराजिते – You are resplendent with a bejewelled crown

शर्म दायिनि – Giver of prosperity and wellbeing!

कर्म मोचनि – Remover of past karmas!

निर्मलम् कुरु मानसम् – Please purify our minds!


हस्त सन्धृत पुस्तक अक्षपटि सुधाघट मुद्रिते - In your four hands, you beautifully hold Pustaka (vedas), Japamala, pot of Amrita, and gesture of grace

कः तव अस्ति हि वर्णने चतुरो नर, खेचरो अथवा – Who among men or gods is there who can indeed describe your glory?

