Monday, July 8, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 74

 जय श्रीराम!

 अथ रामशिरश्छेददर्शनोद्भ्रान्तचेतनाम् । 
सीतां मायेति शंसन्ती त्रिजटा समजीवयत् ॥१२.७४॥

Notes: The battle progressed adversely for Rāvaṇa who had trivialised the enemy.  He then came up with a typical cowardly act. He managed to create a fake head of Śrīrāma, and presented it to Sītā, saying, " Look, the one whom you are waiting for to rescue you is dead! Now you had better come to me!"

Kālidāsa says, "Then, beholding the decapitated head of Śrīrāma, Sītā was crazily distressed. She had to be repeatedly assured by the Rākṣasī Trijaṭā to be convinced that it was all a fakery and Rāvaṇa's despicable attempt at illusion and that Sītā's beloved Śrīrāma was well and winning the battle."

जय श्रीराम!