Monday, July 1, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 67

 जय श्रीराम!

स प्रतस्थेऽरिनाशाय हरिसैन्यैरनुद्रुतः । 
न केवलं भुवः पृष्ठे व्योम्नि सम्बाधवर्तिभिः ॥१२.६७॥ 

Notes: Kālidāsa says, "Śrīrāma then commenced his march to vanquish the enemy followed by the teeming army of Vānaras who jostled together not only while stomping the earth but also while travelling in leaps across the sky."

This is described in considerable detail by Vālmīki. They travelled from Kiśkindha to the seashore of Rāmeśvaram, several hundred miles away. Their travel was organised by Sugrīva and Lakṣmaṇa as best as they could. Still, the march of the teeming army of several crores of powerful, huge, and wild denizens of the forest was bound to be chaotic as they travelled through the dense forests and water bodies. 

जय श्रीराम!