Sunday, July 7, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 73


 जय श्रीराम!


 पादपाविद्धपरिघः शिलानिष्पिष्टमुद्गरः ।
 अतिशस्त्रनखन्यासः शैलरुग्णमतङ्गजः ॥१२.७३॥ 

Notes: Kālidāsa says, "The battle was extraordinary. The deadly nail-studded maces of the Rākṣasās were smashed by huge trees uprooted and weaponised by the Vānaras. The Vānaras used boulders to pulverise the Rākṣasās' heavy maces swung at them. The Vānaras also had such sharp and strong nails that they were able to destroy other weapons wielded by the Rākṣasās by tearing them down. What was more, even the elephants advancing from the Rākṣasās' side were crushed under mountainous rocks launched by the Vānaras."

When we read of Tsunamis that destroy whole towns and bring down huge, man-made structures, uprooting trees and blowing away settlements, we can see the power that Nature can unleash on man. This battle was exactly that - Nature teaching kṣasās a lesson.
जय श्रीराम!