Monday, June 24, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 61

 जय श्रीराम!

दृष्टा विचिन्वता तेन लङ्कायां राक्षसीवृता । 
जानकी विषवल्लीभिः परीतेव महौषधिः ॥१२.६१॥ 

Notes: Kālidāsa says," Hanumān searched the capital city of Laṅkā and after much effort, located Sītā. She was surrounded by demonesses and appeared like a divine medicinal plant surrounded by poisonous creepers."

Kālidāsa is perforce to be brief but the narration of Vālmīki in Sundara Kānḍa is epic. He describes the opulence and indolence of all Laṅkā under the tyrant Rāvaṇa which would put any modern-day hedonistic evil state to shame. Hanumān, the epitome of strength, sagacity and diligence, wastes not a moment and leaves no stone unturned in his search. His sense of hopelessness of the quest is finally answered by his prayer to Śrīrāma. His devotion finally takes him to the Aśoka Vana, a heavenly pleasure garden where Sītā. is held captive and tormented by the most evil-looking gargoyles of Rākṣasīs, threatening to devour her unless she yields to Rāvaṇa's lustful advances.  She is shivering in fright and drying up in distress. Calling her a medicinal plant surrounded by poisonous creepers shows the imagery of Kālidāsa - what are the chances of finding ambrosia in hell?

जय श्रीराम!