Saturday, June 15, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 52

जय श्रीराम!

निग्रहात्स्वसुराप्तानां वधाच्च धनदानुजः । 
रामेण निहितं मेने पदं दशसु मूर्धसु ॥१२.५२॥

Notes: Kālidāsa says, "By mutilating Śūrpaṇakhā and destroying his own large army, the younger brother of Kubera (the god of wealth), Rāvaṇa considered that Śrīrāma had kicked him in all his ten heads."

Give it to the master poet for crafting words that tell much more than the few syllables he uses. He introduces Rāvaṇa as the younger brother of Kubera. Indeed, the god of wealth was a great semi-divine being blessed by Brahmā himself. he was given as a reward for his goodness his residence in Lanka, built by Viśvakarma, the divine architect. Rāvaṇa, after getting boons of near-invincibility, attacked his elder brother without a second thought. He drove Kubera out of Lanka. He later attacked him in Alakapurī too, confiscating his divine chariot called Puṣpaka Vimāna! Imagine what a rogue and a tyrant Rāvaṇa was. 

The bigger the tyranny, the bigger is the capacity for rage and taking offence at the slightest insult. And here was a mendicant prince in exile handing Rāvaṇa with his ten heads a solid kick by destroying his entire army and mutilating his sister! No need to ask why all this had happened in the first place if you are a self-aggrandising tyrant! Offended was Rāvaṇa, and he would surely exact his revenge on Śrīrāma

जय श्रीराम!