Monday, June 17, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 54

जय श्रीराम!

तौ सीतान्वेषिणौ गृध्रं लूनपक्षमपश्यताम् । प्राणैर्दशरथप्रीतेरनृणं  कण्ठवर्तिभिः ॥१२.५४॥
Notes: Kālidāsa says,"The two brothers, desperately looking around for Sītā, then came upon the vulture Jaṭāyu lying down with his wings slashed. Fighting his battle with Rāvaṇa, he had repaid the debt of his friendship to King Daśaratha by sacrificing his vital airs (life breath) which barely passed in his throat now as he was on the verge of death." 

 Jaṭāyu! Oh, what a hero! No one in our epics is as exemplary as  Jaṭāyu for fulfilling his sense of duty and righteousness by opposing evil, however powerful. One should read Vālmīki to understand the greatness of this divine bird, and the love and respect shown by Śrīrāma and Sītā towards this avuncular protector in the forest. His battle with Rāvaṇa, and then his conveying what had happened to Sītā to Śrīrāma and Lakṣmaṇa, was an important element in the development of the story. I bow down to this great hero. 

जय श्रीराम!