Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 41

जय श्रीराम!

सा वक्रनखधारिण्या वेणूकर्कशपर्वया । 
अङ्कुशाकारयाङ्गुल्या तावतर्जयदम्बरे ॥१२.४१॥

Notes: Kālidāsa says, "She then gestured menacingly at the two brothers with her pointer finger (called तर्जनी - the finger to criticise and shake at someone!) featuring a crooked nail, knobbly joints like bamboo sticks, and a sharp bent shape resembling the elephant goad, as she took off into the sky (with a shriek). "

The whole episode which did not take much time was full of violent action with a humorous angle in the beginning and had soon descended into an ugly skirmish. Devilish was the mood. There was no need to guess what would happen next. Śūrpanakhā had introduced herself at the very beginning, brandishing her connections to Khara who ruled the region with his large demonic army and the big brother Rāvaṇa, whose very name was terror.

जय श्रीराम!