Friday, August 30, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 102

 जय श्रीराम!

Sorry, I cannot find a good enough image to fit Kālidāsa's description.

अथ मदगुरुपक्षैर्लोकपालद्विपानाम्
अनुगतमलिवृन्दैर्गण्डभित्तीर्विहाय । 
उपनतमणिबन्धे मूर्ध्नि पौलस्त्यशत्रोः 
सुरभि सुरविमुक्तं पुष्पवर्षं पपात ॥१२.१०२॥ 

Notes: Kālidāsa says, "The gods who had assembled in the skies were seated on the eight guardian elephants of the quarters. Each of these mighty elephants was in musth oozing the fragrant juice on the cheeks attracting bees. This huge swarm of bees were drinking the nectarine juice but could hardly fly as their wings became heavy as they also soaked up the juice. The bees forsook the elephants the moment the gods started showering heavenly flowers on the victorious Śrīrāma who had killed Rāvaṇa. The bees were drawn to the fragrant flowers and joined them in their descent as they came and virtually crowned the hero, mimicking the soon-to-be coronation of Śrīrāma."

जय श्रीराम!