Friday, October 15, 2010

Osho on Pain

This is an extraordinary talk. I want you to listen to it in a quiet place with no distraction. It can be life-transforming. Osho is talking about pain. He begins thus, in response to a question on how to face physical pain towards the end. The questioner says that he knows how to deal with psychological pain, but is scared of physical pain.
PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN can be dissolved; and only psychological pain can be
dissolved. The other pain, the physical pain, is part of life and death; there is no way to dissolve it. But it never creates a problem. Have you ever observed? -- the problem isonly when you are thinking about it. If you think of old age you become afraid, but old people are not trembling. If you think of illness you become afraid, but when the illness has already happened, there is no fear, there is no problem. One accepts it as a fact.
The real problem is always psychological. The physical pain is part of life. When you start thinking about it, it is not physical pain at all; it has become psychological. You think about death; there is fear. But when death actually happens there is no fear. Fear is always about something in the future. Fear never exists in the present moment. If you are going to the front in a war, you will be afraid, you will be very apprehensive. You will tremble, you will not be able to sleep: many nightmares will haunt you. But once you are on the front -- ask the soldiers -- once you are on the front, you forget all about it. Bullets may be passing and you can enjoy your lunch; and bombs may be falling and you can play cards.
The talk has worked on me. I have posted it in its entirety here. This is one of his talks from the series on Buddha, titled "The Discipline of Transcendence".
Part 1 Psychological pain
Part 2 Psychological Pain