Friday, October 29, 2010

Idli Suprabhata

Oh heavenly damsels clad in perfect white,

Your roundness adds more joy to my anticipation.

However many I eat of you, I want some more.

A profound satisfaction follows each bite.

Chutney especially fresh, dished out at pre-muhurtham breakfast is best,

To dip you in before the lovely swallow.

It seems God wasn't done with just creating the world's favourite food, rice.

For higher mortals like me he wanted to add shape, taste, and the ferment of anticipation.

Thus came about you angels fluffy and white

Ready to plunge and plunder the fire in the belly.

Idli, your'e matchless. Pity the dough-nuts, burger-freaks and leafy six-inchers.

With or without accompaniment, singing your morning prayer brings me bliss!