Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29, 2017: Happy Vijaya Greetings!

|| śrīmad vālmīkirāmāyanam ||

rāmo vigrahavān dharmaḥ sādhuḥ satyaparākramaḥ |
rājā sarvasya lokasya devānāṃ iva vāsavahaḥ   || 3-37-13

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

rāma vigrahavān dharmaḥ - Rama is the personification of righteousness.
sādhuḥ satyaparākramaḥ - He is virtuous, and by upholding Truth is supremely valorous,
rājā sarvasya lokasya - such that he is naturally the supreme king of all mankind, 
devānāṃ iva vāsavahaḥ -just as Indra is indubitably the lord of all the gods.  

While extending everyone the Vijayadashami greetings, I am quoting this shloka. The words Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmah are very often heard in every discussion of Rama's pesonality. Do you know who said these words in the Valmiki Ramayana? 

Be surprised: it is Mareecha! Yes, the same Mareecha driven away by a young Rama during the Vishwamitra sacrifice, and who is compelled by his nephew Ravana at "gun point" to take the form of a golden deer to lure Sita and Rama. Mareecha tells Ravana that it is extremely foolhardy to try and trick Rama, for he is righteous and powerful, and the natural lord of all. 

I am taking a sabbatical for 7 days, see you soon!

PS: The picture is of the latest postage stamp collection released by PM Sri Narendra Modi recently in Varanasi.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28, 2017: Durgashtami

|| śrīmahiṣāsuramardinistotram ||

ayi girinandini nanditamedini viśvavinodini nandinute
girivaravindhyaśiro'dhinivāsini viṣṇuvilāsini jiṣṇunute  |
bhagavati he śitikaṇṭhakutumbini bhūrikutumbini bhūrikṛte
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute  ||

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

ayi girinandini - Hail the Daughter of the Mountain!
nanditamedini - the One who thrills the everyone on earth,
viśvavinodini - who delights in the world as its shakti, 
nandinute - who is bowed down to by Nandi,
adhinivāsini śiras vindhya girivara  - who dwells on the peak of Vindya, the great mountain, 
viṣṇuvilāsini jiṣṇunute - who delights Vishnu ( as his Mayashakti) and is bowed down to by India, the chief of gods.

jaya jaya he bhagavati - Glory, glory to You, Oh Mother Goddess, 
he śiti kaṇṭha kutumbini - Oh consort of Shiva with the blue neck, 
bhūrikutumbini bhūrikṛte - Who is the Universal Mother, the Creator of all, 
mahiṣāsuramardini - the One who killed Mahishasura!
ramya kapardini - the One with lovely plaited hair, 
śailasute  - Oh, Daughter of the mountain!

This shloka is the first one in Mahishasuramardini stotra, attributed to Adi Shankara, and taught to us as kids in Mysore and Bangalore 🙂

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017: Tulasi Ramayana

|| śrī tulasīdāsa viracita rāmacaritamānasa nāndīślokaḥ ||

yanmāyāvaśavarti viśvamakhilaṃ brahmādidevāsurā
yatsattvādamṛṣaiva bhāti sakalaṃ rajjau yathāhebhramaḥ |
yatpādaplavamekameva hi bhavāmbodhestitīrṣāvatāṃ
vande'haṃ tamaśeṣakāraṇaparaṃ rāmākhyamīśaṃ harim    ||

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

ahaṃ vande harim īśaṃ  - I bow down to Hari, Narayana, the Supreme God,
tam aśeṣakāraṇaparaṃ - Him, who is above and beyond all causes ( as the Primal Cause),
rāmākhyam - and goes by the name of Rama! And who is that One
yanmāyāvaśavarti viśvam akhilaṃ - by whose Maya, this entire creation is possessed, 
brahmādidevāsurā- which includes Brahma and other gods as well as demons;
yatsattvāt sakalaṃ bhāti amṛṣā eva  - by whose essence, everything appears to be indeed real (in the sense of permanent),
yathā hebhramaḥ rajjau  - just like a serpent is seen by illusion in a mere rope,
yatpāda plavam ekam eva hi - and whose holy feet are like the only boat for
titīrṣāvatāṃ bhavāmbodhe  -those desirous of crossing the ocean of worldliness.

Glory to Goswami Tulsidas, who retold the Ramayana in that exquisite poetry overflowing with devotion and wisdom!
Glory to Gita Press for spreading our scriptures through their books.

Happy Navaratri!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26, 2017: Navarasa Ramayana

svāmī bodhendra viracita navarasaślokam

śṛṅgāraṃ kṣitinandinīviharaṇe
vīraṃ dhanurbhanjane
kāruṇyaṃ balibhojane
adbutarasaṃ sindhau giristhāpane
hāsyaṃ śūrpanakāmukhe
bhībhatsaṃ anyāmukhe
raudraṃ rāvaṇamardane
munijane śāntaṃ vapuḥ pātu naḥ

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

pātu naḥ vapuḥ - May (that Rama) protect us, who is the emobodiment (of the following moods/emotions/rasas in respective contexts):
śṛṅgāraṃ kṣitinandinīviharaṇe - of romantic love during his happy roamings with Sita, the daughter of Earth, 
vīraṃ dhanurbhanjane - of valour during His breaking Shiva's bow in Janaka's court (leading to his marriage with Sita),
kāruṇyaṃ balibhojane - of compassion whilst partaking of the offering from Shabari,
adbutarasaṃ sindhau giristhāpane - of astonishment during the wonderful construction of the bridge across the sea, 
hāsyaṃ śūrpanakāmukhe - of humour in the face of Shurpanakha's unceasing and importunate overtures (leading to her defacement by Lakshmana)
bhayamaghe - of fear of unrighteousness (which prevented Him from killing Shurpanakha)
bhībhatsaṃ anyāmukhe - of disgust shown by others= Sita and Lakshmana during Shurpanakha's episode, 
raudraṃ rāvaṇamardane -of terrifying anger whilst killing Ravana, 
śāntaṃ munijane  - of peace and quietude in the presence of sages.

This shloka extracts the nava rasas (nine moods- romantic love, valour, compassion, wonderment, humour, fear, disgust, anger and peace) tabulated by Bharatamuni in Natyashastra.

It is a favourite of musicians and dancers. It is part of a work called Sri Rama Karnamritam by Swami Bodhendra of the Shankara tradition.

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017: Devi Bhagavata

śrīmad devībhāgavatam

yasyāḥ samasta suratā samuditaraṇena
truptiṃ prayāti sakaleṣu mukheṣu devi
svāhāsi vy pitṛgaṇasya ca truptihetu-
ruccāryase tvamata eva janaiḥ svadhā ca

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

devi - Oh Goddess! ( You are the One)
yasyāḥ samuditaraṇena sakaleṣu mukheṣu  - by whose oblatory invocation/incantation in the voices of all people (during worship) 
samasta suratā prayāti truptiṃ  - all godheads attain appeasement/satisfaction,
ca svāhā asi vy pitṛgaṇasya truptihetuḥ - and as the incantation "Svaha", you bring satisfaction to all the departed forefathers (to whom we are to offer oblations)
ca ata eva tvam uccāryase - and thus are You invoked,
janaiḥ svadhā  - by the people as "Svadha".

The Devi Bhagavatam and Devi Mahatmya in Markandeya Purana are the sources of all the Navaratri Devi worship mantras and rituals. The famous shlokas "Sarva Mangala Mangalye"... etc. come from there.

In this excerpt, the Devi is extolled as the One who receives all the sacrificial offerings in terms of "Swaha" and "Svadha", as these incantations please all the gods and the departed forefathers, whose worship through Yagna is our bounden duty.

Anyone who misses these extensive interlinks in our scriptures from the Vedas (divine eternal scriptures) to Smritis (rules of conduct), Puranas (mythologies) and Prakaranas ( amplifications and depictions) is missing the wood for the trees.

(The Bhuvaneshvari temple in Mysore Palace shown in the photo above was built by Shilpi Siddhalingaswamy, the learned scholar, Srividya worshipper and preceptor of Mysore king Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar).

Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 24, 2017: Chamundeshwari

śrīvāsudevācārya viracita śrī cāmuṇḍeśvari

śrīcāmuṇḍeśvari pālaya māṃ kṛpākari śaṅkari
śritajanapālini mahābalādrivāsini mahiṣāsuramardini
vācāmagocaramahimavirājite varaguṇabharite
vākpatimukhasuravandite vāsudevasahajāte 

rākāniśākarasannibhavadane rājīvalocane
ramaṇiyakundaradane rakṣitabhuvane maṇiraśane
mūkavākpradānavikhyāte munivaranutisuprīte
śrīkaratārakamantratoṣitacitte sadā namaste

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

śrīcāmuṇḍeśvari kṛpākari śaṅkari pālaya māṃ - Oh Sri Chamundeshwari, full of mercy, the auspicious One, please take care of me!
śritajanapālini - who take care of those devoted to Her,
mahābalādrivāsini - living on the Mysore hill called Mahabala, 
mahiṣāsuramardini - the One who slew Mahishasura,
vācām agocara mahima virājite - resplendent with glories indescribable, 
varaguṇabharite - full of great virtues, 
vākpatimukhasuravandite - worshipped by gods led by Brahma, 
vāsudevasahajāte - sister of Krishna, 

rākā niśākara sannibha vadane - with face of reddish hue like the moon, rājīvalocane -lotus-eyed, 
ramaṇiya kunda radane - with beautiful jasmine-like teeth, 
rakṣitabhuvane - protector of the world, 
maṇiraśane - wearing a pearl waist belt,
mūka vāk pradāna vikhyāte - reputed for granting the faculty of speech to a mute one (somewhat like the story of Kalidasa),
muni vara nuti suprīte - pleased by the obeisances of the meditators, 
śrīkara tāraka mantra toṣita citte - whose mind is pleased by the recitation of auspicious mantras, 
sadā namaḥ te - always my prayers to You!

Mysore is famous for Dasara palace illumination, great kings and composers. This Bilahari composition of Mysore Vasudevacharya celebrates the presiding deity of Mysore, Devi!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017: Lakshmi

śrīyāmunācārya viracita catuśślokī

kāntaste puruśottamaḥ phaṇipatiḥ śayyāsanaṃ vāhanam
vedātmā vihageśvaro yavanikā māyā jaganmohinī                 |
śrīrityeva ca nāmate bhagavati brūmaḥ kathaṃ tvāṃ vayam ||

Re-ordered Word-by-word meaning

te kānta puruśottamaḥ - Your husband is the Supreme Personality Vishnu, 
śayyāsanaṃ phaṇipatiḥ - (Your) bed and seat is the lord of serpents, Adisesha,
vāhanam vedātmā vihageśvaro - (Your) vehicle is the soul of the Vedas, Garuda, lord of birds, 
yavanikā māyā jaganmohinī - (Your) royal screen is Maya Shakti, who deludes the whole world through her power,       
brahma iśa ādi suravraja sadayita tvddāsa dāsī gaṇaḥ - Brahma, Shiva, and other gods moving with their wives are Your entourage of servants and hand-maids, 
śrī iti eva ca nāma te - Sri or the Goddess of Prosperity is your very name, 
bhagavati - Oh Supreme Goddess, 
kathaṃ vayam tvāṃ brūmaḥ  - How can we (mere mortals) proclaim Your greatness!?

Sri Yamunacharya was the spiritual guru of Sri Ramanujacharya, and his works are special to all devotees.

The concepts in our mythology and worship are inspirational, and stimulate our imagination about how the Supreme Being pervades and possesses all creation and prosperity, which is logically the starting point of godhood.

Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017: Kalidasa

mahākavi kālidāsa viracita śrīśyāmalādanḍakam

jaya janani
bhaktibhājāṁ paraṁ śreyase kalpase | 
yogināṁ mānase dyotase | 
chandasāmojasā bhrājase | 
gītavidyāvinodātitṛṣṇena kṛṣṇenasaṁpūjyase |
bhaktimaccetasā vedhasā stūyase | 
viśvahṛdyena vādyena vidyādharairgīyase | 

Re-ordered Word-by word meaning

jaya janani - Glory to you, Mother! who are
kalpase paraṁ śreyase bhaktibhājāṁ  - You endow the ultimate prosperity for your devotees,
yogināṁ mānase dyotase - You shine in the minds of the meditators, 
bhrājase ojasā chandasām  - You shine through the Vedic chants with effulgence,  
saṁpūjyase kṛṣṇena gīta vidyā vinoda ati tṛṣṇena - You are worshipped by Krishna, who delights very much through song, learning, and sport,
stūyase vedhasā bhaktimaccetasā  - You are praised by Brahma, with his devotion-filled mind,
gīyase vidyādharaiḥ vādyena viśvahṛdyena- You are extolled in song by celestial musicians called Vidysdharas, with songs and instruments that stir the whole world.

Another sample from Kalidasa, showing his clever use of words with very expressive depiction of the Devi.

Navaratri wishes!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

September 21, 2017: Nine Days of Devi Worship

||  devīstotrāṇi  ||

sindhūrāruṇavigrahāṃ trinayanāṃ māṇikyamauḷisphurat
tārānāyakaśekharāṃ  smitamukhīm āpīnavakṣorurhām   |
pānibhyām alipūrṇaratnacaṣakāṃ  raktotpalāṃ bibhratīṃ 
saumyāṃ ratnaghaṭashtharaktacaraṇāṃ dhyāyet parām ambikām                ||

śivaḥ ṣaktyā yukto yadi bhavati śaktaḥ prabhavitum
na cedevaṃ deva na kuśalaḥ spanditumapi     |
atastvāmārādhyāṃ hariharaviriñcādibhirapi
praṇantuṃ stotuṃ vā kathamakṛtapuṇyaḥ prabhavati ||

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

dhyāyet parāṃ ambikām  - May one worship the Supreme Universal Mother, who is          
sindhūrāruṇavigrahāṃ trinayanāṃ - of the reddish hue like the rising sun, with three eyes, 
māṇikyamauḷisphurattārānāyakaśekharāṃ  - wearing a gemstudded crown, shining with the crescent moon, 
smitamukhīm āpīnavakṣorurhām - smiling faced, with full breasts,  
pānibhyām bibhratīṃ - holding and displaying in her two hands,
alipūrṇaratnacaṣakāṃ  raktotpalāṃ - a gem-studded goblet full of wine and a red lotus, 
saumyāṃ ratnaghaṭashtharaktacaraṇāṃ  - gentle, with her red-lotus like feet placed on a ruby-studded round stool.

yadi śivaḥ ṣaktyā yukto  - If Shiva is united with Shakti=Devi, 
bhavati śaktaḥ prabhavitum - He becomes capable of creating the world, 
na cedevaṃ deva na kuśalaḥ spanditumapi   - not otherwise will He be capable even of moving himself, too.
atastvāmārādhyāṃ hariharaviriñcādibhirapi - Therefore, Oh Mother, You who are worshipped by Hari, Hara, and Brahma, too,
katham akṛtapuṇyaḥ praṇantuṃ stotuṃ vā prabhavati - how will a person who has not acquired merit/qualification through good deeds, be able to bow down to You or to pray to You?

These two shlokas are cardinal to Devi worship. The first is the Dhyana Shloka from Lalitha Sahasranama, a part of the Markandeya Purana. The second is the first shloka of Saundarya Lahari.

I have found Devi prayers to be full of colourful descriptions as well as expressions of exclusion and comparison of different deities. These are usual devices employed to increase one's faith and focus on one's Chosen Deity.

Happy Navaratri!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September 20, 2017: Bhavayami concluded

bhāvayāmi raghurāmam - concluded

tena punarānīta nyūnacūḍāmaṇīdarśanaṃ
shrīnidhiṃ udadhitīrāshritavibhīṣaṇamilitam || 
kalitavarasetubhandhaṃ khalanissīmapiṣitāśana-
dalanaṃ urudaśakaṇṭhavidaraṇaṃ atidhīraṃ
jvalanapūtajanakasutāsahitaṃ yātasāketaṃ
vilasitapaṭṭābhiṣekaṃ  viśvapālaṃ  padmanābham ||

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

vānarottamasahita - (I bow down to Rama, who), accompanied by Sugriva, 
vāyusūnukarārpita- handed over to Hanuman
bhavya ratnāṅgulīyam bhānuśata bhāsvara - His glorious gem-studded ring, effulgent like a hundred suns;
tena punarānīta nyūnacūḍāmaṇī darśanaṃ - by him(Hanuman) was brought back the little head-ornament of Sita (worn in her parted hair), which He beheld (with much feeling),
śrīnidhiṃ - the ocean of true prosperity ( who alone, stranded in the forest, was kingly enough to do this:)
udadhitīrāśritavibhīṣaṇa militam - by the sea, gave protection to Vibhishana, when he came after being estranged from his brother Ravana,
kalitavarasetubhandhaṃ -together built that wonderful bridge on the sea, 
khala nissīma piṣitāśanadalanaṃ - killed the wicked cannibalistic asuras, 
urudaśakaṇṭhavidaraṇaṃ - destroyed Ravana, with ten mighty heads. 
atidhīraṃ - ultimate warrior, Rama, 
jvalana pūta janakasutā sahitaṃ - (there upon), accompanied by Sita, cleansed by the fire she had entered,
yātasāketaṃ - travelled to Ayodhya, 
vilasitapaṭṭābhiṣekaṃ  viśvapālaṃ  padmanābham - joyful during the coronation ceremony, protector of the whole world, our Padmanabhaswamy of Tiruvanantapuram Himself!

Today is the first day of Navaratri, a big music festival is on in Tiruvanantapuram!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 19, 2017: Bhavayami Raghuramam- continued

bhāvayāmi raghurāmam - continued

patagavarajaṭāyunutaṃ pañcavaṭīvihitāvāsaṁ
atighoraśūrpaṇakhāvacanāgatakharādiharam ||
kanakamṛgarūpadharakhalamārīcaharam iha
tanujasakhyakaraṃ vālitanudaḽanam īsham      ||

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

gata vitata daṇḍakāraṇya  - (I bow down to Rama, who), having gone to the expansive and dense Dandakaranya forest,
virādhadaḽanam - killed Viradha,
datta anupamita vaiṣṇavāstram sucarita ghaṭaja  - was given the incomparable divine weapon Vashinavastra, by the famous Rishi, Agastya (called here as one born in a mud pot),
nutaṃ pataga vara jaṭāyu  - bowed down to (Dasharatha's old friend) the noble bird=skytraveller Jatayu, 
vihita āvāsaṁ pañcavaṭī - settled down to live in a lovely hermitage (built by Lakshmana) in Panchavati grove,
haram kharādi āgata vacana atighora śūrpaṇakhā   - killed the demons Khara and others, who were wickedly counselled into battle by the extremely ugly Shurpanakha (after she failed to entice Rama and Lakshmana), 
haram khalamārīca rūpadhara kanaka mṛga    - killed the villainous Mareecha, who came assuming the form of a golden deer (to tempt Sita)
iha - whereas at this juncture, 
janakajā hṛta daśāsya sujana vimata - Sita, abducted by the ten-headed Ravana, disregarding wise counsel, 
anveṣaṇam - (as a result of which Rama) went searching desperately for her;
anagha paṃpātīra saṅgata āñjaneya - at the pristine river Pampa's banks, came into contact with Anjaneya=Hanuman, (and)
sakhyakaraṃ  tanuja nabhomaṇi - made a friendly alliance with Sugreeva, son of Surya =sun=gem in the sky,
vālitanudaḽanam     - laid low the body of Vali
īsham - ( I meditate on) the Divinity called Rama.

continues.... tomorrow is the first day of Navaratri!

(photo taken in Prambanan temple, Java, 2005)

Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18, 2017: Bhavayami Raghuramam

|| svātitirunāḷviracita bhāvayāmi raghurāmam ||

bhāvayāmi raghurāmaṃ bhavyasuguṇārāmam ||

bhāvuka vitaraṇaparāpāṅga līlālasitam ||

 dinakarānvayatilakaṃ divyagādhisutasavanā-
vanaracitasubāhumukhavadhaṃ ahalyāpāvanam ||

anaghamīshacāpabhaṅgaṃ janakasutāprāṇesham
ghanakupitabhṛgurāmagarvaharamitasāketam ||

sahitasītāsaumitriṃ shāntatamashīlam            ||

guhanilayagataṃ citrakūṭāgatabharatadatta-
mahitaratnamayapādukaṃ madanasundarāgam ||

Re-ordered word-by-word meaning

bhāvayāmi raghurāmaṃ bhavyasuguṇārāmam - I meditate upon the scion of Raghu dynasty, Rama, who is the repository of glorious virtues,
bhāvuka vitaraṇaparāpāṅga līlālasitam -who by his very side-glance gives great happiness, and who enacted the epic sport of Ramayana.

dinakara anvaya tilakaṃ - the toast(epitome) of the solar lineage,
divya gādhisuta savana avanaracita subāhumukha vadhaṃ 
-who slew the demons led by Subahu while protecting the fire sacrifice of the great Vishwamitra, son of Gadhi,
ahalyāpāvanam - who sanctified and liberated Ahalya,

anagham īshacāpa bhaṅgaṃ - the blemishless one who broke Shiva's bow,
janakasutā prāṇesham - the beloved of Sita, Janaka's daughter,
ghana kupita bhṛgurāma garva haram - who removed the pride of the very angry Parashurama, of Bhrigu lineage,
itasāketam - and then returned to Ayodhya.

vihita abhiṣekam atha āryavācā vipinagatam - who was chosen to be crowned as the prince, but then per his father's directive, went to the forest,
sahita sītā saumitriṃ  - accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana, and 
shāntatamashīlam  -who was the personification of composure and grace, 

guhanilayagataṃ - who visited Guha's abode, 
citrakūṭāgata bharata datta -
mahita ratnamaya pādukaṃ -who handed over, to Bharata (when he came to Chitrakuta requesting Rama to return), his sandals (to be placed as Rama's representative on the throne instead, to placate Bharata), made glorious (by his gift) and full of gems,
madana sundarāṅgam- charming in appearance like Manmatha.

This composition, tuned by Sri Semmangudi in several ragas, is an eternal favourite, especially around Ramanavami and Navaratri. It tells the story of Ramayana in the lyrical style typical of Swati Tirunal.

This song was sung gloriously by Smt. MSS, MDR, and many others, most recently by Vid. Amrutha Venkatesh.

We continue the song in the next posts.