Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The bhikku and the veena

Swami Sukhabodhananda was telling a story y'day on TV.

An old man who was very fond of music and played the rudra veena, died. His grandson was not into that sort of music and after some years,  found the chore of keeping the veena dusted etc. quite irksome. He took the veena and dumped into the trash yard nearby.
There was a bhikku around. As the Swami said,  this bhikku was aware that there were many unwise people who threw away wise things. He was therefore going around collecting these wise things. He was glad to see the man go and dump the veena. He went there,  picked it up,  and cleaned it.  He took it to the town square and sat down to play it.

Divine music flowed from his playing and soon a very appreciative crowd gathered. The bhikku went on playing the rudra veena.

After some time the man came down the same street and found the crowd. He also heard the strange sounds, and came to see who was playing what instrument.  He was astonished to find the bhikku playing the same veena he had thrown away an hour before. He exclaimed,  "Hey! That is my veena!" 

The bhikku paused and smiled. He said,  "young man, you can call the veena yours only when you play it."