Saturday, December 28, 2024

Maitreem Bhajata

Bharata Ratna M. S. Subbulakshmi performed at the United Nations on 23 October 1966. The audience of delegates from several nations were treated to pure Carnatic music. The concert itself was an event to remember for all who cherish Indian culture and our music.

The final song that day was an ode to peace and brotherhood composed by Kanchi Maha Periyavaa. The words in Sanskrit are as follows:

मैत्रीं भजत अखिलहृज्जेत्रीम्
आत्मवदेव परान्नपि पश्यत ।
युद्धं त्यजत स्पर्धां त्यजत
त्यजत परेषु अक्रममाक्रमणम् ॥
जननी पृथिवी कामदुघाऽऽस्ते
जनको देवः सकलदयालुः ।
दाम्यत दत्त दयध्वं जनताः
श्रेयो भूयात् सकलजनानाम् ॥

I give below my translation:
Oh people, celebrate and extol friendship and camaraderie, for that is the way to conquer the world! 
Indeed, see everyone else as you see yourselves - we are all one! 

Give up war! Give up this senseless competition and arms race. And, of course, give up acts of aggression and invasion. 

Earth, the wish-fulfilling Kamadhenu, is indeed the mother for all of us! Our father in heaven is all compassion and love. Are we all not bound by this feeling of oneness? 

Restrain the tendencies of aggression. Give generously. Be compassionate to others. 

Let all prosper! Let all be happy! Let all be fulfilled! 

हरिः ॐ तत् सत्