Sunday, September 1, 2024

Kālidāsa's Raghuvaṃśa 12th Sarga - 104

 जय श्रीराम!

रघुपतिरपि जातवेदोविशुद्धां प्रगृह्य प्रियां
प्रियसुहृदि विभीषणे संगमय्य श्रियं वैरिणः । 
रविसुतसहितेन तेनानुयातः ससौमित्रिणा भुजविजितविमानरत्नाधिरूढः प्रतस्थे पुरीम् ॥१२.१०४॥  

Notes: Kālidāsa says, "Śrīrāma too started back after accepting and embracing his dear wife Sītā pure as the blazing sacred fire. He first handed over to the good Vibhīṣaṇa the kingdom he had won from Rāvaṇa. Then he boarded the sacred Puṣpakavimāna he had rightfully won in battle, and, accompanied by Sītā, Lakṣmaṇa, Vibhīṣaṇa, Sugrīva, and others (Hanumān, of course), Śrīrāma flew to his capital, Ayodhyā."

Interestingly, the Puṣpakavimāna was the official vehicle given to the good Kubera by Brahmā. This was violently seized by Rāvaṇa. While Śrīrāma travelled to Ayodhyā in it, he duly returned it to Kubera. Kubera sent it back to Śrīrāma, saying as Dharma incarnate, Śrīrāma deserved to keep it and use it as the king of Ayodhyā. All this is described in great detail by Vālmīki.

जय श्रीराम!
॥ इति रघुवंशे रावणवधो नाम द्वादशस्सर्गः समाप्तः ॥
*** The End ***