Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Computer + Internet. Your Choices

Today you have a whole lot of choices.

As you can see from the photo I just took, with my iPad, I am using:
1. A desktop with Wifi broadband Internet from BSNL.
2. A laptop with Reliance Digital Internet 'dongle'
3. A smart mobile phone with Android Wifi Internet,
4. An iPad with 3G data plan with which I took this photo and am typing this blog!

So you have a plethora of choices. If you're only an occasional Internet user, generally at home and having a laptop or desktop (don't bother which make etc., you can get a fine laptop or desktop today in mid RS. 20,000's), I suggest you get a data plan along with your landline connection, with a charge ranging from a few hundred rupees to less than RS. 1500 per month.

If you have a laptop and you generally travel around out of your home, you can get a data dongle from any Mobile carrier like Airtel, Reliance, Tata DoCoMo, BSNL etc.

If you have a smartphone or a tablet or iPad, you can take a 3G SIM card which allows Internet connectivity. A smartphone has a small screen size but also allows phone calls well.

The choice is yours and it all depends on your convenience and budget.

If you really don't care to spend much money, you can always go to a Cybercafe or a friend or family computer and access and use the computer and Internet!

Now should you buy a Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer or an Apple iMac or Android phone or tablet or an Apple iPad or iPhone?


If you're using a computer for the first time, and you are interested in using it anywhere and everywhere, and don't type too much, you can consider any android tablet or an iPad. They are simple to use, they have built-in batteries which can be charged like a phone, and very easy to touch and use.

If you want to write and publish articles, in English or Indian languages, easily, a regular computer with a keyboard will be more useful.

A laptop today does everything VERY nicely and doesn't cost much.