Sunday, November 7, 2010

The signs of human nature

+ - X ÷=
Have you thought of this - the entire gamut of human evolution and spectrum of human emotions can be depicted using the basic symbols of math!?
+ The Book says that God created Adam. Adam was lonely, and so God made Eve. They fell in love and the rest of mankind happened. And that love was surely a positive, additive, collaborative, communicative phenomenon. No wonder it was exactly what the PLUS sign says. And then the community organized itself in its activities, the most significant being prayer and religion. That profoundly influenced society and eventually controlled it. No wonder PLUS is the Greek Cross!
- The first effect of organized religion was to categorize believers and non-believers. That created distance between any two men more emphatically than anything else before. Now came a distance between two people which was not visible, but which was conceptual. That distance became the first major negative influence on mankind, the symbol of distance and reducing the total of happiness, emphasizing differences rather than commonality. That is the symbol MINUS...
X Then men organized themselves into groups, clans, countries and fought to expand their group or clan or country. They crossed swords and hoped to multiply their own at the expense of others and grow more powerful. Nothing can describe this expansionism better than the symbol X. MULTIPLY or die it was!
÷ Once wars were fought, they ended when there was a victor and a vanquished. The Victor ruled over the vanquished, and that was the most divisive social structure of high and low. That cannot be better symbolized than the symbol of DIVIDED BY ..
= Finally came the peace-makers, who went around saying everyone is equal and let there be peace. The EQUALS sign is very significant.... two equal lines, that never meet......

Thus has mankind moved through the signs.... Five signs that tell the story of man.