Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mullah Nasruddin

Osho weaves in lots of  Mullah Nasruddin jokes into his talks. The Mullah has a way of answering questions, with a lateral insight that confronts our common sense but still makes some sense. In fact Osho explains how the Mullah is a metaphor among the Sufis for "wise in foolishness, foolish in wisdom".

The picture shows Mullah sitting backwards on his donkey. The occasion is that he is going to a religious conclave with all his disciples. Many masters are on their way, but Mullah's riding backwards causes much mirth. When someone asks him why, he replies.. 'I am a master only because of my followers. I cannot ride in front turning my back on them, and it is not right that I follow behind my followers. That is why this is the best solution!'

Here is a typical Mullah joke:

 Mulla Nasruddin's wife drags him to a movie house. And in the picture, the hero hugs and kisses the heroine so gracefully, so sweetly, that immediately Mulla Nasruddin's wife turns to him and says, "You never do that to me." Mulla Nasruddin says, "You don't understand -- he is paid. Am I paid?"

But the wife is also a rare one and retorts, "Paid or not paid, you don't know that in real life also they are husband and wife." Mulla replies, "My god! If in real life also they are husband and wife, then he is a great actor. I can certify that he is a great actor."