Sunday, October 31, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 31

October 31 - Sarga 34 of Sundara Kanda. 

Sita, as expected, displays a mixture of emotions - joy, hope, and extreme fear. Hanuman does his best to alleviate her anxieties and cheer her up.

Hanuman spoke reassuringly to Sita. 

अहं रामस्य संदेशाद्  देवि दूतस्तवागतः        ।
वैदेहि कुशली रामः स त्वां कौशलमब्रवीत्    ॥  

"Oh Devi, Sita! I have been sent by Sri Rama specifically as his messenger to meet you! I am glad to report to you that Sri Rama is doing well and has sent his best wishes and enquiries to you as to your welfare!"

Hanuman goes on to reassure Sita that  Sri Rama is learned in the Vedas and Shastras and has sent his most anxious enquiries about her welfare. Even Lakshmana, ever dutiful to his elder brother Sri Rama,  is immersed in grief and has sent his obeisances and greetings to her. 

Sita experiences a thrill of joy.

कल्याणी बत गाथेयं लौकिकां प्रतिभाति मा ।
एति जीवन्तमानन्दो नरं वर्षशतादपि            ॥

"Your glad tidings remind me of the adage that at last, even after a hundred years, good news reaches one."


As Hanuman built her confidence and they started cheerfully conversing, he moved a little closer to her. Suddenly, Sita felt that this was Ravana in disguise! She recoiled, telling herself, "Oh! Fie on me! I have trusted this one and spoken in confidence when he is indeed Ravana in disguise. Alas!"

Sita went and sat down on the ground. Hanuman wanted to restore her composure. He at once prostrated full length to her. But she did not dare look at him.

मायां प्रविष्टो मायावी यदि त्वं रावणस्स्वयम्   ।
उत्पादयसि मे भूयस्सन्तापं तन्न शोभनम्         ॥

"Oh, if indeed you are that wicked illusionist Ravana come again in disguise like a vanara to trick me, fie on you. It is not appropriate on your part to torment me again. You came then as a mendicant in Janasthana, and now like this! I am already fasting and weak and distressed. Should you behave like this?"

"And yet, I think maybe this is not trickery, because in my bones I am feeling joy. If you are indeed the vanara sent as his messenger by Sri Rama whom I love so much, I wish you well. Tell me more."

"Well, if this is a dream, I am happy to be seeing it! I am always delighted and feel healed every time I think of Sri Rama and Lakshmana! Alas, even sleep and therefore dream has forsaken me thus far."


Sita uses logic. Seeing a vanara in one's dream is supposed to bring bad luck and trigger fear. Sita is not feeling like that at all. So this is not a dream. Or..... is it some kind of madness? No. This vanara must be Ravana and no one else. Sita withdraws into herself.


Hanuman understood what was going on. He began to speak pleasant words to Sita.

आदित्य इव तेजस्वी लोककान्तश्शशी तथा ।
राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य देवो वैश्रवणो यथा     ॥

विक्रमेणोपपन्नश्च यथा विष्णुर्महायशाः       ।
सत्यवादी मधुरवाग् देवो वाचस्पतिर्यथा      ॥ 

रूपवान् सुभगः श्रीमान् कन्दर्प इव मूर्तिमान्   ।
स्थानक्रोधे प्रहर्ता च श्रेष्ठो लोके महारथः      ॥  
बाहुच्छायामवष्टब्धो यस्य लोको महात्मनः    ।
अपक्रम्याश्रमपदान्मृगरूपेण राघवम्            ॥

शून्ये येनापनीतासि तस्य द्रक्ष्यसि यत्फलम्      ।
अचिराद् रावणं संख्ये यो वधिष्यति वीर्यवान्   ॥  

"Oh Devi, let me tell you what I know about Sri Rama. He is radiant like the sun, and giver of delight to all like the moon. He is the supreme lord of the entire world, the king of kings like Kubera (of supreme prosperity). He is simply unequalled in power and glory, like Mahavishnu himself. Sri Rama adheres to truthfulness always; and speaks in the gentlest of tone. He seems, indeed, to be the God of speech."

"What to say of Sri Rama's appearance? He is most handsome, endowed with all auspicious signs on his body.  He has a grand demeanour, and shames Cupid in his physical beauty."

"This does not mean Sri Rama is soft and weak. Remember his act of valour in Janasthana. He can destroy the wicked. He is in fact the greatest warrior on earth. Is it any wonder then that the whole world chooses to take shelter under his powerful arms?"

"That is why Sri Rama had to be lured away from your hermitage in the forest, by the ruse of the magical deer. As soon Sri Rama went away, you have been abducted by this Ravana and held in captivity here. You shall soon see the consequence Ravana has to suffer for his heinous act, as Sri Rama will come kill Ravana in battle quite soon!"

"Sri Rama, Lakshmana, and the chief of vanaras, Sugriva, have sent their most anxious enquiries and wishes for your welfare. Oh, Devi Sita, fear not! Soon, several crores of vanaras are going to come and attack Lanka under Sugriva's leadership."

अहं सुग्रीवसचिवो हनूमान्नाम वानरः       ।
प्रविष्टो नगरीं लङ्कां लङ्घयित्वा महोदधीम् ॥ 

कृत्वा मूर्ध्नि पदन्यासं रावणस्य दुरात्मनः    ।
त्वां द्रष्टुमुपव्यातोऽहं समाश्रित्य पराक्रमम्  ॥

"Devi Sita, I am a vanara, called Hanuman. I am the chief minister of Sugriva.  I have gained entry into Lanka after leaping across the ocean. I have figuratively stepped on evil Ravana's head and managed to come here, to meet you. That is entirely on account of my prowess."

"Devi, give up your misgivings about me. Trust me."


॥         श्रीरामजयम्          ॥ 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 30

October 30 - Sargas 32 and 33 of Sundara Kanda.

On hearing the sweet recital of Sri Rama's story, coming from the thick branches of the Shimshupa tree, Sita was bewildered. She noticed, hiding in the branches, a monkey who shone like lightning. He was attractive like a cluster of Ashoka flowers.  He wore a white cloth. He was red in colour. His eyes shone like molten gold. He was speaking softly and melodiously. 

Sita was totally disoriented. She was frightened out of her skin by the vanara. She fainted. When she recovered, she started muttering, 'Oh, Sri Rama, Oh, Lakshmana"...

सा वीक्षमाणा पृथुभग्नवक्त्रं
     शाखामृगेन्द्रस्य यथोक्तकारम्    ।
ददर्श पिङ्गप्रवरं महार्हं 
     वातात्मजं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्  ॥

"Sita saw Hanuman, with his characteristic chin that had been dented by Indra's vajra in his childhood. He was the chief minister of the king of vanaras, Sugriva. In that sacred moment, Sita saw the foremost among vanaras, Hanuman of incredible qualities, son of the Wind-god, and the greatest among wise and intelligent people on earth."

But how was Sita to know who it was? Sita again lost her consciousness owing to great fear. When she came to, she thought, "It seems I have seen a strange and ugly monkey in my dream. That bodes ill as they say. But am I really dreaming? I am very much awake, full of sorrow, separated from the moon-faced Sri Rama. Perhaps I am so full of Sri Rama and his memories that the recitation I heard is my hallucination. But then how do I explain this physical form I am seeing? It is speaking to me!"


Sita prays hard:

नमोऽस्तु वाचस्पतये सवज्रिणे
            स्वयम्भुवे चैव हुताशनाय          ।
अनेन चोक्तं यदिदं ममाग्रतो
            वनौकसा तच्च तथास्तु नान्यथा  ॥

"My prayers to the God of speech, Brahma, Indra, Agni... Whatever this vanara has been saying so far to me...I pray that all that is true and not a deception."


Hanuman, the wonderful vanara shining like coral, dressed appropriately to inspire respect, got down from the tree. He approached Sita with his arms folded and raised over his head, his body bent low in respect, and spoke very sweet words.

"Oh lady, with eyes like lotus petals, wearing a soiled garment and holding on to the tree, who are you?

"Why are your eyes constantly pouring tears like a white lotus oozing water in the lake? 

"You should be a female among gods, or nagas, or gandharvas, indeed a celestial. 

"You must be one of the Maruts, Rudras, or Vasus. 

"Are you by chance the goddess Rohini who has for some reason slipped down from the abode of gods (and the company of her husband Chandra)!

" Or are you the wife of the great sage Vashishta, Arundhati, who has come away after some quarrel? 

"Oh, lady of impeccable beauty, from which world have you come here?  What worry bogs you down - is it about your son, father, husband, or brother? Has someone died? That you are touching down on earth makes you human. You certainly look a royal. You seem to me to be Sita herself, the glorious queen of Sri Rama, who has been abducted by Ravana!"

यथा हि तव वै दैन्यं रूपं चाप्यतिमानुषम्  ।
तपसा चान्वितो वेषस्त्वं राममहुषी ध्रुवम्   ॥

"Indeed, oh noble lady, seeing your distressed plight, your utterly human but royal form, and seeing that you have been leading an ascetic life, and your garment, I am now certain that you should be the great lady Sita herself, the queen of Sri Rama!"

 Having thus spoken, Hanuman climbed back onto the tree (obviously to appear less threatening.) Sita was delighted to hear him speak about Sri Rama, and began to tell him her story.

"Know me to be the daughter-in-law of the foremost of kings on earth, the most powerful and virtuous King Dasharatha. I am the daughter of the great-souled King Janaka of Videha. My name is Sita and I am the wife of Sri Rama.

"I enjoyed all worldly pleasures possible without any hindrance for twelve years in Ayodhya. 

"In the thirteenth year, King Dasharatha wanted to anoint Sri Rama as the Prince Regent. His queen Kaikeyi was adamant, threatening a fast unto death. She extracted boons from Dasharatha that entailed Sri Rama's banishment to the forest. 

"Sri Rama was not perturbed in the least, saying that upholding the truthfulness and nobility of his glorious father was far more important to him than being the Prince Regent. 

"He happily left for the forest. I said I would go along and in fact, marched ahead of Sri Rama. We spent many happy years in the forest. Lakshmana, his noble, younger, brother, came along." 

वसतो दण्डकारण्ये तस्याहममितौजसः    ।
रक्षसापहृता भार्या रावणेन दुरात्मना       ॥

द्वौ मासौ तेन मे कालो जीवितानुग्रहः कृतः           ।
ऊर्ध्वं द्वाभ्यां तु मासाभ्यां ततस्त्यक्ष्यामि जीवितम्   ॥ 

"While the most glorious Sri Rama was staying in the Dandaka forest (with us), I, Sri Rama's wife, was abducted by the most heinous rakshasa, Ravana. He has granted me lease of life of another two months. After that period, I will be giving up my life."


॥             श्रीरामजयम्             ॥ 

Friday, October 29, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 29

October 29 :  Sargas 30 and 31 of Sundara Kanda.

Valmiki shifts his attention to another heroic character - Hanuman! Hanuman has heard and digested much, hiding in the tree. He now considers what should be his course of action. And proceeds accordingly, to great success.


ततो बहुविधां चिन्तां चिन्तयामास वानरः - "Hanuman thought through many aspects after seeing and hearing all that had transpired in Ashoka Vana."

Hanuman thought: "So, at last! This is Sita, whom thousands of vanaras have been searching for in all four directions. Incognito, I have seen everything - the rakshasas, their citadel, Lanka, Ravana's pomp and glory, and his behaviour. There is no better time than now for me to comfort this jewel among women pining for her husband.

"I cannot return to Kishkindha without meeting and reassuring Sita. Sita is on the verge of committing suicide. I also need to reassure Sri Rama who is desperately pining for news of Sita's well-being. But how do I meet Sita when she is surrounded by all these rakshasis? It is urgent that I reassure Sita, otherwise she is going to end her life tonight itself.

"If Sri Rama asks, "what did Sita say!?", what answer can I give him? If I have nothing to tell, Sri Rama will burn me down with his looks. What would be the use thereafter even if all the vanara army arrives here to rescue Sita when she has already ended her life?

"I have to choose a moment when these rakshasis are asleep and then speak comfortingly to Sita. I am now in the form of a diminutive monkey. But I can speak in a variety of Sanskrit dialects उदाहरिष्यामि मानुषीमिह संस्कृताम्, which these rakshasis won’t understand. But I dare not speak in the Brahminical high falutin Sanskrit, because then Sita will think I am Ravana in disguise यदि वाचं प्रदास्यामि द्विजातिरिव संस्कृताम्। रावणं मन्यमाना मां सीता भीता भविष्यति! So I will have to speak to Sita in a commoner's version of Sanskrit.

"But then, Sita is in such a precarious mental frame. After all the torment by rakshasis, she can be easily alarmed seeing a monkey speaking thus. Sita will then let out a scream and wake up all the rakshasis. She will almost surely think I am Ravana.

"The rakshasis will attack me with their terrific weapons and try to kill me. But they will see me holding branches and whole trees and hurling them about. This will terrify them! They will alert the guards that a huge monkey has invaded Ashoka Vana. I will be stuck fighting with them all and will not be able to make my escape to leap back across the ocean.

"The rakshasas will catch me and bind me up. I can be caught before I give my message to Sita! These rakshasas can also then harm Sita grievously and make all the efforts of Sri Rama and Sugriva futile.

"It is also vital that I make my escape. Otherwise, Sita, hidden away in this secret garden in a remote island, will never be discovered by anyone from Sri Rama's side."

"If I engage in a mighty battle, I will be able to kill thousands of rakshasas. But thereafter, I may be too exhausted to leap across the ocean again and return to Sri Rama.

"Oh! What a dilemma! If I try to speak to Vaidehi, it could well misfire. If I do not speak with her, it will surely be a terrible mistake.

भूताश्चार्था विरुध्यन्ति देशकालविरोधिताः   ।
विक्लवं दूतमासाद्य तमः सूर्योदये यथा       ॥

"An indscreet and incompetent messenger or spy can bring to nought the best-laid strategies of even great generals, by doing the wrong thing or acting at the wrong time. Their mission will fail like darkness is dispelled in an instant at sunrise."

Hanuman says that the worst danger is that of messengers who act foolishly thinking they are wise पण्डितमानिनः .

Hanuman repeatedly goes over his options, लङ्घनं च समुद्रस्य कथं न नु वृथा भवेत् "How do I ensure that my crossing the ocean and coming here is not rendered futile?"

क्ष्वाकूणां वरिष्ठस्य रामस्य विदितात्मनः शुभानि धर्मयुक्तानि चवनानि समर्पयन् ।
श्रावयिष्यामि सर्वाणि मधुरां प्रब्रुवन् गिरम् श्रद्धास्यति यथा सीता तथा सर्वं समादधे ॥

"I shall say in sweet words the story of the glorious chief of Ikshwakus, Sri Rama, who is self-realised. I shall present it in such a way that Sita will develop confidence and trust in me.  "


राजा दशरथो नाम .... thus began Hanuman, in a soft and melodious voice.
'There was the emperor of Ikshwakus, Dasharatha, who ruled well, with might equalling Indra's, and full of compassion and charity and truthfulness. His first-born son, whose countenance was moon-like, was Sri Rama. He was well-versed in all branches of knowledge and was also supreme among archers of the world.
रक्षिता जीवलोकस्य धर्मस्य च परन्तपः - Sri Rama is the great protector of all beings, upholder of Dharma, and the slayer of enemies."

Hanuman continues to narrate how Sri Rama upheld the word of his aged father and proceeded to the forest with his worthy queen Sita and his brother Lakshmana. How he cleared the Janasthana of the scourge of rakshasas and killed Khara and Dushana. How Ravana was thus alerted. Ravana tricked the brothers and abducted Sita. How Sri Rama searched heaven and earth for Sita and forged an alliance with the vanara king Sugriva. Sri Rama killed Vali and gave the kingdom to Sugriva. Sugriva's vanaras are searching in all four directions for the divine lady Sita, wife of Sri Rama, abducted by Ravana. 

अहं सम्पातिवचनाच्छतयोजनमायतम्              ।
तस्या हेतोर्विशालाक्ष्याः समुद्रं वेगवान् प्लुतः।   ॥  

यथारूपां यथावर्णां यथालक्ष्मवतीं च ताम्         ।
अश्रौषं राघवस्याहं सेयमासादिता मया             ॥ 

"I then heard the words of the mighty bird Sampati, who indicated where Sita is, and crossed over this hundred-yojana wide ocean. Indeed, occasioned by my search for Sita, the wide-eyed queen, I leapt across this ocean with great speed. I feel blessed to have now seen her as described in her form, in her true appearance, the embodiment of auspiciousness as I had been told by Sri Rama himself, my being his messenger. How glad am I that I have seen Sita!"

Hanuman stopped at this opportune moment. Sita had heard everything, with ever-widening eyes, in utter astonishment. With her curly forelocks and long tresses, Sita looked up into the Shimshupa tree. She was drenched in happy thoughts of Sri Rama, as she beheld the vanara Hanuman, whom Valmiki describes as 
अचिन्त्यबुद्धिम् "one of unimaginable brilliance of mind", "the minister of the vanara king Sugriva, son of the Wind-god, and who was looking like the rising sun."


॥          श्रीरामजयम्         ॥

Postscript: That photo of Hanuman was taken in 2010 on Hanuman Hill in Chtrakoota. This is purported to be Hanuman's global headquarters where he operates from, even now.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 28

October 28 - Sargas 28 and 29 pf Sundara Kanda. 

It is always darkest before dawn. 


Sita is unable to come to terms with her present condition.  There seems to be indeed no hope at all for her. 

सीता वितत्रास यथा वनान्ते संहाभिपन्ना गजराजकन्या    Sita reeled in grief and fright like a young female daughter of a lordly tusker elephant who had fallen into the inescapable grasp of a lion.

विदीर्यते यन्न सहस्रधाद्य वज्राहतं शृङ्गमिवाचलस्य "Alas! Why is my heart not shattering into a thousand pieces like a mountain peak struck by Indra's thunderbolt!?"

"And yet, despite his death threats, I shall not yield to Ravana... Just as a Brahmin would never disclose a sacred hymn under any duress to someone ineligible."

"After the two-month ultimatum passes, I shall be cut up...indeed my condition will be that of a thief at the gallows awaiting his sentence of death by hanging at the imminent break of dawn."

नूनं स कालो मृगरूपधारी मामाल्पभाग्यां लुलुभे तदानीम्  ।
यत्रार्यपुत्रौ विससर्ज मूढा रामानुजं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजञ्च            ॥ 

"Verily, it was my wretched Fate that came in the form of that golden deer and tempted me, one who was bereft of luck. Otherwise, would I have sent away both those great warriors, Sri Rama and Lakshmana?"

"Oh Sri Rama, how tragic that you don't know that I am going to be killed by these rakshasas!"

Sita imagines the worst. It is amply clear that all her rectitude and fidelity to Sri Rama, fasts and penances, have failed to protect her. Sri Rama will now go back without her after his period of banishment is over, and settle down happily with other beautiful women in Ayodhya. Indeed, what else is likely?

Sita decides to take her own life. Alas! Nobody will be gracious and give her poison. She can't find any weapon around to deal herself a death blow. Burning in grief, she leans onto the Shimshupa tree. There is one way... she can use her long tresses of hair as a hanging cord! As she readies herself, thoughts of Sri Rama, Lakshmana, and her own family at Mithila flood her. And suddenly a number of good omens, unmistakable and emphatic, hit her.


तस्याः शुभं वाममरालपक्ष्मराजीवृतं कृष्णविशालशुक्लम्     ।
प्रास्पन्दतैकं नयनं सुकेश्या मीनाहतं पद्ममिवाभिताम्रम्         ॥

"That long-tressed Sita's left eye, looking so beautiful with white and black, which was ringed with extremely lovely long eyelashes, throbbed unmistakably, like a red lotus gently stirred by a jumping fish."

Sita's left shoulder, comely and often smeared in the past with exquisite perfumes by her beloved, throbbed too. As also her very shapely left thigh.  These signs were enough to convince her that she would soon be reunited with Sri Rama! Sita's garment slipped a bit as she stood up, her mind full of better thoughts. Her mind was like some seed, forlorn and tormented by heat and dust for long, suddenly finding itself bathed in a welcome and auspicious rain shower. 

Sita shone with good cheer as the rising full moon!

॥       श्रीरामजयम्       ॥ 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 27

October 27 - Sarga 27 of Sundara Kanda.

I was tempted to cover more sargas today but was stopped by the punch-line in this sarga at the end.


The rakshasis are not amused by Sita's intransigence. While some go to Ravana to report that their efforts with the carrot and stick methods have failed to tame Sita, others choose to launch fresh threats of devouring her. 

Just then, an old rakshasi, who had slept off through the night, wakes up. Her name is Trijata. She stops the rakshasis summarily. 

आत्मानं खादतानार्या न सीतां भक्षयिष्यथ   ।
जनकस्य सुतामिष्टां स्नुषां दशरथस्य च      ॥

स्वप्नो ह्यद्य मया दृष्टो दारुणो रोमहर्षणः     ।
राक्षसानामभावाय भर्तुरस्या भवाय च         ॥

"Oh, stop, you crude rakshasis! If you wish, eat one another up. Don't even think of eating up Sita, who is the dear child of King Janaka and the daughter-in-law of the great King Dasharatha.

"Do you know that I just had a terrible, hair-raising dream!? In that, I saw the destruction of the rakshasas and the arrival and triumph of this lady's husband!"

The rakshasis are stopped mid-sentence hearing this strange caution by Trijata. They all crowd round her, asking her to recount in detail her nightmare.

गजदन्तमयीं दिव्यां शिबिकामन्तरिक्षगाम्   ।
युक्तां हंसहस्रेण स्वयमास्थाय राघवः        ।
शुक्लमाल्याम्बरधरो लक्ष्मणेन  समागतः   ॥

स्वप्ने चाद्य मया दृष्टा सीता शुक्लाम्बरावृता ।
सागरेण परिक्षिप्तं श्वेतपर्वतमास्थिता         ॥

भर्त्रा परिगृहीतस्य जानकी स्कन्धमाश्रिता      ।

ततस्ताभ्यां कुमाराभ्यामास्थितः स गजोत्तमः    ।
सीतया च विशालाक्ष्या लङ्काया उपरि स्थितः  ॥

"I saw an aerial palanquin made of ivory, travelling in the sky, carried by a thousand swans. Seated in it, wearing sparkling white robes and white garlands, was Sri Rama himself, along with his brother Lakshmana.

"Sita was seated on top of a white  mountain, also clad in white robes, and the mountain rose from the middle of the ocean. I then saw Sri Rama and Lakshmana arrive on a huge divine elephant with four tusks. The two brothers, leonine in appearance, then approached where Sita was. Thereafter Sita ascended from the mountain peak onto the elephant suspended in the air, as the elephant was under the control of her husband. Sita went and sat on the lap of her husband! She playfully jumped down from his lap and caressed with her palms the sun and the moon!

"Then that elephant, carrying the two glorious brothers, along with the large-eyed Sita, appeared in the sky, suspended right above our Lanka!!!"

Trijata continues. "Then Sri Rama arrived in a chariot along with Sita drawn by eight white oxen. I can tell you that in my dream I saw Raghava Sri Rama, as magnificent as Bhagavan Vishnu himself! I am now certain that Sri Rama cannot be defeated by gods or demons, just as heaven cannot be attained ever by sinners.

"Now let me tell you something else. Our Ravana- I saw him too! He had a shaven head, wore black clothes, wore a red garland, as he dropped from the Pushpaka vimana. Then he was dragged along the ground by a woman. His body was smeared with oil, and he was intoxicated and incoherent and laughing wildly. Then I saw him seated in a chariot drawn by donkeys! Later I saw Ravana running behind the chariot of donkeys in a southerly direction! Then I saw him almost mad, naked, shouting abuses, and he went and fell straight into a cesspool of filth, and he himself had a terrible stink! Then he disappeared into a dark abyss.

"As the woman dragged Ravana along towards the south, Kumbhakarna and Indrajit and other sons of Ravana all joined him southward, their bodies also smeared in oil. Ravana was now riding a boar, Indrajit, a crocodile and Kumbhakarna, a camel.

" Only Vibhishana was different. He wore white robes, white garlands, and rode a four-tusked elephant and his ministers held a white umbrella over his head as he ascended to the sky northward.

"Lanka was full of soldiers and animals and so on, all hurtling into the ocean. I saw a vanara monkey, a messenger of Sri Rama, come to Lanka and cause mayhem! I saw Lanka burning down to ashes, while the rakshasis were all getting drunk and shouting and dancing."


Trijata speaks sternly, "Look, rakshasis, don't abuse Sita! Sri Rama won't like it one bit! I see that her release is imminent. Apologise to Sita! Look, look at Sita! Her left side- her left eye, her left shoulder, her left thigh, are all horripilating! There is not a sign of anything inauspicious about her. She never deserved to fall into this terrible state from her queenly condition. Her redemption is overdue. I clearly see the destruction of the rakshasa king and the triumph of Sri Rama."


ततः सा ह्रीमती बाला भर्तुर्विजयहर्षिता          ।
अवोचद् यदि तत् तत्थ्यं भवेयं शरणं हि वः।   ॥  

"Then, that delicate, shy, young, queen Sita, gladdened by the thought of her husband's triumph, at once said to the rakshasis, "Indeed, if this comes to pass, fear not! I shall be your protector and take care of you all rakshasis!"


॥         श्रीरामजयम्         ॥ 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Vakmiki Ramayana - October 26

October 26 - Sargas 25 and 26 of Sundara Kanda. 

Sita, beset with extreme sorrow from the rakshasis' words and gestures, being constantly threatened by Ravana, seeing no hope of any kind of her redemption by Sri Rama, wallows in the blackest of black thoughts and decides to end her life.


सा त्वशोकस्य विपुलां शाखामालम्ब्य पुष्पिताम्     ।
चिन्तयामास शोकेन भर्तारं भग्नमानसा                  ॥ 

"Sita leaned on a lush branch of the Ashoka tree full of blossoms, and sorrowfully thought about her husband, with her mind crushed by distress."

Her breasts were drenched in tears, she was shaking like a banana plant being uprooted by a storm, and was threatened by frighteningly ugly rakshasis. Sita was desperate. Her long hair billowed in the wind like a serpent. Sita thought about Sri Rama, Lakshmana, Kausalya, Sumitra.


लोकप्रवादः सत्योऽयं पण्डितैर्समुदाहृतः      ।
अकाले दुर्लभो मृत्युः स्त्रिया वा पुरुषस्य वा  ॥

यत्राहमाभिः क्रूराभी राक्षसीभिरहार्दिता          ।
जीवामि हीना रामेण मुहूर्तमपि दुःखिता       ॥

"Indeed, the wise ones quote a famous saying in this world which is so true. Either woman or man cannot meet with death unless the time has come. Otherwise, how is it possible that I have stayed alive even for an instant after separation from Sri Rama, despite all this torture by these cruel rakshasis?"

Sita says of herself that she is a blighted woman, with no Punya, destitute, and will only meet her final ruin like a boat overloaded and lost in a sea storm.

Sita says, "Oh, how blessed are those who are seeing Sri Rama, with his lotus eyes and his majestic gait like a lion's, and who is full of self-knowledge! I shall die from separation from him like someone who has drunk venom."

"What sins must have I committed in my past life to face this cruel fate?"


Sita is crying. Making loud sounds of sorrow, wallowing on the ground like a mare. She thinks that in her situation away from Sri Rama, nothing that normally attracts a woman, like wealth or ornaments, makes any sense for her. 

"My heart must be made of stone to survive like this."

चरणेनापि सव्येन न स्पृशेयं निशाचरम्     ।
रावणं किं पुनरहं कामयेयं विगर्हितम्        ॥

"When I will not even touch that rakshasa Ravana, even with my left foot, where is the question of my loving that despicable one!?"

"Sri Rama is so wise, kind, and affectionate. That he has turned pitiless towards me now seems certain. He who destroyed fourteen thousand rakshasas single-handedly with so much ease in Janasthana has not come to save me! He can easily kill this Ravana, I know it because he killed that mighty rakshasa Viradha himself to protect me."

"No doubt this Lanka is in the middle of the ocean. But nothing can survive Sri Rama's arrows.  How come Sri Rama has not come yet to my rescue? Alas, that Jataayu who tried hard to save me was injured mortally by Ravana. Would he have informed Sri Rama of what happened?"

"If Sri Rama knew I was held captive here in Lanka, he would dry up the ocean and burn down Lanka and erase the name and fame of this Ravana."

"Very soon, after Sri Rama and Lakshmana come here, Lanka will be destroyed and its women will constantly wail after losing their men in battle. There will be many funeral pyres and vultures will hover overhead looking for the bodies. I can see ill-omens for Lanka."

"Ravana threatens to eat me. I shall die before that. If only someone gives me poison right now!"

"Or perhaps, Sri Rama has died and gone to the world of Siddhas and gods! How lucky they are to see him!"

दृश्यमाने भवेत्प्रीतिः सौहार्दं नास्तयदृश्यतः   ।
नाशयन्ति कृतघ्नास्तु न रामो नाशयिष्यति    ॥

"It is true that love flourishes only when one is in sight. Affection evaporates when one is out of sight. But that applies to the disloyal and ungrateful beings. That is never true in the case of Sri Rama."

"How am I, considered to be a virtuous lady, come to this situation? Has the stock of my Punya diminished so much?"

"Have Sri Rama and Lakshmana become sannyasis?  Blessed indeed are sannyasis who feel no attachment to pleasure or suffering. I salute them!"

"I shall give up my life, and end this confinement by Ravana."


॥           श्रीरामजयम्            ॥ 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 25

October 25 - Sargas 23 and 24 of Sundara Kanda.

Sage Valmiki is in no mood to skip descriptions of Sita's suffering, listening to advice and threats from the rakshasis deployed to deal with her.


The rakshasis crowded around Sita after Ravana left.

"Who do you think Ravana is? He is the son of Vishravas, a worthy son of Pulastya, one of the six prajapatis created as his equal by Brahma himself. You should gladly become Ravana's wife! Do you know he defeated 33 crore devatas easily, including Indra, their king? Ravana has never retreated in a battle. Ravana has defeated nagas, gandharvas, and all other rakshasas. He is willing to forsake a thousand extremely beautiful women in his harem for you! What stupidity prevents you from accepting his hand!?

"Accept Ravana's uncountable riches. Know that the sun shines, scared of him, the wind blows but meekly, fearing Ravana. The trees shower flowers out of fright. Mountain streams and rain clouds obey him. You should take our good advice right now."

मानुषी मानुषस्यैव भार्यात्वं बहुमन्यसे।   ।
प्रत्याहर मनो रामान्न त्वं जातु भविष्यसि ॥

"Oh foolish human, Sita, forget that mere human, Rama, with whom you regard your marriage so highly. Or you will die. Join Ravana and enjoy the three worlds. That miserable Rama is powerless and has lost everything. He means nothing to you now."


Sita, her lotus-like eyes filled with tears, replies:

यदिदं लोकविद्विष्टमुदाहरत सङ्गताः          ।
नैतन्मनसि वाक्यं मे किल्बिषं प्रतितिष्ठति    ॥ 

न मानुषी राक्षसस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हति        ।
कामं खादत मां सर्वा न करिष्यामि वो वचः ॥

"Oh, Rakshasis, these words that you utter together are against the wisdom of the world. They have no appeal at all to my mind and are sinful. A human female cannot ever become the wife of a rakshasa. If you wish, you can all eat me up. But I will never do what you say."

"Whether dethroned or displaced from his kingdom, Sri Rama is my lawful husband. I am devoted to him as Suvarchala to Sun, Shachi to Indra, Arundhati to Vashishtha, Rohini to Moon, Lopamudra to Sage Agasthya, Sukanya to Chyavana, Savitri to Satyavan, Srimati to Kapila Muni, Madayanti to Saudasa, Keshini to Sagara, Damayanti to Nala, king of Nishada. I am ever loyal to Sri Rama, the best among Ikshwakus."


Hanuman crouched in the Shimshupa tree, speechless and deeply stirred by what he had been hearing. Sita was trembling. The rakshasis picked up their axes and followed Sita to a spot below the Shimshupa tree, as she cried copiously. 

Vinata said to Sita, "enough is enough. Forget Rama. Enjoy your remaining life with Ravana. Or we will eat you up right now." Vikata said, "Oh, Maithili, we have tolerated your wicked words so far. But don't push our patience. You have been brought across the ocean here. You are under our guard. Not even Indra can come here to rescue you. Give up these silly tears. Enjoy your youth while it lasts with Ravana. Otherwise, I have a mind to pluck your heart out and eat it right now."
Chandodari, twirling her trident, expressed her desire to eat up this tender and attractive Sita, relishing the thought of her various organs. 

Indeed, why not wring Sita's neck and present her body to Ravana so he will ask them to feast on it?
Or cut up Sita into equal portions, go to Nikhumbila temple, and eat her up happily?

Sita had to suffer all this, crying copiously.


॥           श्रीरामजयम्            ॥ 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 24

October 24 - Sarga 22 of Sundara Kanda.

Ravana threatens Sita with death for her uncomplimentary words. He gives her a 2-month ultimatum after which he plans to eat her for breakfast.

Sita, undaunted, throws several scoldings and curses at Ravana. He leaves the place in a huff.


Ravana does not mince his words.

यथा यथा प्रियं वक्ता परिभूतस्तथा तथा  - "it is strange that more and more a man confesses his love for them, women find a way to humiliate him. Love is blind and makes much allowance for rejection. That is how my anger has been restrained like the horses by a good charioteer."

एतस्मात् कारणान्न त्वां घातयामि वरानने    ।
वधार्हामवमानार्हां मित्था प्रव्रजने रताम्       ॥

द्वाभ्यामूर्ध्वं तु मासाभ्यां भर्तारं मामनिच्छतीम्   ।
मम त्वां प्रातराशार्थे सूदाश्छेत्स्यन्ति खड्गशः  ॥

"Oh Sita, with your lovely face, for these reasons, I have not killed you. You surely deserve death and humiliation for your words and your fake asceticism in rejecting me.

"Now get this into your head. If within the next two months, you do not accept me as your husband, my cooks will be happy to cut you up and serve you for my breakfast."

The women around Ravana, who hailed from families of gods and gandharvas, shed tears as he said this. They silently signalled their sympathies to Sita. 

Sita, undaunted, replied to Ravana:

"Oh, despicable Ravana, it seems no one is around you keen on your welfare as I see no one is preventing you from your blameworthy conduct. Who else in the three worlds would have coveted me, even in thought, when I am devoted to Sri Rama like Shachi to Indra?"

"Wait till you set eyes on Sri Rama. He will squash you like an elephant would a rabbit."

इमे ते नयने क्रूरे विकृते कृष्णपिङ्गले      ।
क्षितौ न पतिते कस्मान्मामनार्य निरीक्षतः ॥

तस्य धर्मात्मनः पत्नीं स्नुषां दशरथस्य च   ।
कथं व्याहरतो मां ते न जिह्वा पाप शिर्यति ॥

असन्देशास्तु रामस्य तपसश्चानुपालनात्     ।
न त्वां कुर्मि दशग्रीव भस्म भ्समार्हतेजसा    ॥

"Oh, scum, these two cruel, distorted, red-brown eyes of yours ought to have dropped off to earth for having set eyes on me.  For having spoken badly to the wife of that great soul and ascetic Sri Rama, daughter-in-law of the great king Dasharatha, your tongue should have dropped off, you sinful one!

"I can reduce you to ashes in an instant by my spiritual power. But having not obtained sanction from Sri Rama, and not wanting to waste my ascetic powers, I am refraining from doing so. Oh, Ravana, don't mistake it for my weakness!"

"Fate must have wished for all this to happen, in order to bring about your end. Otherwise, why would you have come to steal another's wife, instead of facing Sri Rama in a battle, oh, brother of Kubera!?"
Ravana exuded the ultimate rage on hearing these words. Valmiki describes him as imposing and powerful with his adornments and garlands and golden necklaces and a big black rope-like waistband, and looking like Mandara mountain with Vasuki the mighty serpent wrapped around for churning the milk ocean. Valmiki says Ravana looked like the huge wish-fulfilling tree as well as a big structure erected in a crematorial ground. In other words, he was imposing and menacing.


Ravana says he can extinguish Sita like the sun dispels darkness at dawn. He turns to his demonesses who are guarding Sita. Valmiki again recounts their horrific, ugly appearances. Ravana tells them,

"Do what you need to do, use any trick in the book, and either by cajoling or hurting her, make Sita come to me." 


Thi Ravana's threatening Sita and commanding the demonesses went on for some time.

Then one of Ravana's queens, Dhanyamalini, came, and embracing him, said, "why desire this trivial human, oh Lord, come, sport with me! Apparently, Brahma has not granted Sita the pleasures of your company."

Laughing at this, Ravana strode off, with his huge retinue.


॥       श्रीरामजयम्        ॥ 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 23

October 23 - Sarga 21 of Sundara Kanda.

As Hanuman watches, hiding in the tree, Sita gives a most marvellous reply to Ravana's overtures.


What would be a one-line summary of the great epic, Ramayana? Valmiki himself supplies the answer, at the very beginning of his teaching it to the princes Kusha and Lava:

काव्यं रामायणं कृत्स्नं सितायाश्चरितं महत्     ।
पौलस्त्यवधमित्येवं चकार चरितव्रतः            ॥

"The accomplished sage Valmiki taught this poem, Ramayana, in its entirety, being the glorious story of the great queen Sita, and the destruction of the rakshasa Ravana (son of Pulastya)."

Valmiki chooses to mention Sita's greatness and Ravana's death. Nothing is said about Sri Rama here! 

We can begin to understand Sita's greatness as we read how she replies to Ravana, with his "irresistible" offer of unimaginable pleasure and comfort in his arms.


The diminutive, weak, and physically threatened Sita, looking to all intents and purposes totally helpless, gave to the king Ravana presenting himself in all his might and glory,  a reply that would inspire any oppressed woman for all time, to draw deep into her inner purity and strength. 

तृणमन्तरतः कृत्वा प्रत्युवाच शुचिस्मिता 
"Sita, with a gentle smile, placed a blade of grass between herself and Ravana and spoke."

निवर्तय मनो मत्तः स्वजने प्रीयतां मनः  "Ravana, give up this obsession with me and go and woo your own women."

न मां प्रार्थयितुं युक्तस्त्वं सिद्धिमिव पापकृत् "It is foolish to present your wicked deed and intention couched as a noble offer of affection towards me."

Sita made it clear that she was married to one in a sacred bond of fidelity. 

कुलं सम्प्राप्तया पुण्यं कुले महति जातया  "It is my great Punya to be born in such a great family, and married into such a glorious family too."

Sita turned her back on Ravana and continued, "how can I, a pure and faithful woman already married to another, be ever a likely bride for you?"

यथा तव तथान्येषां रक्ष्या दारा निशाचर  ।
आत्मानमुपमां कृत्वा स्वेषु दारेषु रम्यताम्  ॥

"Oh Rakshasa, do not your own women deserve protection from another's molestation? How can that rule not be extended to other women? Understand this simple truth, as it applies to you and your wives. Go back to them and enjoy their company."

अतुष्टं स्वेषु दारेषु चपलं चपलेन्द्रियम्  ।
नयन्ति निकृतिप्रज्ञं परदाराः पराभवम्   ॥

"If a man is unsatisfied with his own wives, and lusts after others' wives, he is simply coveting disaster. Those other women will only lead such an evil man to his ruin."


Sita says that it is astonishing that there are no good counsellors and wise men to advise Ravana on what is right and what is wrong. Or perhaps he is so hell-bent on evil and self-destruction that he sets aside all good advice. He will surely drive his entire kingdom to annihilation by his wrong acts. There are enough instances of even great cities and kingdoms ruined by such evil rulers. Lanka with its fabulous riches is headed that way, thanks to Ravana.

Sita says, "One thing is for sure. Many, many people will celebrate your destruction, Ravana, and breathe a sigh of great relief, soon."

शक्या लोभयितुं नाहमैश्वर्येण धनेन वा    ।
अनन्या राघवेणाहं भास्करेण यथा प्रभा   ॥

"Ravana, it should be by now clear to you that I cannot be tempted by wealth or prosperity and comfort. I can never be with anyone other than Raghava Sri Rama,  just as the radiance of the sun cannot leave the sun."

Sita states how she has laid her head on the shoulder of Sri Rama, who has led a life of great Brahmacharya as a youth and has realized the truth of Vedas. 

साधु रावण रामेण मां समानय दःखिताम्      "Ravana, your best course is to take me back and reunite me with Sri Rama. I am distressed like a she-elephant separated from the male tusker (she-elephants have legendary fidelity).

विदितः सर्वधर्मज्ञः शरणागतवत्सलः   ।
तेन मैत्री भवतु ते यदि जीवितुमिच्छसि  ॥

"Ravana, if you wish to live at all, your only recourse is to go and surrender to Sri Rama, full of compassion for those who come in surrender. He is self-realized and knows all Dharmas (including  punishing the wicked and forgiving the truly contrite!)."

"Ravana, become aware of what is right. Surrender to Sri Rama, return me to him, and save your life."

"One may escape the strike of Indra's vajra, or Yama's noose. But not Sri Rama's infallible arrows. They are like Garuda to the serpents. Sri Rama is like Vishnu who measured the world in three strides. "

Does not Ravana remember how he could do nothing to save Khara and his large army from annihilation from Sri Rama's arrows? 

"Sri Rama and Lakshmana will come here very soon. Ravana, you were a coward who abducted me when they were away. Ravana, if you had smelt their presence, you would have behaved like a dog when smelling the close presence of a tiger. "

Sri Rama's arrows will extinguish Ravana's life like the burning sun dries up a puddle. Ravana cannot hope to hide either in the depths of the ocean or in Kubera's mount Kailasa and save himself from sure destruction from Sri Rama's arrows.


॥         श्रीरामजयम्         ॥ 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 22

October 22 - Sarga 20 of Sundara Kanda. 

Ravana tempts Sita to accept him and enjoy riches and comforts unimaginable, and to forget Sri Rama who is languishing in the forest as a pauper and has no chance of ever setting eyes on Sita again.


Ok, here is the deal. Sri Rama was in the forest on order from his father and was somehow eking out a life with Sita and Lakshmana. Poor Sita was easily abducted by Ravana about 8 months ago and taken to his impregnable island kingdom Lanka. She has been languishing there all this while and there is just no sign or even any hope of Sri Rama's coming ever to rescue her.

And here is Ravana, the supreme rakshasa that the whole world reels in fear of, gods and demons included. He has the richest and most prosperous kingdom ever imaginable. He wants Sita to be his wife and share in all the worldly physical pleasures imaginable. A simple situation indeed.

Ravana says as much in his well-chosen words. 

मां दृष्ट्वा नागनासोरु गूहमाना स्तनोदरम्     ।
अदर्शनमिवात्मानं भयान्नेतुं त्वमिच्छसि     ॥

कामये त्वां विशालाक्षि बहुमन्यस्व मां प्रिये  ।
सर्वाङ्गगुणसम्पन्ने सर्वलोकमनोहरे              ॥

नेह केचिन्मनुष्या वा राक्षसाः कामरूपिणः     ।
व्यपसर्पतु ते सीते भयं मत्तः समुत्थितम्        ॥  

स्वधर्मो रक्षसां भीरु सर्वथैव न संशयः           ।
गमनं वा परस्त्रीणां हरणं सम्प्रमथ्य वा          ॥

एवं चैतदकामां तु न त्वां स्प्रक्ष्यामि मैथिलि    ।
कामं कामः शरीरे मे यथाकामं प्रवर्तताम्        ॥ 

"Oh, Sita,  why do you hide your lovely thighs that resemble elephant trunks, and your lovely middle and breasts, as if you are afraid of showing yourself to me?

"Look, oh, large-eyed beauty! I crave for you. Please oblige me! You are beautiful in every aspect, and your beauty steals the mind of this whole world.

"I think you know this - no humans or even rakshasas (who can take any form at will) can ever hope to come here and rescue you from me, and remove your fear of me.

"Indeed, without any doubt, it is the right (and permitted conduct) of rakshasas to go and take other men's women for their pleasure, to abduct them by force.  You should know this, oh timid lady!

"And yet, against your wishes, I shall not force myself on you, oh Maithili! Even though an extreme, passionate, desire for you burns in me."

Ravana goes on to denounce Sita's choice of remaining poorly dressed and uncomfortable without food and drink. She can have the best of garlands, ornaments, perfumed baths, divine clothes, drinks, food, superluxurious beds and seats, entertainment from the best of musical instruments, all at her beck and call. Youth is fickle. Sita should not waste it like this, as it will soon pass like a flowing river and not come back.

Ravana becomes poetic. Brahma must surely have retired after creating such a beauty as Sita. With her extraordinary beauty and exuberant youth, no man would ever be able to resist her, not even Brahma! Ravana goes on to describe every part of Sita's body and its beauty. 

All the gems and jewels Ravana has plundered in the world will be hers. She will reign like Goddess Lakshmi, and all of Ravana's queens and other women will serve her like apsaras.

Ravana is the epitome of virility and prowess and no one can match him. He has pulverized all his adversaries always. Sita should become his queen and command Ravana. He will do anything she will ask of him.


What about Sri Rama?

"And by the way, that Rama,  he gave up his kingdom for an ascetic life in the forest. He sleeps on the bare ground. Whatever can he offer you, Sita!? In fact, I doubt that he is alive still. 

"Rama has as much chance of seeing Sita as the cranes flying in the sky have hope of catching a sight of the moon heavily covered by clouds."

"Rama has as much chance of retrieving you, Sita, from me, as Indra had of getting heaven back from Hiranyakashipu after Indta was routed!" (Freudian - what about Narasimha!?) 

न रामस्तपसा देवि न बलेन न विक्रमैः     ।
न धनेन मया तुल्यस्तेजसा यशसापि वा   ॥

"Oh, dear Sita, that Rama is just not comparable to me either in penance, or physical strength, or conquests in war, or in wealth, or in virility and prowess, or in fame. "

पिब विहर रमस्व मयि लल - "Oh Sita, come, drink, rejoice, and roam in joy, enjoy with me, and all the world will be your pleasure dome!"


॥               श्रीरामजयम्               ॥ 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 21

October 21 - Sargas 18 and 19 of Sundara Kanda.

Ravana comes to see Sita. Hanuman sees them and describes the stark contrast between them to himself.


The night is drawing to a close. Hanuman, hidden in the tree, hears the chant of Vedic hymns by Brahmin-rakshasas. By incantations and musical praises, Ravana is being woken up.

विबुद्ध्य तु माहाभागो राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्     ।
स्रस्तमाल्याम्बरधरो वैदेहीमन्वचिन्तयत्          ॥

"The great Ravana, king of rakshasas and full of power,  woke up with his clothes and garlands in disarray from sleep and last night's intoxicated exertions. The very first thought that came to his passionate mind was of Sita, Vaidehi.

"Besotted with lust for Sita, Ravana dressed himself up grandly in quick time. He proceeded in an impressive procession to meet Sita in Ashoka Vana."

The bewitching spectacle of the royal path and the entrance and environs of Ashoka Vana are already familiar to us. 

अङ्गनाशतमात्रं तु तं व्रजन्तमनुव्रजत्       A hundred or more royal women accompanied Ravana. Valmiki describes how they carried fans, golden lamps, pots of liquor and water, and the royal umbrella white with a golden handle that looked like a swan. Valmiki says those beautiful women and their paraphernalia shone like lightning against the dark cloud-like appearance of Ravana. Needless to say, many women were also in disarray, intoxicated, and unable to fix themselves quickly before joining Ravana. But it didn't seem important to Ravana, with his passions stirred and mind fixated on Sita. 

मथितामृतफेनाभमरजोवस्त्रमुत्तमम्       ।
सलीलमनुकर्षन्तं विमुक्तं सक्तमङ्गदे    ॥

"Ravana pulled up and adjusted the splendid white upper cloth which looked like foamy Amruta, as it slipped from his shoulder a bit." We can easily relate to this image as we have seen celluloid heroes adjust their clothes as they arrive on the red carpet, alighting from stretch limos at Cannes.

रावणोऽयं महाबाहुरिति संचिन्त्य वानरः      ।
सोऽयमेव पुरा शेते पुरमध्ये गृहोत्तमे           ।
अवप्लुतो महातेजा हनूमान् मारुतात्मजः     ॥ 

""Of course, this is Ravana, the same person I saw sleeping in his glorious central palace inside the city before. " Thus thinking, the radiant son of the Wind-god, Hanuman, descended in the Shimshupa tree to a lower branch to get a closer look at the rakshasa king. "


Valmiki now describes Sita, the object of Ravana's attentions. 

On seeing Ravana arrive, Sita, seated on the bare ground, shook like a banana plant in a stormy wind. Obviously, this seems to have been his routine. 

आच्छाद्योदरमूरुभ्यां बाहुभ्यां च पयोधरौ  ।
उपविष्टा विशालाक्षी रुदन्ती वरवर्णिनी   ॥

समीपं राजसिंहस्य रामस्य विदितात्मनः   ।
संकल्पहयसंयुक्तैर्यान्तीमिव मनोरथैः      ॥

"There huddled Sita, with her knees and hunched legs enclosing her middle, her arms clasped around her breasts, in a wretched state of extreme distress, a strange picture as she was large-eyed and divinely beautiful too. 

"Her persona, going beyond her body, was transported by her train of thought which was like a set of well-trained horses commanded well by the charioteer, to where Sri Rama, the man of self-realization, and her lord and master, and the lion among kings, was."

Valmiki gives a number of comparisons to describe the physical situation of Sita, contrasting it with her mental state. Emaciated by much fasting, dull and soiled in body, looking like a star or moon engulfed in an eclipse, like a fallen tree branch, a coiled serpent. She was born in high family and had an impeccable royal personality, and yet, here she was like a fallen female undergoing purgatorial punishment. She was heaving and sighing like a female royal elephant forcibly separated from her lord tusker and bound to a pillar.

We shall read next how Ravana cajoles and then threatens Sita with sure death if she does not bow to his carnal desires.


॥        श्रीरामजयम्         ॥ 

Vedanta as I understand it

I began to study Vedanta when I was 17 years, through Sri Ramakrishna Vivekananda literature. Before that I had read Ramayana and Mahabharata and heard many devotional discourses.

Through the years, more Vedanta lectures, books. Osho. Chinmayananda. Ishwar Puri. And most importantly Srimad Bhagavadgita - many many books and lectures. 

Here is my status update. This diagram lays out the gamut of human experience and consciousness as laid out in Vedanta according to me. It is 100% aligned to Srimad Bhagavadgita. 

The lines connecting all the elements are called Leela. The entire experience is a play of consciousness.

Ishwara is central to it. He is the supreme, all-encompassing, ultimate, dynamic, creative, intelligence. He is the creator-sustainer-dissolver of Leela and all elements.

Sacchidananda is also called Brahman or, by some, Parabrahman. It is Ishwara without his creative dynamism. It is all Truth, all Knowledge, all Bliss.

Jeeva is the combination of Brahman and Prakriti. He is me. And you. 

Prakriti is the gamut of human experience which is the changing reality. It is also the raw material of matter and energy. 

Purushartha is Jeeva's pursuit through free will of Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha. 

Jeeva needs a Guru to channel his endeavours into Sadhana. Guru is in flesh and blood. He is a Jeeva who has connected with Ishwara. 

Sadhana leads to Darshana. Ishwara manifests in our chosen form and gives us the taste of bliss, intuition, beauty, and love. Without Darshana, it is all made up in the mind (=Prakriti) and has no "real" substance. 

Darshana is grace. Through grace one acquires the qualities of Jnana and Bhakti. They are two sides of the same coin. 

Jnana Bhakti makes Jeeva attain Moksha which is another way of saying becoming Sacchidananda. 

Jeeva cannot ever become Ishwara. Who says so? The Brahma Sutra itself. But becoming Sacchidananda is not a bad thing!

Remember, this is all Ishwara Leela! 

हरिः ॐ तत् सत् 


The sutra where it is clearly stated that Ishwara is supreme and paramount is given below. The original Sanskrit Bhashya is available at IITK supersite also shown here. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Valmiki Ramayana - October 20

October 20 - Sargas 16 and 17 of Sundara Kanda.

Hanuman muses over the fate of a blemishless woman such as Sita. Then Valmiki describes all the rakshasis deployed around her.


प्रशस्य तु प्रशस्तव्यां सीतां तां हरिपुङ्गवः     । 
गुणाभिरामं रामं च पुनश्चिन्तापरोऽभवत्      ॥

मान्या गुरुविनीतस्य लक्ष्मणस्य गुरुप्रिया       ।
यदि सीता हि दुःखार्ता कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः  ॥

"Hanuman, supreme among vanaras,  praised in his mind the most laudable Sita. He also recalled the wonderful character of Sri Rama, and fell into a deep reverie."

Hanuman said to himself, " If a lady, regarded so highly by the ever-devoted Lakshmana, the dear wife of his esteemed elder brother, even such a lady as Sita, is now undergoing this indescribable hardship; indeed it shows how Fate seems to be unavoidable in its cruelty."

रामस्य व्यवसायज्ञा लक्ष्मणस्य च धीमतः    ।
नात्यर्थं क्षुभ्यते देवी गङ्गेव जलदागमे           ॥

"It is remarkable how Sita is surviving this adversity. It only shows how confident she is of the prowess of her lord, Sri Rama, and also of the great Lakshmana. She seems to be unflappable just as the mighty Ganga flows  undisturbed even when deluges of water are portended by immense, dark, clouds overhead."

Hanuman muses how Sri Rama and Sita are made for each other in their glory. He recalls how Sri Rama killed Kabandha, Ravana's equal in terror, the redoubtable Vali, and Viradha, who was no less than any other rakshasa. Sri Rama, endowed with self-knowledge,  also killed Khara, Dushana, Trishiras. All this was tied to Sita's presence by the side of Sri Rama.

Thanks to Sita I(i.e. occasioned by her abduction), Sri Rama forged the friendship with Sugriva and gave him the kingdom after killing Vali. Thanks to Sita, Hanuman had crossed the ocean in a giant leap and entered the impregnable Lanka. Looking at these incredible events and acts of Sri Rama, Hanuman is not surprised that the most wonderful lady Sita inspired so many events. Indeed Sri Rama may even turn the world upside down for her. Hanuman says even winning the lordship over the three worlds (Svarga, Patala, Bhuloka) would be only one-sixteenth in value in comparison ( सीताया नाप्नु्यात्कलाम् )!

Hanuman recalls the story of the divine appearance of Sita as an infant when King Janaka, the celebrated royal sage, was ceremonially tilling his paddy field. She was at the moment of her birth worshipped with pollen from the paddy crop and the sacred earth. She grew up to be won magnificently by Sri Rama who lifted the Shiva bow. Thus she became the eldest daughter-in-law of the unconquerable King Dasharatha who ruled the immense kingdom of Ayodhya. Out of her boundless love and dedication to Sri Rama, Sita relinquished all royal luxuries and security to accompany him to the forest in his banishment. This lady of divine beauty and royal lineage chose to live on humble roots and fruit and withstood the forest life smilingly by the side of Sri Rama. And now this is her fate!?!

That Sita is not moved by her predicament and her torture by the rakshasis only shows her deep devotion. Indeed, Hanuman muses, भर्ता नाम परं नार्या भूषणं भूषणादपि, a worthy husband's company far excels the best of ornaments a lady may wear.

अस्या हि पुष्पावनताग्रशाखाः शोकं दृढं वै जनयन्त्यशोकाः  ।
हिमव्यपायेन च शीतरश्मिरभ्युत्थितो नैकसहस्ररश्मिः          ॥

"What an irony it is that these glorious Ashoka trees laden with flowers and bending down, and the cool rays of the splendid moon risen in spring, only deepen Sita's sorrow at her separation from Sri Rama!"


After firming up his mind that this lady sitting forlorn under the tree is indeed Sita, Hanuman took a look at all the rakshasis surrounding her.

In the light of the brilliant moon just risen, Sita's face shone like the full-moon. But she looked burdened with sorrow like an overladen ship! (Today is Valmiki Jayanti! 🙏🙏🙏)

The rakshasis indeed had terrible appearances. One-eyed, one-eared, ears like those of asses and horses and elephants, nose but a mere hole in one rakshasi's head, one rakshasi with hair as thick and large as a blanket, long faces, drooping chests and stomachs and all, pygmies and dwarfs, some hooved like cows and asses and horses, some with pig faces, and so on. Enough work for a large 3D animation studio to illustrate.

नमस्कृत्वा च रामाय लक्ष्मणाय च वीर्यवान्      ।
सीतादर्शनसंहृष्टो हनुमान् संवृतोऽभवत्           ॥

"The valiant Hanuman silently prayed to Sri Rama and Lakshmana, and felt extremely glad that he had obtained the sight of the divine Sita, as he covered himself tightly with leaves while hiding in the Shimshupa tree. "


॥          श्रीरामजयम्          ॥